Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 811: The ceiling called "Destiny"

Bang ...

Bang ...

Listening to the faint salute sounds from the distant Muye Village and the crowds cheering humming around the village, standing on a high cliff outside Muye Village, wearing a vortex mask will understand Five generations of Naruto have been produced.

Beside Dudi, there is still a person standing at this moment.

This man is Hikaru Aoki, who hurriedly defected from the leaves of wood not long ago, but from the attitude that he can stand calmly without the help of any foreign objects, it may not be his long-disabled deity. , But a puppet that is almost exactly the same as his deity.

Obviously, after cooperating with Xiao Organization, Nisshin Aoki has received the technical support of Xiao Organization and has obtained a far stronger force than ever.

After turning on the white eyes in his eye sockets, Hyuga Aoki looked away for a while and then smiled: "It seems that the candidates for the fifth generation have been announced!"

The white eyes in the narrow eyes are undoubtedly the high-purity white eyes from the old parents who attacked Aoki to kill the caretaker.

But because the distance is too far, even if the purity of these white eyes is high, it is impossible to see who has become the fifth generation of Naruto. Only from the movements in the village, it can be judged that the candidates for the fifth generation of Naruto have been announced.

Taking the soil, he glanced at Hyuga Aoki next to him: "Who do you think it will be?"

"It should be you Uchiha!" After a pause, Hyuga Aoki joked: "Anyway, in the position of Naruto, the village will never let a dog of the household who owns his life in the hands of others. This is beyond doubt! "

Although the tone was ridiculous, the expression of Hyuga Aoki was extremely firm.

As a member of the Hyuga separation, Hyuga Aoki is very clear about the political status of Hyuga separation in the family and the village. To put it plainly, it is inferior, and in some cases even inferior to the civilian ninja, so he is extremely determined that the sun is the final decision. It is impossible to defeat Uchiha Fuyue and become the highest leader in the village.

"Well, that makes sense."

Thinking of his past at the ninja school, Ochido felt that the victory of Hyuga was not great, or that he did not want to accept the fact that Hyuga could become Naruto.

Because it was ridiculous to him.

After a moment, he must have reached out from the ground and said, "The fifth generation of Naruto of the wooden leaves has been selected!"

Seeing Otaki and Hyuga Aoki didn't seem to be curious at all, and he immediately hesitated and asked, "Why, do you already know who the fifth generation of Naruto is?"

"The Uchiha family inserted Shinichi into our organization, and successfully received Shinichi, gaining a lot of information in our organization, forcing us to replace the base again. In addition, Uchiha Fuyue revealed the kaleidoscope. Round eyes, there are three pairs of kaleidoscopes in the Uchiha family to write round eyes. This kind of credit, this kind of power, the three generations have to compromise! "

Speaking slowly with soil.

He felt that the sun mirror could not be a Naruto. In addition to the mutual contempt for the crane tails, there was also a judgment on the current power of the Uchiha family.

He shrugged utterly, and teased: "The Uchiha family seems to be the same as you think, but it is a pity that the one who won this time is the sun mirror, he is the fifth generation of Naruto!"


Under the whirlpool mask, his face was miserable.

While waiting for the soil to raise questions, Hipaka Aoki shouted with amused expressions: "No, this is impossible, this is never possible, why is his sundial mirror becoming a naruto!"

For a long time, Hiroshi Aoki has determined that his miserable life was caused by the 'bird in the cage' on his forehead, and that it was caused by the clan's family above the family's head.

It is the 'bird in the cage' and the clan family that put a layer of invisible ceiling on the head of the family, no matter how good the members of the family are and how hard they work, they cannot escape this name, destiny. 'Ceiling.

Sun Xiangjing, who is also a member of the family, has become the fifth generation of Naruto in the village in the most impeccable way in the voting. This reality undoubtedly subverts his inherent concepts.

As if to tell him that as long as he is good enough, the ceiling of the so-called 'fate' can also be broken, and the sun mirror that became the fifth generation of Naruto is an example in front of him.

"No, he's just an obedient dog willing to obey Zong's orders. How could he be better than me? Better than Aoba? No, I will never admit it! I am the one who breaks destiny!"

He shouted hysterically at Aoki. This feeling of being determined by himself was easily denied, which made him extremely miserable.

"The tail of the crane actually defeated Zhishui, defeated Kakashi, defeated Fuyue, and became Naruto. How is this possible? There must be something wrong, even Kakashi!"

Although Daedu only thought in his heart, he did not yell out, but from the clenched fists, he could see the uneasiness in his heart.

Looking at the two people who were out of control, they said silently: "I think you should accept this fact as soon as possible. The fifth generation of Naruto in Muye Village is the sun mirror!"

After a long time, the mood of taking soil and Hyuga Aoki calmed down.

Sudoku suddenly said, "It is not a bad thing for us to become a shadow of the sun."

Hyuga Aoki smiled and echoed: "Yeah, the village did a stupid thing!"

He never acknowledged the tragic destiny of himself and his younger brother, Yoko Aoba, but because he was not good enough, he was angry and broke through the ceiling of fate ~ ~ The sun mirror that subverted his concept and promoted the sun mirror Everyone in the upper ranks thinks they are wrong!

Obviously, after accepting the fact that the Sunward Mirror became the fifth generation of Naruto, the two people with a twisted heart and Aoki Hiroshi soon realized that this was an excellent opportunity to disturb the leaves.

Because Fuyue's defeat, it means that the Naruto series of Konoha broke with the Uchiha family who has three pairs of kaleidoscope writing wheels.

With a little provocation, no, you don't even need to provoke, as long as you watch it change, it is likely that you will see a Uchiha rebellion drama in the near future.

And once Uchiha, who has three pairs of kaleidoscopes, has rebelled, it must be a shocking battle, a battle that can affect the entire woody leaves.

At that time, whether the Uchiha family wins or the village side wins, it will be an extremely heavy blow to Muye. Perhaps the fifth generation of Naruto chosen today will become the last Naruto of Muye Village ...


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