Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 846: It is your wooden leaf that killed the son of prophecy!

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Naruto World in the eyes of reincarnation Chapter 446 is that your leaves killed the son of prophecy!

The mist around the tulle was full of acrid **** smell.

Carrying the flying section of the **** March sickle, while scrambling around in his mouth, he was angry at the woods shrouded in mist and silence.

On the wet boulder, the horns stood up and looked around.

In the eyes, all overturned trees and potholes of different depths, no doubt revealed that a fierce battle had taken place here not long ago.

In the end, Gokudo's gaze moved to Yu Gao, who was nailed to the tree with no pain, and his face was a little embarrassed.



Little by little blood dripped from Yu Gao's body and splashed into the puddle on the ground.

At this time, Yu Gao's body was covered with scars, her plaque was almost completely red, and she was fainted. Her hands were bitter and pierced. Like a pig and dog to be slaughtered, she was nailed to the trunk of a large tree. on.


The horns took a sip.

This time they suffered a big loss and almost overturned the car. If it wasn't for the dead section of the flying section that was too unreasonable for the blood, it would be the two of them lying on the ground at this moment.

"Organizing this intelligence is probably too wrong."

Rao's character is Jiaodu, and he couldn't help complaining.

Before the operation, the six-tailed human column strength information provided by Xiao organization was a low degree of threat, based on the fact that the six-tailed human column strength was not perfect, and there was no tacit understanding with the six-tailed person. Once it entered the state of beastization, it would lose. Self-will.

Therefore, Kadoto thought that this task would be easy.

I never thought that Yu Gao's strength was so strong. Although he was not perfect human pillar strength, he could not stay awake in the state of tail beastization, but the speed of his tail beastization was really too fast, and the chakra tail coat attached to his body It is also extremely corrosive, and even a little bit of it is fatal.

According to the evaluation of Jiaodu, the six-tailed human pillar strength feathers in the runaway state are higher than the two-tailed human pillar strength Yugi, the perfect person.

In fact, the corners did not know that in the original space, Payne Liudao, who was Nagato, shot and captured Yu Gao himself.

In that battle, although Yu Gao was missed and captured, under the siege of Penn Six, he instantly killed the human path and the hungry ghost path, showing his awesome speed and destructive power.

You should know that Payne of Nagato, when dealing with Hanzo, who is known as a demigod, is harmless. In the original time and space, there are only three damages to the Shangren fairy mode, and when only three are dispatched in the first stage, when the six stages are released in the second stage, the taps in the fairy mode are also It was quickly defeated.

Under the simultaneous siege of six, Yu Gaoneng's performance has been very amazing. At least in all the human powers, his performance is second only to the eight-tailed pillars, Kirabi and the nine-tailed pillars, Naruto. .

And this again shows that in the Ninja world, fast speed can do whatever you want.

If Yu Gao hadn't been able to maintain his sanity in the tail-beastized state, and used tactics, with his speed, few people in the Ninja world could catch up with him.

At this moment, there was a flying laugh "Hahaha, I finally found it"

The corners looked around, and saw the flying section from a puddle, and found the broken arm full of mud, and that broken arm was cut off by Yu Gao in the state of beast-tailing.

After sewing the broken arm for the flying section, the corners said "Bring the guy, let's go"

Fei Duan said, "Hey, let's talk first, let's memorize each for a while."

Miaomu Mountain.

The fumes covering the sky gradually dispersed in the night wind, revealing a messy misery.

In the huge forest, Toad Wentai, Toad Wide, Toad Jian's three giant toads fell to the ground, seeming to have lost consciousness.

He also fell into a pool of blood, with a black stick in his limbs.

Deeply, the two toad immortals of Zhima also fell into the soil in a wolf, each with a black stick in their bodies, and were trapped by Chakra.

Naruto and Fu, a little further away, were locked in the whole body by the wooden clogs of Nagato, and could not even enter the tail.

The only thing on the whole battlefield that could only move was Sasuke, who had been parasitized by the extinct Spore technique. He was staring at the reincarnation in the orbit of Nagato, a look of confusion, and murmured, The legendary reincarnation eye? "

Nagato's indifferent eyes glanced at Sasuke, and then passed directly over Sasuke's body, completely ignoring Sasuke, and turned towards Naruto and Fu, who were not far away.

Watching Nagato gradually walk towards Naruto and Fu, Sasuke screamed in the bottom of his heart, "Don't move, fast, how abominable, how can I watch him take Naruto and Fu away?"

But no matter how Sasuke screamed from the bottom of his heart, his body was trembling and unable to move, even if he just took a step, because fear had completely dominated his body.

When he saw Nagato easily defeated many powerful men such as Zhan Ye, Toad Wentai, Toad Jian, Toad Guang, etc., he understood that the other party wanted to kill himself, it was just a matter of thought, so he wanted to rescue him. Naruto and Fu, but the desire for survival in the heart is preventing him from doing anything, because as long as he shot, even if he just throws a shuriken, the result is only death.

In the endless shame and fear, Sasuke's dark-colored eyes suddenly turned into a scarlet, and the two hook jades on his eyes gradually became three hooks in the continuous spinning.

At this moment, the tap who was nailed to the ground by the black rod coughed the blood, and said, "Nagato, don't go on wrong."

Nagato stopped and didn't look back, just said faintly, "Teacher Yelai ~ ~ What is your position on the ground to teach me?"

Zi Lai also persuaded that "you have reincarnation eyes, there must be a reason, you are probably the son of the prophet who saved the Ninja world, so when all this can be saved, look back"

"Son of Prophecy" paused, and Nagato said coldly, "If there is such a guy, it is also Yahiko, not me. It is a pity that Yahiko is dead and was killed by your Koba ninja."


He has been speechless for a while.

With the disclosure of the identity of Nagato as the leader of the Akatsuki organization, the period when Tizang colluded with Hanzo to kill Yahiko was also dug up, so Yahiko could indeed be said to have been killed by the Koba ninja.

Nagato slowly turned around at this time, and said with a kind of deadly eyes to Talai, "Your wood leaves killed the son of prophecy."

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World of Naruto in Rebirth Eyes

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