Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 778: Broken Blade and Raven Feather

With the opening of the Four Purple Flames, the turmoil in the stands gradually subsided.

A large number of accidentally injured spectators were sent out of the venue by the medical ninja, and the crushed stones on the stands' domes and stone pillars were also quickly cleared from the venue.

The order of the entire venue was quickly restored, but the audience in the stands was still a little stunned. They didn't expect it. It was so dangerous to just watch the five-generation Naruto campaign.

"The competition for Naruto is really different!"

For a time, the thought of most viewers flashed.

On the grandstand.

Although the three generations were unhappy, they did not blame the seal class.

The change just now is very sudden, let alone the seal class. Even the three generations were slightly surprised, so it was reasonable for the seal class to fail to respond.

At this time, the name of the country of fire chuckled: "It's really shocking!"

Three generations smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, it was our fault and we didn't protect the stands in advance."

The name of the country of fire said: "It doesn't matter, I just feel that the five generations of ninjas who are running this time are really strong and reassuringly good ninjas!"

The three generations introduced: "The two candidates who are being tested, one from the Uchiha family, named Uchiha Stop Water, and the other from the Nichiren family, called the Sunward Mirror, are the village's excellent pupils of blood surgery and ninja, Trustworthy talent! "

The name of the country of fire nodded with a smile.

The stronger the wood leaves, the more prosperous the country of fire, so the name of the country of fire's concern for the five generations of the Naruto campaign in Muye Village is not just a gesture but a sincere one.

What's more, the Ninja world is still under the threat of Xiao organization, and the name of the country of fire naturally hopes that Koba will choose a strong naruto that can provoke the beam.

After introducing the name of the country of fire, the three generations set their sights on the venue again.

"Strange, how has the strength of the mirror improved so much?"

Although the ruthless offensive of stopping water was unexpected, it surprised him, but what made him even more surprised was that Hyundai Mirror was able to survive the onslaught like stopping water.

The four generations of Fengying on the side said a little sourly: "This kind of physical skill competition, I am afraid that only the pupil surgery blood Ninja can do it?"

After listening to the words of the four generations of Fengying, the current fourth-generation Leiying, who is the strongest of the five shadows, nodded with a shadow on his face.

Because even if he enters the "Thunder Chakra Mode", he cannot show such delicate and elegant body skills, which is like the steel fist flow and soft fist flow in the wood leaf body surgery.

In terms of speed and strength, the ninja who cultivates the steel fist stream will not be inferior to the ninja who cultivates the soft fist stream, and even in some basic aspects, the steel fist stream ninja will be better.

However, even if the steel boxing ninja has better speed and strength, it is rough in style. It can not be as pleasing and delicate as the two in the field. And the violent storm!

This is the power of Hitomi Shuji Ninja!

Their every move, every move and every type of action is through insight and analysis, and then it is fed back to the limbs. This makes every attack and dodge of them seem to be carefully crafted and incomparable. Picky.

"What an enviable talent!"

Three generations of Tuying also sighed.

In the eyes of others, Zhishui and Heixiang Mirror are competing in bodywork, but in the view of Onoki, the two people in the field are simply showing off their talents, making people jealous.

Unlike several other shadows, the youngest four generations of water shadows do not have many expressions on their faces, and their expressions are even more calm than even the most sophisticated three generations of earth shadows.

Even today's water-stopping, the ultimate "transient action", is also difficult to maintain for a long time, so soon someone in the stands found that the afterimage of the water-stopping in the field is becoming less and less.

However, the reduction of afterimages did not reduce the intensity of the confrontation in the field.

In a series of collisions and clashes, the ground in the field cracked, cracks spread like spider webs, and spread quickly all around, but it only covered the entire venue for a moment.

If there were no 'Four Purple Flame Formations' standing, the cracks would probably spread further until they destroyed all the stands around.

call out...

call out...

The harsh screams continued.

It's just that at this time, the flying and splashing in the venue is no longer a small gravel. Even some large gravels, even pieces of ground, are in the tremor and the turbulence of the airflow. Fei shot out and hit the 'Four Purple Flames' fiercely, sparking a splendid sparkle after another.

VIP lounge area.

Feeling the constant tremor on the ground, he also murmured in amazement: "The sun mirror can last so long?"

Kakashi explained: "Jing, like me, is also specializing in‘ Eight Doors ’, and it looks like he ’s already turned on‘ Eight Doors ’!”

Tap also nodded gently.

The power of 'Eight Gates Armor' is known to him as one of the three forbearances. As a Ninja Mirror Hitomitsu Blood Ninja, coupled with the short-term outbreak of 'Eight Gates Armor', it is theoretically possible To this point.

It was just that he felt something wrong in his heart, but there was nothing wrong with it, and he couldn't tell for a moment.

Uh ...

At this moment, Mute rushed back to the rest area, panting, and cast an unfortunate look at Tsunade.


Tsunade breathed a long sigh of relief, and she felt that the **** of gambling was watching her, so that she could recover her losses at the most critical moment!

Hurrying to return to the silence of 10 million bets, this time took a look at the venue, found that the competition is still the water stop and sun mirror, immediately wondered: "Well, why is this end?"

Uh ...

At that moment, there was a crisp sound in the field, and then a broken blade fluttered into the air.

At this moment, the eyes of all the people in the venue gathered on the broken blade that soared into the air, reflecting the bright sunlight, guessing whose weapon was broken.

Soon, everyone's eyes refocused on the field as the broken blade fell.

I saw that the short sword in the hand of Hyuga came to the throat of the water stop, and the short knife in the stop was already broken!

"Is the water knife broken?"

"Stops the water?"

"Don't the water stop prevailing?"

This scene surprised all audiences, and the Uchibo people on the stand of the Uchibo family were even more shocked!


Suddenly ~ ~ The water stopped by Hyuga mirror with a dagger, in a burst of crows, the body instantly split apart, turned into countless black crows, and flew into the air.

"It's a crow avatar!"

"Haha, I knew that Zhishui would not be defeated so easily!"

"Hum, it's enough to be able to push the water stop to this share, Hyuga is proud of herself!"

Watching the water stop changing into a crowd of crows in the field, the morale of the Uchiha family's stands suddenly restored.

At this moment, the Hyuga mirror in the field smiled slightly, whispering "Grass!"

In a hurry, something unexpected for everyone happened, and I saw countless ninjas that had just turned into water, and they were fighting each other in the air.

The crow flock is like two black clouds, entangled, and even shielded the sun. Countless black crow feathers slowly fall, so that the entire venue is full of fantastic unrealism ...

The second is to offer, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets!

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