Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1361: I lost!

Just now, he was arrogantly mad, roaring up in the sky, ten tails of terror chakra broke out, was slightly glared by the day mirror, and immediately docilely squatted aside like a pet dog, the one on his head The scarlet'Eye of the Moon' has also carefully peeked at the heliostat from time to time, completely writing the word'fear' on his face.


Naruto, who is ready for the war, is speechless.

Kakashi, the second and fourth generations, shook their heads and laughed, and now they finally understand where the legend about the ten-tailed psychic beast in the mythology comes from.

Obviously, when the strength reaches a certain level, it can destroy the world, and it symbolizes the ten tails of ‘catastrophe’ itself, which is just a bigger pet.

After being troubled by Shiao, Ri Xiangjing withdrew his previously divergent thoughts and wondered how to deal with the monster.

There is no doubt that Shio is a weapon developed by the Datongmu clan.

In the form of the **** tree, its role is to absorb the energy of the planet and condense the fruit of Chakra, while in the form of ten tails, it is a chakra battery and a weapon of war!

It can be said that Shio itself is the crystallization of Datongmu family technology, at least thousands of years ago.

"Now that they are all merged, there is no need to divide it again..."

After secretly speaking, the heliostat walked to Shimo's side, reached out and pressed Shimo's body, and then slammed outward to pull Uchiha spot out of it.


The unconscious Uchiha spot fell to the ground.

Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, the second and fourth generations of people came over at this time, looking at the unconscious Uchiha spot on the ground, all of them showed a surprised look.

At this time, the Uchiha spot had long lost the momentum of the ten-tailed princes, and the breath was weak like a dying old man.

The second generation of Huo Ying said: "He looks like he is going to die?"

Japanese Mirror nodded: "Well, it's not saved."

The situation of Uchiha spot is more special than that of soil, which was stripped of ten tails, and he was invaded by the big tube Muhui Yechakra as a ‘blood-snatching’

In other words, the Uchiha spot has been assimilated by Datong Muhuiye, and Chakra, who is the root, has been contaminated. In this case, even the heliostat cannot save him.

Of course, he didn't need to spend time and effort to save him.

Looking at the ruined Uchiha spot, the second generation of Huo Ying sighed and sighed, "It's ironic that a person as proud as him has fallen to this ending!"

Fooling everyone with fake death, the remote control Xiao organization set off the Uchiha spot of the ninja world war, and finally turned out to be someone else's pawn, and fell to this end, indeed very ironic.

Kakashi stared at Ten Tail and asked the Japanese mirror: "Mirror, what are you going to do with it?"

Naruto quickly looked to the Japanese mirror and asked, "Teacher and teacher, Nine Lama was swallowed by this monster. You must help me rescue it!"


The heliostat nodded gently.

Separating a part of Nine-Tail Chakra from Ten-Tail's body is not difficult for today's Japanese mirror.

Kakashi reminded in a low voice: "If you take Ten Tail back to the ninja world, other ninja villages might ask us for the tail beast."

Ri Xiangjing smiled: "I know what to do."

In fact, with the strength of the current Japanese mirror, he doesn’t need to care about other Ninja Village’s ideas at all. As long as he wants, he can even imitate Datong Muhuiye’s “Infinite Moon Reading” to gather all the Chakras in Ninja to himself. .

At this moment, Kakashi stopped talking, opened his mouth several times, but swallowed back the words that came to his mouth again.

Seeing this, the fourth generation of Naruto replaced Kakashi and asked, "Five generations, what are you going to do with the soil?"

Kakashi immediately looked nervously at the heliostat.

The Japanese mirror didn't answer immediately, but walked slowly to the earth lying in the distance, and everyone followed.

When he saw the Japanese mirror came to himself, he laughed with laughter: "Everything I fought for is actually just a lie. Mirror, you are not wrong, I am really a fool!"

After learning the true use of'Infinite Moon Reading', the soil collapsed.

All of his efforts are just lies that others have constructed in the end, which not only makes everything he has done in the past ten years seem ridiculous, but also makes his rough life full of sorrow.

Kakashi's expression is complex: "With soil..."

Bringing soil to look at Kakashi and the fourth generation of Naruto: "Kakashi, teacher, sorry!"

Hearing the ‘sorry’ with soil, Kakashi shuddered suddenly, his memories of the past flooded his mind, and he couldn’t help but ask the Japanese mirror: “Can the mirror save him?”

He Xiangjing said calmly: "I want to ask him if he still wants to live!"

The soil where the faith has collapsed shook his head and rejected Kakashi's good intentions: "Kakashi, let me use death as the atonement in the past!"

Kakashi was speechless.

Taking the soil is one of the masterminds of the Fourth Ninja World War. Even if it is not the victims of other ninja villages, Muye Ninja alone, there are countless people who died in the hands of the taking soil.

So even disregarding the attitudes of other ninja villages, Kakashi who wanted to save the soil could not explain to Muye.

And while Kakashi was silent, the four generations of Huo Ying smiled: "There are many ways to abandon the atonement, and death is the easiest of them!"

With a look of soil stagnation.

The fourth generation then asked: "Are you going to escape again?"

Kakashi said quickly: "You have committed many crimes and only died once. It's too cheap for you!"

Speechless with a sense of Tuton: "I..."

Kakashi said to the mirror again: "Mirror, save I will bear all the responsibilities!"

"Can you carry this kind of thing?" He smiled and patted Kakashi's shoulder on the face of the mirror: "Let me take this pot, anyway, no one dares to trouble me now."

After all, the Japanese mirror told Kakashi to put the body with the soil in two pieces together, and then conveyed a body of ‘Senro Vientiane Force’ to rebuild the body.

As for the current Japanese mirror, it is not difficult to resurrect a person, let alone save a person.

The living earth has other uses for heliostats.

After all, the guy with the soil who recognizes death as a rule, once controlled, is a useful tool. Atonement, working for Naruto is also part of the atonement.

With soil at this time, he extended his arms towards the mirror towards the sun, and made a gesture of "the mark of reconciliation": "I lost."


The second is even more. At the end of the month, students who still have monthly tickets in their hands, please support! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today.

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