Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 797: Reincarnation eye is born!

After gasping for a while, Sun Xiangjing looked at the phosphorous on the distant operating table with a grimace.

His "Golden Wheel Rebirth" just now was not cut out indiscriminately, but instead pinpointed where the two complete bodies, "Suzano Nobo," overlapped.

After the sword was cut out, the overlapping parts of the lower bodies of the two complete bodies ‘suzano no hu’ remained, while the upper bodies trying to break free at the same time vanished.

In this way, although the pupils of the two pairs of eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes have suffered severely, they have also recovered some of the losses.

"I hope that the remaining pupil strength is enough to impact the reincarnation eyes!"

With this in mind, Sun Xiangjing slowly walked towards Xiang phosphor.

At this time, the instruments connected to the phosphorous were all turned upside down and overturned in the rubble heap, so the real-time physical data of the phosphorous of the phosphor could not be known.

However, looking from a distance, the phosphorus's breathing seemed to return to a stable, calm and long breath, and the 'type II biological armor' on his body also exited the 'overload mode'.

As for those powerful forces that had escaped before, all of them were slowly retracted into the body of phosphorous at this moment.

Seeing this scenario, Hyuga ’s heart was a little firm and her pace was a little faster.

When he arrived at the operating table, he couldn't wait to look at the closed eyes of the phosphorous, and found that the pupils in the phosphorous eyes were still scarlet, but the pattern on the top seemed to be stirred by some force. Distortion!

"this is...!?"

This scene reminded Hyuga mirror that Tuanzang had almost succeeded and evolved the scene of reincarnation.

And just as the sundial mirror took a moment to look away, the writing wheel eye pattern in the incense pupil became more and more obvious, as if something was constantly shaking it, pulling straight lines out of the arc. .

The sun mirror immediately stared.

At this time, he not only noticed the changes in the phosphorous eye sockets, but also noticed the physical changes of the phosphorous phosphorus. At this moment, the powerful force of phosphorous on the phosphorous acid suddenly surged!

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of chakra wrapped the body of phosphorous in an instant, causing the phosphorous which was still in a coma to float slowly from the operating table.

At the same time, the “Type II Biological Armor” swelled shortly after exiting the “Overload Mode”, and entered the “Overload Mode” again without warning!

The sun mirror on the side stepped back two steps quickly, and did not take any action to interfere with the change of the phosphorous body.

This is obviously the final qualitative change process, whether it is success or failure, it depends on this!

Soon, the phosphorus floating above the operating table changed her breath, and an unspeakable breath emanated from her.

"Well, what's wrong with me!"

Suddenly, the stunned phosphorous awakened and found that he was floating in mid-air and was not falling, and suddenly he was a little nervous.

Aside from Hyuga, he said quickly, "Phosphorus, you ..."

But just after half of the story, he stopped because he suddenly found that the eyes that had been tightly closed by Xiang Phosphorus opened at this moment, and instead of the scarlet writing wheel eye in the eye socket, there was a circle. Reincarnation eyes of mysterious lines!


Heixiang Jing froze. When he saw the lilac reincarnation eyes in the eye socket of phosphorous, for a moment, there was a sense of unrealism in his heart.

In order to get these reincarnations, he didn't know how much thought was spent and how much he paid, and just now he was even ready to accept the failure frankly.

But I never expected that things would turn around all at once, and the reincarnation eye, known as the "Eyes of the Immortal," appeared so plainly in front of him.

"I ... I made a pair of reincarnations!"

Needless to say, no matter from the source's "blood following fusion ritual" or from the fusion of two pairs of eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras, these chakras in front of the eyes can be regarded as hand-made by the sun mirror.

And after repeatedly confirming that the phosphorous eye socket was the reincarnation eye he had seen in the eyes of Nagato, the heart of Hyuga mirror was extremely excited.

He was excited not only because he had created a pair of reincarnation eyes, a third pair of reincarnation eyes in addition to the six immortals and Uchiha spot!

What's more, the existence of these reincarnation eyes shows that the 'blood following fusion ceremony' he designed for the group Tibetan can really transform Chakra and create endless miracles!

Listening to Hyuga mirror whispering to herself, Xiang phosphorus realized that she had opened her eyes, and as soon as she walked away, she fell from the air and fell to the operating table.


After screaming in pain, Xiang Phosphorus rubbed his head and said in amazement: "Sir, I can see things again! And ... and it is very clear!"

"Don't move, let me take a closer look!"

Hyundai Mirror walked over immediately, holding Xiang Xiang's shoulders, and carefully looked at the reincarnation eyes in Xiang Xiang's eyes.

Xiang phosphorus quickly sat upright, and opened her eyes hard so that the sun can be seen clearly.

The sun-dial mirror observed for a while and confirmed that the recirculation eyes in the phosphorous eyes were almost the same as the recirculation eyes in the eyes of Nagato, whether it was the color of the pupils or the rounded lines.

If there is any difference, it may be that the reincarnation eyes in Nagato's eyes are more amazing, and the reincarnation eyes in the phosphorous eye sockets are slightly dim.

However, this is quite normal.

After all, these reincarnation eyes of Phosphorus were just awakened, and they lacked nourishment. In the process of awakening, they also received a sword from the sun mirror, "Golden Wheel Rebirth," and the pupil loss was not small. It is very rare.

After examining it for a long time, Hikaru asked Xiang Xiang: "How do you feel?"

Xiang Phosphor tells the truth: "It looks a lot clearer than before ~ ​​ ~ I just watched it for a long time, and my head was a little dizzy."

Hyuga mirror smiled: "Dizziness is normal, don't worry too much."

The reincarnation eye is not so easy to bear. When the old Uchiha spot transplanted his reincarnation eye to the young Nagato, what method should be used to ban the ability of the reincarnation eye? After childhood.

By the time Nagato awakens reincarnation, not only has he grown up, but he also received the guidance of one of the three ninjas and became a qualified ninja, so he can barely bear the reincarnation.

Compared to Nagato, the phosphorous is younger, and it is normal for the body to feel strenuous for reincarnation!

According to the estimation of the sun mirror, with the physique of phosphorous, I am afraid that after the age of seventeen or eighteen years old, I can bear the reincarnation eyes alone like Nagato. Before this, if phosphorous wanted to live normally, it was necessary to ban the eyes. The ability to reincarnate the eye, making it temporarily a pair of ordinary eyes, or always wearing biological armor ...


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