Soon, everyone in Muye found that a blue light appeared in the sky, like a shooting star, coming at an incredible speed towards the village!

"Okay ... so strong chakra swings!"

"Is it an enemy?"

"Everyone be careful!"

Suddenly, the village, which finally managed to calm down, fell into noisy again.

Just relying on the chakra fluctuations and speed of the opponent, you can determine that the opponent's strength must be extraordinary, so whether it is a three-tolerance, Tsutete, or an ordinary Koba ninja, they are all doing a good job. Preparation for war.

Although the village is destroyed, the reputation of Koba cannot fall!

Uh ...

Accompanied by a howling, the blue light fell from the sky and fell steadily to the center of the village.

The cloak of black gold with Phnom Penh and the sorrowful grimace mask saw the wooden leaves ninjas dressed up by the visitors. They breathed a sigh of relief, and the leader of the **** organization ‘Yan Luo’ finally appeared!

The nature that descended from the sky was the sun mirror, and after landing, he quit the ‘reincarnation eye chakra mode’ and slowly walked towards his A-type wind-wrapped clone.

Seeing Hong sitting next to the A-type wind-pull clone, it seemed as if he was sorting out his remains for the A-type wind-pull clone. He said silently, "Can you give him to me?"

Hong asked, "Can you save him?"

Hyuga mirrored for a moment and replied, "Maybe!"

Hong nodded silently, some hoped to give way.

With the A-type wind-wrapped clone on his shoulder, Hyuga mirror made a look at the ferret beside him, and immediately the two of them flickered and disappeared.

After leaving a messy wooden leaf village, Hyuga and Itachi stopped in a wood outside the village.

The sun-mirror lowered the A-type wind chime clone from the shoulder, and then took out a roll of storage reel from the storage bag around the waist, and temporarily sealed the A-type wind chime clone in the storage scroll.

Itachi sees this and asks, "Senior, Lord Tsunade said that the senior is not saved, is it true?"

Hyuga mirror smiled: "Relax, I have a way."

Itachi let go of his heart, and in his heart, he told the mirror that there was a way, then there must be a way, so he looked at the battlefield where the former stop water rushed to, and said, "Senior, brother stop water went there!"

After sealing the A-type Aya clone, he turned his gaze over and nodded.

During the fierce battle in the village, Hyuga used the 'Magneto' to fly to the sky many times, so he had long noticed another battlefield outside the village. After all, the movement over there was no less than that in the village.

He even determined that the two sides fighting there should be Wuying and Nagato.

With the storage scroll closed, Hyuga said, "Let's go!"


Itachi nodded quickly.


Boom boom ...

It was another series of explosions, and the water had to be returned. Fortunately, his 'Suzano' was equipped with the artifact 'Hachiko'. The ordinary explosion not only did not hurt him, it did not even consume his pupils. force.

Staring at the stagnant water under the emerald green 'Suzano No Hu', Xiao Nan's beautiful face flying in the air was full of dignity.

The fighting power of Zhishui was far beyond her expectation. Just just blocking Zhishui from intervening in the main battlefield has forced her to use all her abilities, and even used several traps arranged in advance to prevent accidents.

However, everything seems futile, and no matter what kind of attack, it seems impossible to break through the suzuka no yu that stops the water.

"Is that the reason for that shield?"

Xiao Nan's attention was devoted to the ‘Hachiko Mirror’, an artifact equipped with the water stop ‘Suzano Nobuo’.


Just then, there was a roar of shock from the main battlefield in the distance!

Hearing the full roar, Xiao Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and said secretly, "It should be almost there!"

On the ground, the water stopped sinking.

"No, something must have happened over there!"

This roar, he couldn't be more familiar. He who had participated in the raid on Yuyin Village clearly knew that the roar was the summoner of the leader of the Xiao organization, that is, the one that can withstand the sunward mirror 'Golden Rotary Explosion'. Weird giant!

Through the confrontation just now, Zhishui has found that the Xiao organization member in the air seems to be unable to break through his 'Suzano Nobu' equipped with 'Hachiko'. So he was so determined that he ignored the attack of the opponent and flew straight ahead. Not far from the main battlefield.

Having made up his mind, the water stop was left to countless initiation marks wrapped in all directions towards himself, with bursts of explosions, forcibly broke through Xiao Nan's interception and reached the main battlefield.

But the scene before him surprised him.

The head of the red-haired Xiao organization stood quietly in front of the weird giant, with a look of indifference.

The four-generation water shadow citrus Yakura, which is a three-tailed human pillar, and the eight-tailed human pillar Li Qilabi, who is Yun Yin, are lying motionless on the ground, and their lives are unknown!

Not only that, the weird giant behind the leader of the Xiao organization seems to be absorbing the tail beast Chakra on the ground.

I saw two tailed beasts Chakra, which were so thick that they could be seen by the naked eye, were being taken out of the citrus Yakura and Kiraby, sucked into the weird giant through the nose and mouth.

Looking away, Zhishui found that the ninjas of the five big ninja villages with unknown lives and deaths were lying around. With a brief glance, he found the four generations of Fengying and the fourth generation of Leiying.

The fourth generation of Fengying seems to have completely lost consciousness and fell into a pool of blood, while the fourth generation of Leiying clearly has breath and seems to be struggling to get up, but due to the injury, after trying several times, he still falls down On the ground.

"Five ... Five Shadows lost ?!"

Stopping the water was a step away from my heart ~ ~ The scene in front of him really subverted his inherent conception. He never thought that the five shadows would still fail, which was impossible for him at all. thing.

Xiao Nan fell beside Nagato: "Sorry, I couldn't stop him."

Nagato said lightly: "It doesn't matter."

Although the previous battle consumed a large number of Chakras at Nagato, for Nagato, a Ujibo with a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is not a strong enemy.

At this time, Xiao Nan looked at the "Golem of the Outer Road" behind her eyes, and said with some concern: "Absorb the strength of two people at once, Nagato, can your body hold up?"

Nagato said: "Rest assured, this kind of thing is not a big burden for my body now!"

After the fusion of the first generation cells, Nagato ’s immortal body has been qualitatively improved. In the original space, it is necessary to gather all members of the Xiao organization to participate in the absorption link. Now he can do it alone, and it also absorbs two people at a time. ...

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