Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 483: Lost contact

Mute walked to the wreckage of Shura Road at this moment, looked at it a little, and immediately said to the people in the passage, "There is no more Chakra reaction."

Uchiha Izumi whispered: "Are you dead?"

Hongdou stood up, supported the wall, and walked forward, saying, "This should only be a person from the leader of the organization."

After confirming that 'Sura Road' had been completely destroyed, the eyes of several people looked again at Hyuga Suzu, who was still soft.

Silently asked, "Bell, what happened just now?"

Because the Shura Road was using a light cannon just now, everyone's field of vision was disturbed by the strong light on the light cannon. No one could see exactly what happened just now.

Bell shook his head: "I don't know what's going on!"

In fact, even Bell herself wasn't sure what happened just now. She just vaguely felt that it might have something to do with the left eye in her left eye a few days ago. The powerful enemy was defeated in an instant, which made her afraid to say more.

She didn't dare to say it all, at least until she communicated privately with Rixiang Jing.

Adzuki looked around and muttered, "Is there anyone else hiding nearby?"

Silence was also on alert: "Willn't it be God-organized people?"

Suddenly, everyone in the channel except Hyuga bells became suspicious.


on the ground.

When 'Shura Road' was instantly destroyed in the refuge passage, the 'Sky Road' floating above the wood leaves and the sun mirror on the ground sensed this change.

The indifferent gaze of "Tiandao" gradually tilted down and glanced towards the shelter.

"Is it the leader of God's organization? He is hiding in the refuge of Konoha?"

A doubt came to Nagato's heart.

The 'Shura Road' was destroyed, it was too sudden, there was no sign at all, and Nagato was distracted to control Penn's six roads at the same time. The main attention was focused on the 'Sky Road' made by Yahiko's body. Therefore, when the Chakra connection of 'Shura Road' was suddenly cut off, he couldn't judge what happened in the shelter passage for a while.

And judging from the last message on the "Sura Road", the other party seems to use his "Shen Luo Tian Zheng"!

However, one thing he can confirm is that the nine-tailed person's pillar strength of the wooden leaves is hiding in the refuge.

After a little groaning, ‘Tiandao’ extended his arms in the direction of the shelter.


another side.


While Hyuga mirror coughed, he removed the iron sand curtain in front of him. He had sensed that Bell had just started the "rotational wish" sealed in the left eye of Ling with a "transliteration seal".

"Ling should be in the shelter, is there something wrong there?"

With the iron sand curtain removed, there was a mess in the view of Sunward Mirror.


Although he had anticipated it, he was very upset to see such a scene. There is no doubt that the good small courtyard that his parents had left him must have followed suit.

He also got up from the ground, looking at the surrounding scene, his face was shocked and angry.

At this moment, the position of the sundial mirror is the area where Wu Wu invaded the wooden leaves before, which is closer to the outer wall and is located on the edge of the village. Therefore, when the 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng' spread here, the power has weakened a lot. Coupled with the protection of the iron sand screen of the sun mirror, the damage around it is much smaller than the village's center.

But this is so. Looking around, there aren't a few standing buildings left. It can be seen what the central area of ​​the wood leaves has become, so this makes the love of the wood leaves come out of anger.


Looking at the "Tao Dao" in the air, Zi Lai also shouted, and rushed to it regardless of it.

Tsunade, who had crawled out of the ruins, did not rush to ‘Tiandao’ as he did, but instead quickly stamped with a heavy complexion, and immediately pressed it to the ground.


In the loud cries of Tsunade, a white smoke surged up.

When the white smoke dissipated, a huge white-blue magpie appeared in front of Tsunade. This was exactly the psychic beast of Tsunade, one of the three forbearances, and the cricket of the wet bone forest.

Looking at the chaos around him, I was shocked and stunned: "How did Muye become like this?"

Tsunade Shen said: "I will explain to you in detail later, it is important to treat the wounded first!"


After being commanded by Tsunade, the huge tadpoles immediately split into countless little tadpoles, spread throughout the ruins, and healed the injured Koba ninjas.

Although the villagers have already entered the refuge and evacuated in advance, but there are still a large number of wooden leaf ninjas on the ground. Therefore, the blow and injury of the wooden leaf ninja must have been not bad in the hit. In time, it could cause huge casualties.

He did not go to Guan Gangshou, but took off in the air.

Right now, ‘Tiandao’ must be resolved first. This guy is just a human-shaped nuclear bomb. If you let it toss like this, the entire Muye Village will be erased directly.


Outside Muye Village.

A great goshawk was following the periphery of Muye Village, searching around and around. After a long time, it finally approached the high cliff where the Nagato deity was.

At this time, after realizing that there were two figures on the high cliff, a sharp glory of wisdom appeared in the sharp eyes of Goshawk.

With its wings closed, it dived towards the high cliff at a very fast speed. It seemed to want to get closer and confirm the identity of the figures standing on the high cliff.

But at this moment, countless pieces of paper came from all directions, and they were pasted onto Goshawk one by one.

Feeling the crisis, the goshawk did not turn around and fled, but still tightened its wings and dived quickly towards the high cliff!


Accompanied by the sound of the detonation note, a flare appeared on the paper attached to the goshawk.

The goshawk is still deaf to the critical situation in front of him, sharp eyes staring at the approaching high cliff!

Bang bang

Soon ~ ~ A series of explosions sounded in the air, and the goshawk was directly swallowed by the explosion!

The long gate standing on the edge of the cliff just glanced slightly.

On the other hand, Xiao Nan withdrew her right hand who controlled the 'Paper 遁' and said, "Besides, Beiliuhu has deployed special medicine to drive birds and beasts. The eagle was not an ordinary bird just now. Our location has been exposed! "

Nagato said lightly, "Don't care."


In the underground base of the Koba Intelligence Class.

Shan Zhonghai suddenly opened his eyes, took off the device on his head, and said weakly, "Quick, Master Naruto, I have found the specific location of the target!"

After he had finished speaking, he suddenly found that the intelligence base's underground base was messy, and all kinds of equipment were crooked.

At this time, a member of the intelligence team reported to him in terror, "We lost contact with the Naruto building."

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