Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 801: Another option

With Zhenyi's surprise, both Zhishui and Itachi followed the alert.

At this moment, Zhen Yi stared at Xiang Xiang in front of him, and yelled, "Hey, how do you have reincarnation? Are you Nagato? No, you are Nagato's new" Pain Six Road "?"

For Zhenyi, who joined Xiao as an undercover agent, the reincarnation eyes in Nagato's eyes had been his nightmare deep in his heart.

I don't know how many nights, Zhenyi dreamed that he was tragically dead in the hands of Nagato because of his undercover identity, so when he saw the reincarnation eyes in the eyes of Xiang Phosphorus, he had a stress reaction!

And he knew that the "Pain Six Ways" made by Nagato, all the eyes in the eye sockets would look like reincarnation eyes, so he quickly had an analysis in his mind.

The phosphorous was stuck in place and was at a loss.

It's just that the emotional fluctuations and physical tension she reflects are all covered by the ‘type II biological armor’ of her dress, so her external appearance is extremely indifferent, as if she did n’t care about Shinichi ’s change at all.

And this indifference is almost exactly the same as Nagato's self-proclaimed **** in the eyes of Shinichi!

Zhishui and Itachi were also skeptical at this moment. Although they did not join Xiao organization like Shinichi, they had contacted Nagato at close range, but they had also seen far away in several confrontations with Xiao organization. Nagato, I've seen the reincarnation eyes in Nagato's eyes.

Because of the sun mirror, their understanding of reincarnation eyes is far beyond ordinary people. They know that the reincarnation eyes are the eyes that the legendary "Six Immortals" once had, and they are the true "eyes of immortals." When Yangshen had a pair of reincarnation eyes, the surprise in their hearts was not much less than that of Zhenyi, but they instinctively believed in the sunward mirror and did not think that Nagato had the ability to lurk under the eyelids of the sunward mirror, so the response was not as great.

Hyuga mirror smiled: "Don't worry, 'Yangshen' is not Nagato, nor is it 'Pain Six Roads' made by Nagato."

After hearing the explanation from Hyuga, Shinichi also came over. If the 'sun god' in front of him was the leader of the Xiao organization, it should have been killed by Hyuga.

"Huh ..." After a sigh of relief, Zhenyi asked, "Boss, then ... her eyes?"

Hyuga nodded slightly: "Well, 'Yangshen', like Nagato, also has a pair of recurrent eyes."

Xiang phosphorus finally found the opportunity, nodding in conjunction with Hyuga mirror.

"Reincarnation eyes!"

The three Uchihas who have kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes are extremely shocked at this moment.

The reason why Xiao organization can threaten the entire Ninja world is to rely on the reincarnation eyes known as the "eyes of immortals" in the eyes of Nagato, so in the hearts of several people, it has always been considered that there is only one reincarnation eye. A pair.

Now I suddenly saw the second pair of reincarnation, and the other side is also a partner in an organization. The surprise and shock in their three hearts can be imagined!

Seeing Zhishui, Itachi, really one or three people saw a ghost on their faces, and Hyuga mirror laughed: "Who tells you that there can only be a pair of reincarnation in Ninja? Well, let ’s talk about reincarnation later. Water, go outside to be on alert, Itachi, Shinichi, don't take it anymore, come with me! "

Having said that, Hyuga entered the operating room, and Xiang Phosphorus followed closely.

"It's no wonder that we are so crazy and ignore us. It turned out to be a strong man with reincarnation!" After a pause, Zhenshui and Itachi who were beside him asked: "Did you two meet for the first time?"


Zhishui and Itachi nodded in unison, let alone see, they have never heard of the code "Yangshen" before.

Zhen Yi whispered quietly while keeping up with Hyuga mirror: "I don't know where the boss found this monster, hey, but with such a monster as a partner, I feel insecure and feel relieved a lot. what..."

The thought of the ‘yang god’ in front of him was a level of strong men with the leader of the Xiao organization, but the arrogance that the ‘yang god’ had shown before did not have any resistance at all.

Not only him, but even Zhishui and Itachi also showed understanding, and naturally accepted the arrogance of 'Yangshen'. Perhaps in the eyes of Uchiha, arrogance is the privilege of the strong!

Soon, Itachi and Shinichi came to the operating room.

Looking at a cold instrument covered the entire operating room, I really felt a little faint at heart, and asked weakly, "Boss, don't you really need to worry?"

"Just talk a lot!" After staring at each other, Hyuga mirror pointed at the two operating tables in front of him and said, "Let's lie down!"

Itachi took a deep breath and lay silently on the operating table.

At first sight, I had to climb up to the operating table obediently.

While preparing the fusion solution, Heixiangjing instructed: "'Yangshen' can only guarantee that the violent primary cells will not kill you, but whether you can surrender the primary cells depends on your own ability!"

Zhen Yi said, "Stop the water, I can!"

Itachi still didn't snor, but nodded slightly.

Hyuga mirror glanced at Itachi and said nothing.

In fact, Itachi is not the only option for transplanting primary cells, because unlike Heshui, not only does Itachi have a blood relative, but also coincidentally, his blood relative also has awakened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

And this person, naturally, Itachi's father Uchiha Fuyue.

Therefore, Itachi actually has another option, which is to capture the kaleidoscope writing eye of his father Fuyue, and merge a pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing eye!

Seeing Itachi's thoughtful appearance, Hyuga mirror guessed that Itachi must have considered this option.

As expected by Hyuga, Itachi did consider this option.

Because the current situation in the village is very clear ~ ~ The Uchiha family is bound to miss the position of Naruto, and if the Uchiha family loses in the trust vote, they are already in conflict with the position of Naruto. The probability of an ambitious father launching a rebellion is extremely high.

At that time, no matter the end of his father Uchiha Fuyue or the end of the Uchiha family, I am afraid it will be miserable.

So in Itachi's view, instead of letting his father bear the infamous name of the insurgents and then die in disgrace in the hands of the village, it would be better to end it by himself, at least to preserve his father's reputation and his brother Uchiha Sasuke.

Without the existence of the sun mirror, Itachi may have made up his mind now.

However, because of the existence of the sun mirror, he had a fluke in his heart. He believed that no matter how complicated the situation and the intractable problems, the sun mirror would have a solution, so he resolutely chose the possibility of transplanting the primary cell. Life-threatening options.

And if there is a day of father-son confrontation in the future, he won't scold his father's kaleidoscope to write chakras. He will save his father's eyes and leave it to his cherished brother who may need it in the future ...

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