Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 260: Target with soil

Tuanzang originally expected to participate in the Five Shadow Conference through this representative Muye. In the name of Muye, the head of the five big Ninja villages, he gathered the other four big Ninja villages to fight against the "god organization" and the "xiao organization" together, and fight for Leadership, gain huge prestige, and take a solid step for replacing the three generations of Naruto in the future.

However, Lei Ying's impolite interrogation made Tuanzang suddenly realize that he might be a single elder, a consultant elder, and a root leader in the village of Muye.

But in the Ninja world, at the scene of the Five Shadows Talks, there is nothing about yourself without the name of Naruto!

At this moment, Tuanzang hoped that he was the man in the Naruto robe, the one who could make a sound on behalf of Muye, and an unstoppable ambition burning in his heart!

After suppressing all the thoughts for a while, Tuanzang steadily returned to his place: "If you want this Five Shadows Talk to become a ridiculous farce, please continue."

The fourth generation of Lei Ying also knew the consequences of the action at the Five Shadows Conference, so he snorted heavily and stole the 'Lei Chacha mode' with a strong anger.

Seeing this, the three generations of soil shadows also slowly dropped from the air onto the chair, but their faces were not very good-looking.

After everyone was seated again, Lei Ying scattered a document in the venue and said, "Look at it for yourself, the‘ God Organization ’is full of blood and rebellion from some of your ninja villages.”

Four generations of Fengying glanced at the file and immediately said, "This is impossible! We will not have any ninjas who have mastered the magpie blood to succeed except me, and it is impossible for the magpie blood to succeed the ninja. endure!"

Three generations of Tuying sneered: "This magnetic ninja in the" **** organization "may be the three generations of Fengying in your village."

After reading the documents, the three generations of earth shadows were full of energy.

Because the Blood Ninja in the "God Organization" is either Hidden Ice Hidden Blood Follower, Wood Leaf Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, or Sand Hidden Magnetic Led Blood Follower, which has nothing to do with Yan Yin.

Four generations of Fengying said with a murderous intention: "History, Shadow Shadow, I hope you understand what you are talking about!"

"The three generations of Shayin's Fengying, who was accompanied by the four generations of Fengying at the Five Shadows Conference," said: "Our three generations of Fengyin have been murdered. The murderer is my grandson who has fallen into evil ways.

In fact, the inside of Sha Yin had already determined that the third generation of Fengying had been killed. Otherwise, they would not have chosen the fourth generation of Fengying. It was only for the sake of facial expression that they had declared that the third generation of Fengying was missing and their lives were unknown.

However, in the fierce battle with Xiao organization not long ago, Scorpion personally acknowledged the fact that the three generations of Fengying had been killed and could not hide it, so Chiyo had to announce this on behalf of Sandy.

Just after taking over the fourth generation of water shadows, the three-tailed person Zhuli Citango Yakura also said after a long silence: "The Wuyin Village no longer has the icy blood to succeed the ninja. The icy ice of the 'god organization' The blood following ninja is likely to have left Wuyin before Wu Yin was in turmoil. And with the strength of the Bingyu Blood following Ninja with this strength, we have never heard of Wu Yin. "

Lei Ying dissatisfied: "One by one, I only know how to shirk responsibility!"

Tuanzang said in a timely manner: "The threats of the" God Organization "and the" Xiao Organization "must be understood by everyone, especially the" God Organization ". Their next step is likely to attack the tail beasts. We must eliminate them as soon as possible. ! "

The tail beast undoubtedly affected the nerves of the major Ninja villages.

The four generations of Leiying who felt the threat of the `` God Organization '' personally came out first: "I agree!"

The young fourth-generation Shuiying is a human pillar, so he did not hesitate: "I agree!"

After looking at each other around Chiyo, the fourth-generation Fengying immediately said, "I agree!"

Seeing that the overall situation is set, the three generations of Tuying also nodded: "I have no opinion."

After the five big forbidden villages unanimously agreed to jointly encircle the 'God Organization' and 'Xiao Organization', Tuanzang and the Four Shadows immediately discussed the specific issues of encircling the two organizations.

However, shortly after the end of the Third Ninja War, the gap between the five Ninja villages was too deep.

In addition, this time, no one declared war against the five Ninja villages at the Five Shadows Conference, as in the original time and space. Therefore, Tuanzang's proposal to establish a joint crusade was rejected by the major Ninja villages in the first place. .

Tuanzang was angry and helpless and had to say, "One day, you will regret today's stupid decision!"

The four shadows looked at each other, but none of them let loose.

In the end, the results of the talks and discussions were that each of the five forbearance villages was responsible for the siege within their own country, and shared the information of the `` God Organization '' and the `` Xiao Organization '' with each other.

Outside Yokosuka Castle.

With the soil standing quietly on the crown of a big tree, he looked indifferently at Yokosuka Castle in the distance.

At this time, the absolute figure emerged from the trunk, saying, "The five shadow talks seem to have ended."

"It's so fast ..." There was some surprise in the soil, and he immediately asked: "What did they talk about?"

He never smiled, "There are too many perceptual ninjas in Yokosuka Castle, and I can't get close at all."

Zhai Tu asked again: "When will they return?"

Jue said, "They have already begun their return journey. The fastest-moving Raikage is no longer in Yokosuka."

Nodded with soil, thinking secretly.

It is undoubtedly the best way to plot these shadows and intercept them on their way back.

The fourth generation of Leiying and the third generation of Tuying are not considered. These two films are too powerful and may be defeated in their hands if they are inadvertently. Shadow between these two shadows.

As for Tuanzang, Bandi disdained to deal with him at all.

And keeping ambitious group possessions can actually stimulate contradictions within the leaves, and let the powerful leaves fall into the inner fight.

After groaning for a while, he asked the soil: "Who are the guards around the four generations of Fengying?"

I recalled it a little bit ~ ~ Answered: "Elder Chiyoda and Minister Yakura."

"Both of them are not easy to deal with!" After a pause, Zuidu asked again, "Who is the guard around the fourth generation of Shuiying?"

Four generations of Fengying have tried several times to clean up Ye Cang, the scorching blood follower Ninja who threatened his status.

For the first time, because of the emergency help of the ghost kingdom witch, he temporarily dispelled her thoughts, and sent Ye Cang to the ghost kingdom to help the witch of the ghost kingdom to deal with the evil spirits that raged in the world of tolerance.

For the second time, he had just set up a cleaning plan, and was about to put it on hold, because Longmai was suddenly stolen.

The third time, not long ago, he just made up his mind to clean up Ye Cang anyway, but by chance, the crusade formed by Sha Yin had encountered several members of the Xiao organization, including the scorpion. After a war, Sha Yin Jingrui suffered heavy casualties, forcing him to shelve the cleaning of Ye Cang again.

Therefore, the scorching Ye Cang who was washed away by the fourth-generation Fengying in the original time and space is still alive and well, but the fourth-generation Fengying may not have expected that it was precisely because Ye Cang was alive and saved his life. ..

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