Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 407: Changes in the eternal eye

Right now, the water-stopping itself can no longer suppress the engulfment of the primary cells to his body. The trees that came out of his body are actually the manifestation of the primary cells violently running away in his body.

At this point, there is not much that Hyuga can do.

He now perfused the regenerating eye Chakra into the hydrostatic body, but instead of replacing the hydrostatic Chakra with his own Chakra, he provided the primary cells to engulf it.

In this way, although the primary cells in the water stop are still violently depleted, it is the Chakra, the reincarnation eye of the sun mirror.

The only reason why Hyuga didn't give up was that he noticed that the eternal kaleidoscope in the orbit of the water stop was writing the eye of the eye, and it was still open at this time!

Stop water is still insisting!

Hyuga mirror also calmed down at this time, while steadily instilling the reincarnation eye into the reincarnation chakra, thinking about countermeasures.

Today's first-generation cells that stop running in the body of the water are like an abyss filled with dissatisfaction. Even the sundial mirror with the support of Longmai Chakra cannot persist for too long.

This is still under the condition that Chakra, the reincarnation eye of the heliostat, has a certain calming effect on the primary cells. Otherwise, if you change someone else, you are afraid that the primary cells will be swallowed up with the water-stopping body for a while.

"The key is in pupil strength!"

Hyuga mirror's face sank, and his eyes moved to the watertight eyes.

The only thing that can balance the positive chakra contained in the first generation cells is the eternal kaleidoscope that represents the spiritual power and contains the negative chakra.

Only the fusion of yin and impotence can soothe the violent primary cells and curb out of control.

"It seems impossible to fight, but to actively merge!"

The impotence possessed by Zhishui is obviously weaker than the impotence that flowed into the body with the first generation of cells, and the weak impotence is used to shake the strong impotence. The result is naturally self-evident.

Realizing that confrontation was impossible, Hyundai mirror immediately shouted to the stagnant water stop on the operating table: "Stop water, we were wrong before. We ca n’t fight, we need to take the initiative to merge and use your pupils to merge. Primary cells! "

There was no slight response from the water stop on the operating table, and the consciousness was still blurred and his eyes were dizzy.

The sun mirror is also not sure whether the water stop heard his words, but now he can only choose to believe in the water stop.


The trees that emerged from the water-stopping body continued to grow madly. These madly trees disturbed the operating room.

On the dome of the operating room, an ink-colored Qiu Daoyu was continually swirling around, smashing all the trees trying to reach out of the operating room and rushing to the ground.

Soon, five or six minutes passed.

While supplying Chakra to the runaway primary cells, while maintaining a beggar to destroy the madly growing trees, even with the help of dragon veins, Hyuga mirror felt dizzy for a while.

"I can't hold it long"

Hyuga mirror heart has enlightenment, because he has noticed that the first-generation cells in Zhishui are instilling Chakra's right hand through him, eroding his body.

If his own Chakra overdraft is too severe, he may not be able to get rid of the erosion of the original cells and fall into the same situation as Zhishui is now.

"Four minutes!"

After assessing his own limit, the sun-reflector calmed down instead.

The time passed, and in just a few minutes, it gave Hyundai a sense of inexplicable longness. He stood by the operating table with a little sadness in his eyes.

Just as Hyundai was about to give up and failed the operation, all of a sudden, the madly growing trees withered and disappeared in a flash, and then all turned into ashes!

At the same time, the bulging meridians on the body of the water stop gradually flattened and returned to normal.


Hyuga mirror was taken aback.

This change illustrates the fact that the water stop subdued the primary cells in the body and inhibited the primary cells from violently leaving!

Pressing down the surprise of his heart, Hyundai Mirror quickly observed the instruments around the operating table.

Because of the madness of the trees just now, many instruments have been overturned to the ground. Only the one that is specifically guarded by the sun-dial mirror to monitor cell activity is still in normal working condition.

"Cell viability is declining and is beginning to return to normal levels"

The value shown on the instrument also proved that the water stop suppressed the primary cells, so Sunview Mirror immediately stopped instilling the water stop Chakra, and put away the begging jade on the dome in the operating room, and then he launched it with all his strength In his reincarnated eyes, he observed the changes of the pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing eyes in the orbit of the water stop.

Before long, he noticed that the pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras in the eye sockets of the water stop began to change slightly.

The first is the change in the lines. The original straight triangles and rhombuses have slight distortions on the lines. Although it is not obvious, they can't escape the insight of the sun to the mirror. At the same time as the lines appeared distorted, the sundial mirror also found that the lines seemed to become thicker, and there were signs of increasing thickness.

"Starting evolution?"

Once the pattern of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is stable, basically it will not change anymore, and if there is a change, it is said to have entered the evolutionary process.

This is true when the three hook jade writing round eye evolves into a kaleidoscope writing round eye, and the same is true when the kaleidoscope writing round eye evolves into an eternal kaleidoscope writing round eye.

Soon, Hyundai Mirror discovered that Chakra involuntarily pooled towards his brain, and with Chakra's collection, the change of the eternal kaleidoscope in the eye socket became more obvious.

The lines that were originally intertwined and clearly visible in the eyes overlapped with each other because of the gradual thickening. It is difficult to distinguish which are triangular lines and which are rhombus lines.

But for some reason, the distortion of the lines became very slow, as if blocked by something ~ ~ cannot break through.

However, the sun mirror has a feeling in it. The lines on the eternal kaleidoscope writing round eye pattern are thick and have no qualitative meaning. The distortion of the lines is the key to the reincarnation eye!

"Senior, have I succeeded?"

At this time, the water stop on the operating table was weak.

Hyuga mirror nodded with a smile: "Well, it worked!"

Sustaining panting tiredly, "If it weren't for you, I would almost give up."

"No, it was my fault." After shaking his head, Hyuga said: "Fusion is the key. Blind resistance will only exhaust the pupil in vain!"

Suddenly, Zhishui covered her eyes in pain and said, "Senior, my eyes"

Hyuga mirror busy asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhishui said: "My eyes seem to be a bit wrong, and my pupil strength has increased a lot, but it feels strange to me."

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