Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 822: Double spy

Iluka came to Hyuga, and asked respectfully, "Master Naruto, the assessment can begin!"

Looking at the students who were flexing their muscles in the playground, Hyuga nodded gently: "Well, let's start!"

Iluka nodded, and then announced to a group of students on the playground: "This month, the school assessment project is a battle exercise. Below I start to announce the battle list."

"Nichi Xiangning played against Lee Locke."

"Uchiha Sasuke vs. Naruto Uzumaki."

"Haruno Sakura confronts Yamanaka Ino."

"Ziyuan against Saddle Horse Yakumo."


Soon after the player list was announced by Iluka, the students began to compete with their opponents.

Perhaps because of the presence of Naruto on the sidelines, the trainees in the battle exercise were enthusiastic one by one, and all wanted to perform well in front of Hyuga mirror.

Looking at this scene, Hyuga mirror smiled.

Since he appointed Kakashi as Naruto's agent, he has thrown all of Naruto's official duties to Kakashi and the advisory elders without any burden.

However, he hid in the ninja school and became his ninja principal, and actively disappeared into people's vision. Even the shadow guards around him were sent to Ling's side under the pretext of protecting his fiancee.

In this way, time passed day by day.

Except that the sculpted naruto rock in the Sun Xiangjing will occasionally become a topic of discussion among the villagers, the village's topic about the five generations of Naruto, the Sun Xiangjing, has gradually begun to diminish.

At the same time, the hustle and bustle of the campaign for Naruto is gradually dissipating over time.

However, under the calm appearance of the village, there is a turbulent undercurrent. The recent calm of the Uchiha clan not only did not make the village's seniors feel at ease, but made the seniors realize that a storm is coming.

To this end, Naruto One held a secret meeting at both ends for three days.

In the first few meetings, the five generations of Naruto, Hyuga, also attended, but slowly he was too lazy to go, and the consultant elders obviously did not expect Hyuga to solve the problems of the Uchiha family, so the absence of Hyuga I didn't care too much.

In a blink of an eye, Yoyo passed for two weeks and was near the end of the month.

Inside the Naruto building.

Yu Zhibo Quanmei walked into the Naruto office with a nervous look, and everyone in the Naruto office also cast her eyes on her in an instant.

At this time, Tsunade asked, "Izumi, did you find out?"

Uchiha Izumi nodded, and some stubbornly replied: "The time for family rebellion should be at the end of this month, probably the night when Siying left the village."

Three generations took a pipe and said quietly, "It really is ..."

Everyone else in the Naruto office heard the exact news from Uchiha Izumi, and his face was heavy.

Although everyone had anticipated that the Uchiha family would launch a rebellion, when this day really came, everyone's mood was extremely complicated, and I didn't know whether everything was right or wrong.

Seeing that everyone in the office was silent, Uchiha Izumi said in a crying voice: "Is there really no room for recovery?"


Tsunade sighed and shook his head.

Things have reached this point. To calm down the incident, one party must concede completely, and neither the Naruto family nor the Uchiha family will obviously voluntarily confess.

Xiaochun turned to bed without much emotion, and asked bluntly: "What about the deployment of Uchiha's rebellion? Did you find out?"


Uchiha Izumi nodded her head, and explained the information one by one.

When they heard that the Uchiha clan not only had the idea of ​​Muye Prison, but even hired a group of bounty ninjas and homeless warriors outside the village, everyone frowned.

The Uchiha clan's preparations this time are obviously more sufficient than before.

Kakashi said, "It would be tricky if they were allowed to put those people in the village!"

Zi Lai also echoed the sentence: "Those prisoners, bounty ninjas, wandering warriors, etc. may not be very good, but the ability to create chaos must not be small. If they are scattered, they will create chaos in the village. We're afraid we need to invest twice as many people to quickly put them out! "

Asma immediately said: "How can our manpower be wasted on these rubbish!"

Zhuan Xiaochun said: "This is where the Uchihas are clever. Once these cannon fodder spread out, their killing of ordinary villagers will not be weaker than regular ninjas, and if we do not disperse our troops to deal with these cannon fodder The casualties in that village will be inestimable. "

Having said that, Zhuanchun Xiaochun turned her head and said to the three generations, "Sun cut, we are so passive!"

Three generations sighed.

If there is a regiment hiding, in the face of this situation, I am afraid that before the Uchiha clan is ready to start, the village has already preempted and controlled the battle in the Uchiba clan.

The three generations also understand that this is the safest approach at present, but they can be preemptive before the Uchihas have no rebellion. The consequences are undoubtedly great. With the current reputation of Naruto, they can no longer afford this reputation. Great loss.

And this kind of thing, if no one proposes, the three generations are not good at proposing it. After all, apart from the group Tibetans, everyone present is unwilling to bear this gangster of ‘no reason to slaughter the same village ninja’.

Seeing that the situation was so unfavorable, Hyuga Suzuki, who was attending the conference, was cold and at a loss!

She was not qualified to participate in a secret meeting of this level, but because Naruto, the naruto, was often absent, she attended the meeting on behalf of Hyuga, and then privately relayed the contents of the meeting to Hyuga.

After all, no one is better suited to represent Naruto than her Naruto fiancee.

It is also because of entering into the identity of Naruto's wife, that when she learned about the storm that the village was about to encounter, she was more nervous than everyone else.

Realizing the tension of Ling, Tsunade quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, everything will pass!"

At this time, the three generations took out a document and handed it to Uchiha Izumi, saying, "This is the defense plan of some institutions in the village. You can get it back first and pay for it!"

When the village inquired about the Uchiha family through Uchiha Izumi, the Uchiha family was also using Uchiha Izumi's identity as a disciple to probe the village's information.

Therefore, Uchiha Izumi is actually a double-sided spy, which is why she can freely enter and leave the Naruto building, because this is acquiesced by the patriarch Fuyue.

And in order to allow Uchiha Izumi to inquire about the important information of the Uchiha family's rebellion ~ ~ The village will also give her some information from time to time to let her bring back the Uchiha family to exchange for the trust of the Uchibo family .

After receiving the documents handed in by the three generations, Uchiha Izumi was in a distressed heart and yelled, "I may be the only Uchiha who has betrayed my family. Is this really true for me? If Itachi knew that I had betrayed He, betrayed the family, he will not forgive me! "


Among the Uchihas.

Stop the water, Shinichi, and the kaleidoscope of the three Itachi Uchihas met in an empty driving range.

After confirming that no one was around, Itachi whispered, "There is news from Lord Naruto, let us three go to him tonight to report on the deployment of the family rebellion!"


The second is to offer, thank you for your support in the double monthly pass! At this time, please ask for a recommendation ticket. Everyone has a recommendation ticket. I hope everyone will support it! In addition, thank you students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

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