Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 808: Mighty Uchiha

It is precisely because the number of Shangni is so scarce that both sides of the campaign will focus their efforts on the major Ninjas, because the major Ninjas with a long history are the breeding grounds for Shangni.

Compared with the Shangren from the Ninja, not only are there fewer civilians, but there are often some obvious shortcomings or flaws in the body.

This is because they do not have the support of the family. Although they have good talents, they lack the system of ninja education, which leads to their lack of tactics and incomplete means. And this is also the main reason for civilians to tolerate, or all civilian ninjas, in wars and missions, the casualty rate is much higher than that of ninja-born ninjas.

The ninjas of the Ninja tribe have various ninjutsu and secret techniques developed from generations to generations in the family. Experience and lessons, so the ninjas of the Ninja origin are not only comprehensive in strength, but also changeable in tactics. They are far beyond the ordinary ninjas in terms of vision and insight.

As a result, the survival rate is naturally much higher than the civilian ninja.

Therefore, in the confidence vote of the number of heads, any small or small ninja can easily pull out a lot of patience.

This is because of the survival rate. There are a large number of these ninjas who have retired due to disability or old retired Shangni. Although these Shangni no longer have the combat power consistent with Shangni, they do not affect their identity. Participate in the confidence vote, and the vote they cast is no different from the vote cast by the forbearance in the middle ages.

Soon, there was a noise in the square.

What caused the noisy was that Uchiha's upper ninjas accompanied a large group of blackbirds and walked together towards the ballot box located at the main entrance of the Naruto building.

"Oh my God, the Uchihas have so much tolerance?"

"Are there so many Uchihas, are they all forbearance? Could it be wrong?"

"Are you stupid? Three generations are watching on it. There is a hidden part of the ballot box next to the ballot box. How could the Uchiha family use such inaccessible tricks!"

The villagers in the square immediately began to talk.

I used to hear that the Uchiha clan is the number one in the village today, but what a powerful method, ordinary villagers lack intuitive feelings, and now watching the Uchiha clan's Shangni gather together, dozens of people flock together After the ballot box, the villagers realized that the Uchiha family is indeed the village's first giant.

On the roof of a tall building beside the square.

Sasuke Haruka points to the Uchihas who are up and voting, and tells Naruto, Ningji and other friends around, "Did you see? Those are our Uchihas!"

Naruto laments: "Sasuke, there are so many people in your family!"

Ning Ci frowned slightly, and the number of gathered Uchiha's forbearance did exceed his expectations.

Unlike the Hyuga family, there are not many people with open eyes in the Uchiha family, but because of the screening of the 'open eyes', almost all Uchibo who can open eyes are elites. As long as they grow up normally, they will write Awakened to the level of the three hooks, the strength will naturally reach the level of tolerance.

Therefore, after the weakening of the thousand hands, the upper tolerance of the Uchiha family, whether in quantity or quality, has always been the first of the leaves. And this is also their confidence to dare to rebel. If not, the people of Uchiha would not be holding the rebel all day long.

In fact, at present, the number of Uchiha clan's forbearance is the result of three generations of secret restrictions.

Many of the Uchihas who participated in the voting have already reached the normal upper tolerance level, but for various reasons, the village has stranded them in the first upper stage, and some of them have reached the upper stage. , It was firmly bound to the first order of tolerance.

On the other side, Hinata pulled Laninji's sleeve worriedly.

Ning Ci stretched his eyebrows and laughed at Hina: "Relax, teacher he won't lose!"

Sasuke Wenyan pursed his lips toward Ningji: "Huh, your mouth is hard! Ningji, you look good, today won the place of Naruto and become the fifth generation of Naruto, it must be my father!"

On the roof of the Naruto building.

Looking at the Uchiha people who voted in groups below, Uchiha Fuyue raised his mouth, glanced at the mirror with aggressive eyes, and the three generations and elders who were present at the scene. Water, Shinichi instructed: "Go down and vote!"


After a response, Shisui and Shinichi left the top of the Naruto building.

At this time, Gangshou glanced at the three generations, and it seems that some of them complained about why the three generations approved so many forbearance for the Uchiha family.

Three generations faced bitterly and took a pipe.

He also has misery. The Uchiha clan has so many ninjas that meet the standard of tolerance. What can he do?

Especially after stopping the water, Zhen awakened the kaleidoscope writing chakras and the **** organization one after another. After the emergence of multiple Uchihas with kaleidoscope writing chakras in the Xiao organization, the people of the Uchiha family are like chicken blood. One by one, they have worked hard, and the average strength improvement over the years has far exceeded other ninjas in the village.

If the sun mirror has already turned the most radical, Uchiha Ryota, who is most likely to awaken the kaleidoscope to write the round eyes, the two brothers Uchiha Hideki have been solved. Under the stimulation of this trend, they have already reached the elite level The two brothers, maybe it's really possible to wake up from the kaleidoscope.

It seemed to be to regain the momentum. After the Uchiha clan ’s voting for the upper ninjas ended, a large group of people who clashed against the Nakamura clan rushed to the ballot box where the secrets checked the votes.

Compared to the Uchiha clan, there is actually a lot of upside for the Nuka clan.

It's just that most of them are special forbearance, and the crowd is also doped with many white hairs, and even the retreat of the helper is needed.

One of them, ~ ~, looked a lot older than the three generations at the age. Those who walked trembling and trembling required two Hyuga people to walk around.

Looking at this scene, Fu Yue casually glanced at Sun Xiangjing, his face full of teasing.

Hyuga was not embarrassed, and his face was calm.

Undoubtedly, in order to produce a Naruto for the Sunxiang people, Sunzu even invited the elders who had already retired and had inconvenience in legs and legs. Obviously, they ignored it.

After Uchiha and Hiroshi voted in succession, the rest of the order was restored, and one by one came forward to vote.

Looking at the voting below, the smile on Fuyue's face grew more and more, because many of the ninjas who voted in the past had implicitly hinted to him that they would vote for him during the voting session. ...


Secondly, I would like to double the monthly pass during the 11th holiday, so I beg you for your monthly pass support! In addition, thank you students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

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