Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 814: The analysis report of the village is impeccable!

Looking down further, it is the analysis file related to the **** organization "Chuanzhu" that is reflected in the eyes of Hyuga.

Perhaps it was because 'Chuan Zhu' had played against three generations of Naruto, and the section on 'Chuan Zhu' in the file was described in great detail.

Seeing Hyuga mirror turned to the "Chuan Lord" part, Kakashi introduced it immediately: "This" Chuan Lord "organized by the gods is most likely a Hidden Ice Mortar Blood Ninja, very good at Ice Mortar Ninja and The Minamata Ninjutsu and the body technique are also extraordinary. He is a powerful ninja with no shortcomings and rich experience! "

With a single glance and ten lines, Hyuga mirror quickly scanned the file of ‘Master Chu’, and then his eyes fell on the word ‘unidentified’ at the end, and he smiled and asked, “Is n’t his identity detected?”

Kakashi shook his head: "Four generations of water shadows have been secretly controlled by Xiao. During that period, the fog inside was very chaotic and rebellions were frequent. The snow family of 'Mingyu' and the glowing night of 'Bone Vein' One family, such as Wuyin's blood following Ninja, all participated in the rebellion, and were finally destroyed by Wuyin's family, and the information was also lost, so Wuyin could not find out the identity of Chuanzhu. "

"Is it..."

Hyuga mirror grinned.

No one knows the situation of Wuyin better than him. In those days when the mandarin orange Yakura was under the control of the soil, there was a rebellion in the inside of Wuyin for almost three days. Even now, no rebellion has been launched. Zhan et al. Are still at ease, so it is normal to not be able to check the identity of the 'Chuanzhu'.

Soon, Hyundai Mirror turned to the section of the file, the "Flame Demon".

Compared with the previous "Chuanzhu", the length of the relevant part of "Yanzhu" is much longer. It can be clearly seen that the village attaches much more importance to "Yangzhu" than "Chuanzhu".

"The situation of 'Yan Mo' is a bit special. There should be one man and one woman, two 'Yan Mo' in the divine organization. The male 'Yan Su' can be reddish with a rumored seal. The artifact 'Ten Boxing Sword', while the female 'Samura''s Susano No Hu 'is golden, with golden flames all around her. "

Kakashi's introduction was timely introduced into the ear of the sundial mirror.

The sundial mirror didn't pay much attention to Kakashi's introduction, but instead turned his attention to a comparison chart in the file.

Depicted on this comparison chart are two statues of 'Suzano Nerhu', one of which is marked with the divine organization 'Inflammation Demon,' and the other is marked with Uchiha Fuyue.

From the figure, it can be clearly seen that the two "Suzunenghu" are very similar in both form and color. The only noticeable difference is the ten-fisted sword held in the hands of a gourd-like artifact. The other does not.

Sun Xiangjing sighed in the bottom of his heart: "It's worthy of being grandpa!"

In the previous five generations of election contests, Nikko Mirror noticed that the father and son's 'suzano' are very similar. It was not expected that the village not only noticed it, but even painted two 'suzano' Comparison chart.

And precisely because of the existence of this comparison chart, it can be clearly discerned that although the two "Suzunenghu" are very similar, there are still many subtle differences.

Kakashi said: "You have noticed it, I don't know why, Uchiha Tokuyuki's" Suzano Nosu "is very similar to that of the male" Inflammation "" Zosano Nosu "in the divine organization."

Hyuga mirror intentionally asked: "Are there any conclusions?"

Kakashi shook his head: "We don't know too much about Uchiha's 'Suzano Nojo', and we don't collect much sample data, so we can't draw valid conclusions for the time being."

Hyuga mirror asked again, "What about their identities? Are there any suspects?"

Kakashi replied: "The village suspects that the‘ fire monster ’organized by God is probably the Uchibo people who fled the village through fake death in previous Ninja wars, or the descendants of those Uchibo people.”

Seems to think of who, Kakashi's expression was suddenly melancholy.

Hyuga mirror nodded with a smile: "Well, very reasonable guess!"

The village has no doubt that the **** organization 'Yanmo' is hiding in the Uchiha family, which is very reasonable, because the Uchiha family has a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, Fuyue, and stop the water. The appearance is controlled by the village.

Fuyue didn't mention that the suzunenghu of Zhishui and Shinichi are emerald green and dark green, respectively, which are completely different from the suzunenghu of the two gods who organized the smolder.

So if the gods organized one man and one woman, two ‘fire monsters’, who are also members of the Uchiha family in the village, the Uchiha family would have five pairs of kaleidoscopes to write chakras.

The Uchiha family really needs such strength, I am afraid they have rebelled long ago.

The sundial mirror then turned down, and soon turned to the part of the "bells."

Because 'Fengling' directly participated in the fierce battle where Muye was destroyed, and cooperated with many Muye ninjas, the 'Fengling' in the file is also very long.

The emphasis was on the two blood relay boundaries of ‘wind chimes’ and ‘magnetism’ and ‘bone veins’.

Looking at the information on the file, Hyuga mirror frowned slightly and yelled, "Well, hasn't Hong reported to the village that 'Windbell' still has white eyes? Strange, why did she help me hide it?"

Seeing Hyuga mirror staring at the 'windbell' part of the file, she was lost in thought, and Kakashi said, "Want to hear my evaluation of this 'windbell'?

Hyuga mirror was interested: "Talk about it!"

"Very strong!" After a pause, Kakashi continued, "I suspect that he is the strongest second to the leader 'Yan Luo' in the God organization. When fighting, I am afraid he is not his opponent! "

Glancing at Kakashi, Hyuga didn't speak.

I have to say that Kakashi's judgment is very accurate. The sundial mirror has a **** wind clone on his forehead. UU reading is indeed the strongest of all his clones!

If you do n’t take into account the outbreak of Blood Sickness, and the combat power is full, the combat power of Feng Feng ’s avatar is not even worse than that of the Sundial Mirror ’s deities. , In terms of fierce and fierce, are stronger than Qiu Daoyu!

After turning over the "wind chime" part, the sundial mirror turned to the "jizo" part.

However, there is only a few words in the file about ‘Jizang’, which is: “Didala in Yanyin Village is probably the **** ’s organization‘ Jizang ’!”

Kakashi explained: "Didala of Yanyin did not admit it, but he can basically conclude that he is the‘ Jizang ’, and his related information is stored in the archives room, and you can check it at any time.”

After closing the "God Organization Analysis Report", Hyuga mirrored Kakashi: "The analysis report from the village is impeccable!"


Secondly, I will continue to plead for monthly tickets during the double period! In addition, thank you students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

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