Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 824: Heart is dead

After seeing the three intruders in front of them, namely Uchiha Itachi, the young chief of the Uchiha family, and Uchiha to stop the water, and Uchiha Shinichi, the two Uchihas' kaleidoscope, the red brain was' humming ' A thunder blew a thunder!

"The Uchihas have rebelled!"

"Just tonight!"

"Just now!"

Just a moment, Red realized that the shock was in sight.

As the captain of the Shadow Guard, she naturally analyzed and judged the situation in the village, so she knew very well that the Uchiha family, who had lost contact with the Naruto position, could launch a rebellion at any time.

The young chief of the Uchiha family, along with two kaleidoscopes Uchiha sneaked into the Naruto mansion late at night, this is almost announcing that the rebellion of the Uchiha family has officially launched!

Uh ...

Almost at the same time, the three men in the shadow guard, Red Bean, Blast, and Xi Yan also fell into the yard and fell behind Hong.

After recognizing that Uchiha stopped the water, Uchiha Shinichi, and Uchiha Itachi, the three Uchiha masters, Red Bean, Blast, and Xiyan immediately made the same judgment as Hong.

"Well, Lord Naruto is in danger!"

After a cry from the bottom of his heart, without waiting for the captain to give instructions, Red Bean, Blast, and Xi Yan three decisively changed the formation.

I saw that Red Bean flew back, and Gale and Xi Yan pulled out their swords instantly. There was no unnecessary nonsense, so they launched the "Instantaneous Technique" and rushed to the three Uchibos who had sneaked in.

At the same time, Red, the captain of the Shadow Guard, guessed the intentions of his teammates without looking back, and raised his hand tacitly to seal the seal.

Because there was a preview of such a crisis in advance, the four of them were extremely acquainted, almost immediately after recognizing the identity of the infiltrator, and even without communication, they started the operation.

The four of them are very clear. The three Uchihas in front of them are the strongest fighting force of the Uchihas. With the strength of their four-man squad, it is impossible to defeat the other party, so they have only one thing to do. That is, the three men launched an onslaught to attract the attention of the other side, cover the red beans to send a signal flare, warn the fire shadow inside the house, warn the village, and get some reaction time for the fire shadow and the village!

In their opinion, whether the village can successfully fight the rebellion of the Uchiha clan this time depends on whether they can issue a warning!

In the quick closing, Yu Guang in the corner of the red eye found the blast and Xi Yan one-to-one waving the sword to the enemy, so he secretly said: "The blast, Xi Yan's offensive, should be able to cover up my magic, but as long as I launched the illusion, and even if Uchiha Suzuka and Uchiha Shinichi who have kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, I should be delayed for a few minutes! "

From Red's point of view, just giving them a few minutes, no, just giving them a few tens of seconds, enough red beans behind them to send a warning signal to the air, and notify Naruto to evacuate.

Once Naruto safely evacuates, the rebellion of the Uchiha family will inevitably end in failure!

Just as the various thoughts in the red brain had just begun, and the seal in her hand was about to be completed, she was horrified to find the blast and Xiyan of the Uchihas who were cutting into the sword, holding the long sword in their arms. In front of each other.

"How could this be!?"

Hong didn't expect it at all, and the three of the other party didn't even seal it, so they used the illusion to easily subdue the defensive blast and the evening face.

"It's okay, my illusion is complete!" His face sank, and he yelled in red: "Mystery, the magic of a thousand magical sakura!"


At the moment when the magic was performed in red, a strong wind was blowing around, and numerous petals of cherry blossoms fluttered in the wind, sweeping the entire courtyard, so that everyone in the courtyard fell into the ocean of petals.

At this moment, Red Heart calmed down and shouted, "Red beans, quickly release the flare!"

However, there was no response from Red Bean behind him, nor did it sound the howling of a signal flare.

Hong hurriedly looked back, but found that there was no red bean at all behind her. She stared blankly and noticed the blast, Xi Yan, and even the three Uchihas who had sneaked into the courtyard disappeared. The entire courtyard, In the whole sea of ​​flowers, she was left alone.

While doing a sudden retreat, Red Bean also watched the battlefield closely, while poking his hand into the ninja bag around his waist, he felt the flare that the village specially assigned to their shadow guard.

As long as this flare is fired, the village will immediately enter the state of highest combat readiness, and the Uchiha family's raid tonight has also failed.

But as soon as she took the flare out of the ninja bag, she found that Uchiha Itachi's dark-colored eyes had become a scarlet scarlet, and the wind and Xiyan were also stuck in place at the same time, no matter how hard their hands were. , The raised long knife just can't be cut off!


Hongdou's heart gave a hint of panic.

Suddenly, a low drinking sound of red hair magic was heard in her ears, but before she was relieved, she was acutely aware that the red after the magic was launched was also sluggish and stuck in place.

"Illusion rebound !?"

After learning from the red beans of Dashe Wan, he immediately realized what was happening, and the movements in his hands became more rapid.

Take out the flares, unlock the seal, and lift it up into the air. The whole action took just a few seconds, and it was done in one go.

But when Red Bean wanted to launch the flare in her hand, a figure flashed in front of her, and at the same time, a gentle voice sounded in her ear: "Senior Bean, please don't be nervous."

"This ... so fast, is the water stop !?"

At the moment of seeing the scarlet in the other's eyes, Red Bean couldn't even identify which one was the other, and lost control of his body. Only a thought flashed through his mind: "Well, we couldn't even send out the flare ... Mirror, run away! "

At this time, a lazy voice of Uchiha really sounded in the courtyard: "Hey, although it's just a look, but they are too outrageous, can they receive the allowance of the Shadow Guard? I can do my job! "

Zhishui said, "Don't talk nonsense ~ ~ Let's go, let's go in!"

There was also some confusion at the moment when the water stopped. Before they reported secretly to Hikari, Hikari would support the Shadow Guard. I wonder why today, Hikari did not support the Shadow Guard.

Itachi closed the eye of the writing wheel, silently passed over the high wind and holding the long knife, but stayed in place of the blast and the night face, and the red trapped in his illusion.

Zhen Yi swaggered, and quickly followed.

Seeing Zhishui, Shinichi, the three Itachi Uchihas entered the house of Sunward Mirror one by one, and the red beans bound by illusion were anxious. Although she knew that the strength of Sunward Mirror was the best in their lifetime, they could face the Uchiha family The patriarch of the young master and the two kaleidoscopes of Uchiha, even if the sun direction mirror is strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

What's more, the three of them attacked late at night, so Red Bean felt ashamed for a while ...


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