Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 836: Hate shift

On the long street of the Uchiha clan, the water stop stood quietly at the end of the street, and the short knife in his hand ticked and dripped blood.

Wearing a black-rimmed cloak and a flame-patterned mask, he now looks like a real killing demon, exuding a breath of life that is not near!

The heavily armed Uchiha people lay down a whole street, crumbling with blood and blood everywhere, and the air was filled with acrid blood.


"Ah, my leg"

"We of the Uchiha family will not let you go"

Although cursing and mourning were weak, they continued one after another.

Obviously, many Uchiha people lying on the ground did not die, and most of them were only severely injured, lost their ability to act, and were actually beheaded, but a few.

Listening to the curse in his ear, there is not much waves in Zhishui's heart, because this is not only what Sun Xiangjing requested, but also what he expected.

In the first place, he did not want to kill too many people. In the second place, everyone was killed. How did God's organization attract hatred? How to make the people realize their weakness?

With this intention in mind, he took a **** knife and patrolled the long street, and the cursing sound weakened every time he went.

After all, the Uchiha people who are injured on the ground are not idiots. In the case of artificial swords and I am a fish, there are not many idiots who are quick to talk about their sexuality.

But injustice and hatred breeded in the hearts of these proud Uchiha.

Although the village tried to squeeze out the Uchiha clan, at least the two sides could not really fight with their swords. The Uchiba clan had anger and resentment against the village, but the blood feud had not yet come to an end.

But the fierce attack of the gods organized by the flames really killed the Uchibo people, and made these Uchibos who have higher eyes in the weekdays bleed a whole street of blood!

call out


At this time, the signal bullet from Uchiha's light bucket on the other side of the family land exploded in the night sky.

Zhishui turned his head to look at the past, but there was not much worry on the face under the mask, because he knew that as the fifth generation of Naruto, he had already personally dealt with the evidence that could prove that the Uchiha family had launched a rebellion!

The Uchiha clan is outside.

Hiding in a grove, Kakashi is staring at the Uchiha clan not far away.

Beside him, a large number of heavily armed secrets are gathering.

This group of shadows is not only a large number, there are more than a hundred teams, nearly 500 shadow ninjas, but each is carefully selected by the advisor elders, can be described as the elite of the elite.

And their mission is to give the rebels a headache as soon as the Uchiha family rebels!

Listening to the subtle rumours coming out of the Uchiha clan, Asma, who was also in the team, asked Kakashi: "What is God's organization in it? What should we do now?"

Kakashi replied: "The mirror has passed. As long as the Uchiha family does not step out of the clan tonight, we must not act lightly!"

Asma nodded: "Well, I hope no Uchiha will step out of their homeland tonight."

call out


At this time, the flare exploded in the far night sky caught the attention of everyone in the forest.

Asma suddenly exclaimed: "Well, it's a signal flare, the rebellion has officially launched!"

Looking at the direction of the flare, Kakashi said, "It's the direction of the outer wall. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the flare of the bounty ninja and homeless swordsman who the Uchiha family had notified them to recruit."

Asma asked, "If those guys get in the village, it will be bad, let me go!"

Kakashi nodded: "Okay, now you're leading twenty teams to the outer wall for defense there. You must not let any bounty ninja or homeless swordsman slip into the village!"

On the roof of the Naruto building.

Looking at the eye-catching flare group in the distant night sky, three generations frowned.

And Tsunade, who stood beside him, said to himself, "This should be the signal that the rebellion has officially started?"

The three generations turned to Gangshou and asked, "Have you not found the whereabouts of Lei Ying and Shui Ying?"

Tsunade shook his head helplessly.

The village is facing the rebellion of the Uchiha family tonight. Almost all available manpower is deployed to deal with the Uchiha family. There is no way to search for the traces of Lei Ying and Shui Ying.

The expressions on the faces of the three generations were more dignified: "Now Thunder and Water Shadow have not been able to meet at the meeting point, it means that they must have encountered an accident!"

"Well, it's probably Xiao organization!"

Tsunade said very surely, because in the Ninja Realm, only the Akatsuki organization and the God organization can intercept the thunder and water shadows, and the **** organization is now dealing with the rebellion of the Uchiha family, and the rest is only Akatsuki Organized.

Not to mention that the goal of the organization is the tail beast, and there is a human pillar in the team of Lei Ying and Shui Ying.

The three generations then asked, "Haven't you come back since you came?"

Tsunade was also a little strange at the moment: "It stands to reason that he should have been back long ago ~ ~ I don't know what happened!"

On the roof of a tall building in the village.

At this moment, a dark shadow also looked at the flares of light that exploded in the night in the distance, grinning at the corners of his mouth, and teasing: "Uchibo's fools have finally worked! Come on! "

Heiying laughed and disappeared on the top of the building. Its speed was as ghostly as if it had never existed.

Before long, Black Shadow came outside a remote building in the southeast corner of the village.

This seemingly inconspicuous building is actually a secret stronghold attached to the shadows. There is a small independent palace under the building.


The moment the black shadow appeared, the four shadows flashed out and surrounded the black shadow group.


With a humming noise, the shadows only moved their thoughts, and the four shadows instantly lost control of the body and flew to the shadows!


A blade of light passed, blood flowers splattered, and then the four shadows fell incredibly to the ground, without breath.

After solving the ground guards, Black Shadow strode into the building, and then beheaded all the way. The guards along the way did not even have the opportunity to send out an attack signal, so he easily broke into the deepest part of the earth palace.

Soon, Black Shadow stopped in front of a huge black iron box and laughed, "Sure enough, here!"

Undoubtedly, this huge black iron box in front of Heiying is the bliss box that caused great losses to the leaves in the previous battle.

Although this Bliss Box is grass tolerant, but because it is too harmful, it is sealed and printed in the underground palace by the secret leaves of wood.

The second is to offer, continue to seek recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! Also thank you to the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you all!

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