Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 760: Surgical arrangements

Although there is not enough information, Hyuga decided that the way Nagato enhances its strength must be the excavation and development of reincarnation.

As for the reincarnation eye, because he hasn't really mastered it, the understanding of Hyundai Mirror is very one-sided, either the vague information in the memory, or some information collected during several battles with Nagato.

And this information seems to be a little behind now.

He used to study Nagato seriously. He found that although Nagato had arrogantly regarded himself as "God" after understanding the power of reincarnation, after all, he had received one of the three tolerances. Guidance is a qualified ninja who knows both the timing of the situation and the utmost truth.

This can be seen from the collusion between Tuanzang and Hanzang, which killed Yahiko.

At that time, the Nagato was already violently emotional, and even the 'Gaimon Golem' was summoned by him. However, after repelling Tuanzo and Hanzo, he was neither controlled by anger nor reincarnation. His strength fainted into the old nest of Hanzang in Yuyin Village, and went to fight with Hanzang for his life. Instead, he wisely chose to dormantly, while secretly licking the wound, he secretly accumulated strength.

It wasn't until he unearthed new abilities of the reincarnation eye and created 'Pain Six Roads' that he quietly shot. While beheading and killing Hanzo who had the title of 'demigod', he also ruled unconsciously. Rain hidden village.

It can be seen that when realizing that his own strength is insufficient, Nagato, the guy who often hangs "God" by his mouth, can also go up and increase his strength crazy.

But Hyundai Mirror is not panic at all, because as long as the tail is the most critical step, the Nagato can not be resurrected, and the ten tails cannot complement the fusion of the seven Chakra attributes to enter the real six. Level, then no matter how Nagato toss, how to dig the reincarnation eye, ascension will not have him faster.

And through the information that Shinichi brought back this time, he found that Xiao organization, like Sha Yin, was blinded by himself, and thought that one tail had died with the execution of a human pillar.

In this way, Xiao organization will think that it will take several years to revive the tail, and ignore the tail in these years.

It is only in these few years that it is enough for Sun Xiangjing to complete all preparations for the "blood following fusion ritual", to impact the supreme "blood following snare".

After temporarily letting go of the Xiao organization's affairs, Nikko Mirror said to Shinichi: "I listened to Shisui and said that your vision has fallen very badly, has it affected the combat effectiveness?"


Really covered my eyes consciously and answered.

Heixiang Jing casually commanded: "Pay attention to your body during this time, I will arrange an operation for you in the near future."

"Surgery !?" I stunned, and Shinichi asked excitedly, "Is it the operation of implanting primary cells?"

The sundial mirror nodded gently.

Shinichi then asked, "Does my pupil recover as long as the primary cells are implanted?"

Hyuga mirror replied: "Yes, once the impotence Chakra in the first generation of cells is fused, the yin and yang unity is completed, and the power of Sen Luo Vientiane is obtained. Your kaleidoscope's lost pupil power before writing the round eye can not only slowly recover And can be further improved. "

Some can't wait to rub their hands: "When can surgery be performed then? Can tomorrow?"

Hyuga mirror chuckled: "What are you anxious for?"

Really depressed: "No rush, no, you don't know. I had a private consultation with Itachi's kid yesterday, but I couldn't beat him, you said that it is absurd not absurd!"

Hyuga mirror looked straight at Shinichi.

Shinichi wondered, "Well, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Cough ..." He coughed twice, and Hyugamir smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you that this operation, you and Itachi will be performed at the same time, so you will recover pupil strength, and he will recover as well. Yeah! "

"That ... that's not the same!" Shinichi argued: "Even if my pupil strength is restored at the same time, I will definitely be better than him!"

Hyuga mirror smiled.

Compared to the ferret who can calmly exert his advantages to the limit, Zhenyi obviously has a little more recklessness, and the water stop lacks some fierceness, so it is really a life-and-death struggle. I'm afraid Zhenyi and Zhishui are not opponents of Itachi. This is not to say that Shinichi and Shimizu are inferior to Itachi in hard power, but that they are inferior to Itachi in heart.

One is calm without Itachi, one is cold without Itachi!

After smiling, Hikaru said, "The operation should be performed in a month or two. You can rest assured."

Shinichi is a little puzzled: "Why does it take so long?"

Hyuga mirror glanced at it, and said angrily, "Do you think that transplanting the first-generation cells is a minor operation like changing eyes? It will be dead if you don't pay attention, of course, I must prepare well!"

Helioscopy has tried many methods that can't completely suppress the aggressiveness of primary cells, so his technical progress in transplanting primary cells has been limited in these years.

And with the talent to stop the water, plus a pair of eternal kaleidoscopes with abundant pupils, they almost overturned the car during the operation of transplanting the first-generation cells. It can be imagined that Shinichi and Itachi ’s nearly exhausted kaleidoscopes wrote Rounds of eyes, the probability of surviving the first-generation cell transplantation will inevitably be lower than the original water stop.

However, on the hand of Hyundai Mirror, there is no longer a pupil of the eternal kaleidoscope to write the round eyes for Shinichi and Itachi temporarily, so he can only wait for the reincarnation eye to be successfully merged, and call the phosphorus to make the recurrence eye of the two People escorted.

Once Shinichi or Itachi gets out of control during the transplant operation and the primary cells implanted in the body run away, he can use the power of reincarnation to extract the impotence Chakra in the runaway primary cells. UU reading to ' 'External flooding' method to ensure the safety of two people during the operation.

Sunward Mirror then threw a pair of flame-patterned masks, a black-edged gold-rimmed cloak to Shinichi, and said, "From now on, you are also a member of the God Organization, code-named 'Flame Demon'!"

I took the mask and cape with a smile, and asked curiously, "Am I also the 'Flame Demon'? By the way, is that Didara guy ours?"

Hyuga shook his head.

Really hesitated for a moment, and muttered, "It hurt me to worry about him for nothing for the last time, and I even risked sending a fortune pill to tell him to run. It wasn't ours! Yeah, that guy is silly, you must Look down on him! "

While walking towards the outside, Sun Xiangjing instructed: "Be careful during this time, Xiao organization will not let you off easily."

Really smiled: "Relax, Muye Village in Xiao organization is now a restricted area, they will not break in easily, and there is not a boss, are you there? I have nothing to worry about!"

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