Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1371: propose!

After gently touching the two small horns that protrude from the lens, Ri Xiangling asked carefully: "Does it hurt?"

"how could be!"

The Japanese mirror smiled and shook his head.

Ri Xiangling squeezed boldly again, with a look of interest: "Why do you have long horns?"

"It's complicated to explain..." He paused, and said to the mirror: "Simply put, the blood power hidden in my genetic sequence was thoroughly excavated when I achieved the "Blood Following Snake" Came out, so this pair of little horns grew."

The long horn on the forehead is the dominant characteristic of the big tube wood family.

Datong Muhuiye, Datongmu Yuyi, Datongmu Yucun, and Uchiha Spot who became the pillar force of the ten-tailed man, without exception, Uchiha belt soil has such characteristics.

In comparison, the angle on the forehead of the heliostat is already small.

This is not to say that his strength is not as good as other big woods, but that the way he gains strength is the orthodox Chakra fusion of nature, without the help of Chakra fruit, Ten Tails, etc., and the dependence on the bloodline. Therefore, his dominant feature is not as obvious as the Uchiha spot in the state of the ten-tailed column force.

Except for the two small horns protruding from his forehead, his appearance, skin color, etc., did not alienate too much.

"So cute!"

Nisshin Ling touched the little horn on the Nisshin lens, while foolishly playing.

Looking at the bright eyes of Rixiangling, Rixiangjing was speechless: "I'm not a pet, don't stare at me like this!"

Suddenly thought of something, Rixiangling asked, "I heard that "Liu Dao Xian Ren" also has two small horns on his head. Is this the characteristic of a fairy?"

The Japanese mirror replied casually: "Almost, but there are exceptions."

The ability to grow a horn on the forehead shows that the blood vessel of the big tube in the body is very rich. This kind of people are almost all'six-level', and the big tube like the big tube man is only when the reincarnation chakra is opened. After the pattern, a horn will grow on the forehead. Under normal conditions, there is no horn on the forehead.

Therefore, it is reasonable to say that long horns are the characteristics of immortals.

However, there are exceptions to everything. At that time, the brothers of Yunyin Golden Horn and Silver Horn, who killed the second generation of Naruto, had horns on their foreheads, but they did not have the strength of the "six levels".

At this time, Rixiangling touched the eyebrow of heliostat again: "I heard that you still have an eye on your eyebrow, why is it gone?"


With a slight chuckle, Nisshin Mirror opened the eyebrow of the'eye of the moon'.

Suddenly, a vertical slit appeared in the center of his eyebrow, and then, the scarlet gleaming'eye of the moon', which was gleaming with a magical light, appeared in front of Rixiangling.


Rixiangling was startled and quickly withdrew his hand.

The heliostat said softly: "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you."

Rixiangling avoided the sight of'Moon Eye'. Although she knew that the'moon eye' at the heart of Rihiko's eyebrows wouldn't hurt her, but for some reason, she couldn't help herself when facing the'moon eye' Felt a panic.

When he saw the mirror, he closed the'eye of the moon' immediately.

After a while, Rixiangling slowed down and whispered: "Mirror, I still can't believe you have become a fairy. I have heard that you died once before..."

Rixiangjing smiled and said, "That's all planned."

Nisshin looked at the heliostat: "Mirror, you don’t tell me anything, is it because I am a burden?"

"Of course not!" He touched the head of Nisshin Ling, and Nisshin Jing comforted: "My plan is too dangerous and too crazy, so I must hide from everyone before I succeed, not tell you, just afraid that you are worried."

"Then do you have anything to tell me now?"

Rixiangling's eyes were full of expectation.

Nikko Mirror smiled deliberately, took a deep breath, and solemnly said: "Ling, marry me!"

Rixiangling happily threw himself up, embracing with Rixiangjing, and said excitedly: "Mirror, our children will also have long horns and be fairies!"

The Japanese mirror froze for a moment: "Uh, this is not good!"

After reaching the level of ‘blood following the snare’, the control of Chakra by the Japanese mirror has reached the point where he wants. Whether or not to give Chakra to the descendants, the amount of gifts can be regulated.

When he thought of Datong Muyu, the brothers of Datong Muyu rebelled against the human tragedy of Datong Muhuiye, he was guilty.

Although he stands on the stand of Ninja, he supports the rebellion of the brothers, because if there is no big tube Muyu, the rebellion of Big Tube Muyu Village, what the current Ninja is like cannot be imagined, and may even have been drawn by Big Tube Muhui at night Dried out natural energy and turned into a dead star floating in the universe.

But from the standpoint of parents, the taste of being rebelled by their children can be uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, the Japanese mirror secretly made up his mind: "I can't repeat the mistakes, like Datong Muhui Ye mother and son, raise a white-eyed wolf!"

The education of their children by Datong Muhuiye's mother and son was a failure.

The sealed Datong Muhuiye will not say it, the education of the children of the "Liu Dao Xianren" Datongmu Yuyi is also a mess. The battle of the ninth world for thousands of years is the battle between his eldest son Indra and his second son Asura. It was so upset that it was not peaceful.

Not to mention Datong Muyu Village, the family directly destroyed the family, and then only one last descendant of the Datong Mushe was left, and almost all of them died.

All these lessons have forced Nissho to pay more attention to the education of his children.

After Xiangri Xiangling formally proposed marriage, Rixiang Jing moved to the Zongjia mansion as the head of the Rixiang family.

The matter of wedding planning naturally does not require him to worry about village is almost busy for his wedding, because he is not only the head of the family, but also the head of the village.

And in his current fairy identity, his wedding is not even a matter of the Muye family.

The other ninja villages, and even the big names of the major countries, did not wait for the official invitation of the wooden leaves, and they sent a congratulatory gift to the one after another.

And in this festive, busy atmosphere, Hirohiko quietly came to Muye Hospital.

The fourth Ninja War was just over. Many of the wounded were not healed, and many others were disabled due to injuries. Among them were close friends like Kai who had a very close relationship with Nikko.

Under the treatment of Naruto's "Yang Zhili", although Kai saved his life, the outbreak of the "Eight Battle of the Eight Gates" caused a lot of trauma to his body that cannot be cured by the current medical ninjutsu, so Tsunato personally diagnosed and confirmed Kay has lost the qualification to continue to be a ninja...


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