Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 840: Forced revenge

Seeing that he had fallen into illusion, it seemed that he had lost his consciousness, and the patriarch's grandmother was overjoyed, and then he wanted to break free from his arms around his neck.

But at this moment, the sluggish Hyuga Aoki actually recovered.

"So fast?"

The patriarch's parents were astonished, because from the day of Xiangxiang Aoki's illusion, to break free, there was only one or two breaths during this period.

For such a short time, let alone kill the enemy and save himself, he was too late to even open his neck to imprison and cry out for help.

"Whew ..."

Hyuga Aoki was panting with a big mouth, his face was no longer as happy as before the revenge, and replaced by a deep exhaustion that was hard to hide.

This exhaustion seemed to originate from the soul, and his body was full of weakness.

"Hurry ...?" Hearing the surprise of the father and mother, Hyuga Aoki said resentfully: "Lao Tzu stayed in that **** illusion for three full days!"

Feeling the killing intent of Hiroshi Aoki's tone, the old parents suddenly knew that the other party would never let themselves go, so they tried to take advantage of Hiroshi Aoki's arms around his neck to fight for the last chance.

At this time, Hiroshi Aoki glared at his father and father fiercely while pushing hard, "You idiot!"

As the pressure on the neck became heavier and severer, the clan parents once again blushed and cried, "No ... it's none of my business, I don't know what happened just now, I'm not planning on you ! "

"Since you don't know anything, let's die!"

Click ...

Having said that, Hiroshi Aoki fiercely crushed the father's neck.

And looking at the enemies who had swallowed up, Hikari Aoki, who was vengeful, did not have much joy.

Because of the carelessness just now, his soul was tortured in the illusion space for three days and three nights, almost to the point where the lamp was exhausted. If he did not immediately return to the body of his deity, his spirit would likely be Because of weakness, it disintegrated directly.

But at this moment, he can't abandon the puppet and fly back to the body of the deity in the form of pure spirit body, because once the protection of the body is lost, his weak spirit body can not support it for long.

"Abominable, we can only let go of the massacre of the Zong family first!"

Hyuga Aoki soon made a decision!

Tonight's plan for his revenge against the family must be temporarily interrupted, because there is not much time left for him. If he is not rushed back to the deity as soon as possible to return the spirit body to the body to support him, his weak soul will always be available. May disintegrate.

By that time, there will be no more person named Hyuga Aoki in the Ninja.

After making up his mind, Hikaru Aoki quickly took off the pair of white eyes in the old eyes of the patriarch's parents, especially the old left eye of the patriarch's parents, and he was going to take it back to do some research.

Because of the illusion just now, it really made him feel scared!

After handling his white eyes as a booty, he no longer hesitated, and immediately flickered, disappearing into the room.

After Hiromi Aoki left, a figure slowly walked into the room. There was no doubt that this person was not someone else, and it was the Hyuga who planned this illusion trap.

The trap for Hyuga Aoki this time was laid out by Hyuga Mirror based on his own understanding of the Soul Advent.

For enemies who have performed the ‘Soul Advent’, it does n’t make much sense to destroy the opponent ’s body, no matter how bad they are. Only by hurting the opponent ’s spirit can they really hurt the opponent.

However, the methods that can hurt spirits are not common in the ninja world.

The means currently used by Sun Mirror to injure the spirit body is only to rely on the ability of ‘Qiu Dao’ ’to completely dissolve it to break down the enemy ’s spirit body.

The speed at which the spirit body can fly is far away from 'Qiu Daoyu', and the control range of 'Qiu Daoyu' is only 60 or 70 meters, so in actual combat, it is very necessary to use 'Qiao Daoyu' to destroy the other body. difficult.

What's more, it is not the purpose of Hyuga mirror to completely destroy the spirit body of Hyuga Aoki.

The goal of Hyuga is the giant reincarnation eye of the Hyuga family hidden by Hyuga Aoki, and killing the spiritual body of Hyuga Aoki will only make that giant reincarnation eye disappear again.

Therefore, Hyuga mirrored this illusion trap. He asked Itachi to seal the "monthly reading" into the left eye of the clan father with a 'transliteration seal', and set the clan father to automatically start the left once he fell into extreme fear. Eye of 'Monthly Reading'.

As a result, Hiroshi Aoki made a logical move.

You should know that “Monthly Reading” is not an ordinary illusion. It is a kind of illusion that can distort the normal time flow and directly affect the soul.

In time and space, Kakashi, who got Itachi's "Monthly Reading", was immediately abolished. He was in a coma for a whole week. If Tsunade rushed back in time, he would even be in a coma for longer.

And Kakashi's willpower is definitely the most outstanding handful of ninjas. If you change other people, you may not be able to survive the end of the illusion and the soul will collapse.

So as long as Hyuga Aoki's "Month Reading", the soul will inevitably be extremely weak, and it is necessary to immediately return to the body to nurture. At that time, Hyuga can find the old nest of Hyuga Aoki by taking care of it, and capture the giant rebirth eye of the Hyuga family. Already.

Walked into the room ~ ~ Hyuga mirror faintly glanced down on the ground, there is no breath, the blood of the old patriarchs in the empty eye sockets.

The reason he tolerated this repeated confrontation with him and used Mizuki to blame his clan parents to live to this day is because he inquired that this guy was the executioner of the execution day to Aoba.

Compare your heart to your heart. If Hyuga mirror is in the position of Hyuga Aoki, after getting a giant rebirth, you will find ways to avenge the young brother who died. So this parent has become a natural bait, a bait that leads to the appearance of Hyuga Aoki. !!

And after learning that Hyuga Aoki had a collusion with Uchiha Fuyue, and after the Uchiha family's rebellion night will take action, Hyuga mirrors have more determined the motivation of Hyuga Aoki, so they have this trap.

Bang ...

At this time, there was another explosion in the village.

He walked out of the house and looked at ‘Go’, who was flying in the night sky in the distance, and his face was a little gloomy.

Hikari Aoki will release 'Goku'. This is really beyond his expectation. Originally, with his temperament, he should have nothing to do now, go directly to Hikari Aoki and capture the eyes of the giant rebirth. Listen to the village. The sorrows of the villagers in the village, looking at the Naruto robe wearing, he sighed sighing, and then immediately said: "Shadow avatar!"

Uh ...

In a burst of white smoke, Sun Xiangjing made a shadow copy.

After releasing the gourd weapon on the waist and handing it to the shadow avatar, the head of Hyuga mirror no longer hesitated, and his body flickered in pursuit of the direction where Hyuga left.

The shadow avatar of Hyuga mirror quietly tied the gourd weapon, and looked coldly towards ‘Go’, which was raging in the village ...


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