Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1359: seal! (I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival)

"Hypergravity space?"

The Japanese mirror murmured to himself while clenching his fists.

He is not unaffected by hypergravity, and like everyone else present, he has not escaped this horrible hypergravity envelope, but his'blood following the snare' realm and his strong adaptability , So that he instantly resisted the influence of the hypergravity environment on his body, and quickly adapted.

So, when everyone else is lying on the ground, he can stand still and calm.

In fact, this ability to control one's own body is not difficult for ‘blood following the snare’.

Of course, this is only the standard of the heliostat, after all, it is also a'blood following snare' in the distance, and the big tube Muhui Ye, who is the master of this space, was affected by hypergravity, and he was lying in embarrassment with everyone Off the ground.

At this time, Hei Juji hiding in the sleeve of Datong Muhuiye shouted: "Mother, kill them!"

Datong Muhuiye said: "I need their Chakra!"

Obviously, Otaki Muhuiye is still thinking about recycling Naruto and Chakra on Sasuke, so when he started before, he didn't go directly to the killer as soon as he came up!

Hei Jue suddenly became anxious: "The heliostat on the opposite side is the real strong enemy. If you don't solve these two ghosts quickly, you might be sealed by them again!"

Upon hearing the word "seal", Datong Muhuiye flashed a grudge in his eyes.

The last thing she regretted was that she gave her two chakras to her two sons, and then they were sealed by their sons for thousands of years.

To clean up the shadow avatars with ‘Eighty Gods Air Strike’, this seems wasteful and stupid to others, but for Datong Muhuiye in the heyday, this is a casual blow.

In the heyday, she will not be affected when entering the hypergravity space. This has nothing to do with adaptability. The sheer size of Chakra can make her ignore all environmental influences.

Therefore, the current downfall made her miss her heyday, and the more she missed it, the more she resented her sons.

Hei Jue anxiously urged: "Mother, don't hesitate, get started!"

Suddenly, Datong Muhui looked cold at night, and a terrifying murderous intention appeared!

The nearest Naruto, Sasuke immediately felt the terrible killing intention emanating from the big barrel of Muhui Ye, but their bodies were still under the influence of supergravity and could not move at all for a while.

At this time, Dahui Muhui slowly stood up, spread her palms, and pointed at Naruto, Sasuke.

At the same time, a lot of bone blades protruded from her back, and a slender bone blade protruded from the palms of both palms, aiming at Naruto and Sasuke.

"this is...?!"

Seeing the bone blade protruding from the palm of Ouki Muhuiye, Naruto and Sasuke were startled, and immediately recognized that this was the kind of horrible bone blade that solved the Uchiha spot "Wan Tomb Doppelganger" recently.

Several Kakashi who were also lying on the ground in the distance also saw this, and their faces were startled.


There is no unnecessary nonsense, even if the big tube Muhui Ye abandons Naruto, Sasuke's Chakra doesn't want to, and he resolutely shoots two bone blades in his palm!


Seeing the bone blade flying, Naruto, Sasuke suddenly panicked.

At this moment, Naruto and Sasuke each appeared a space door behind them. Then, two arms extended from the space door and dragged them into the space door together, hiding in danger. Opened the bone blade of Datong Muhui's night shot.

Rescue the unsettled Naruto with "Yellow Spring Biliangsaka". After Sasuke, Nissumi Mirror said slowly: "The next battle is too dangerous, you can withdraw!"


"Master Naruto!"

Seeing the heliostat around him, Naruto and Sasuke took a long sigh of relief. If the Japanese mirror tried to save each other, the two of them had already died under the bone blade of Datong Muhuiye just now.

At this time, the heliostat, which had been fully adapted to the supergravity environment, slowly walked towards Datong Muhuiye.

Even if Datong Muhuiye doesn't have any fighting skills, she is after all a ‘blood following snare’. She really moved her heart to solve Naruto. Sasuke’s “six-level” half-hanger is a breeze.

It can be said that until now, the reason why Otaki Muhuiye has performed abnormally is that she has been deflated repeatedly in Naruto and Sasuke. It is because she has not adapted to the current downturn and is still used to fighting in the heyday style.

Yes, it is still ‘blood following the snare’ today, and the big tube Muhui Ye, whose chakra intensity is even above the heliostat, is just the time when she was most depressed.

Watching the sun mirror slowly approaching, somehow, Hei Ju hiding in the sleeve of the big tube Muhui Ye felt a panic.

But Datong Muhuiye still didn't have much waves in his eyes. It seemed that he didn't put the heliostat in his eyes too much, and raised a hand and shot a bone blade towards the heliostat.

With a blank expression on the face, Hiroshi waved the bone blade protruding from his palm, striking away the bone blade from the night shot of Datong Muhui, and then said, "There is no reason for us to fight!"

Staring at the bone blade protruding from the palm of the sun, Dahui Muhui night asked, "Are you descended from Yucun?"


The heliostat slightly nodded.

Datong Muhuiye's expression suddenly became abrupt: "Return your Chakra to me!"

With that said, Datong Muhuiye fully launched the "Total Killing of Grey Bone" and shot a dozen bone blades towards the sun mirror!


The heliostat sighed softly, and immediately flew up. At the same time, the nine'Qiu Daoyu' behind him instantly gathered in his palm, and then turned into a dazzling golden sword!


In an instant, the two sides staggered!

The body of the heliostat was stabbed with several bone blades, while the waist of the big tube Muhuiye was cut a huge gap by the golden sword of the heliostat.

Wow la la...

Before everyone could react, Shio swelled out of the gap in the waist of Dahui Muhui Ye!

Datong Muhuiye was taken I just wanted to activate the "eye of the moon" at the heart of the eyebrow to control the ten tails, but at this time, the "eye of the moon" at the heart of the Japanese mirror was also launched. Disturbed the night of Datong Muhui.

So, in a blink of an eye, Shio got rid of Dahui Muhuiye's body and fled with a roar.

Even if the ten tails are lost, the realm of Datong Muhuiye has not fallen. It is only in the strength of Chakra that he has obviously inferior to the heliostat.

Without hesitation, the Japanese mirror turned around and took a fist towards Dahui Muhui Yemeng, screaming, "Earth bursts!"

Suddenly, Datong Muhui's expression looked sluggish, and a trace of panic flashed through her unshocked face, while Heijue hiding in her sleeves was shocked and completely panicked.

Looking at the big tube Muhui Ye which was gradually engulfed by gravel, the Japanese mirror said lightly: "Come calm down in the seal!"


Secondly, I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Seeking recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today.

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