Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 851: Highest authority

"I was thinking along the way. Who was colluding with the Uchiha family to plot against me? I guess many people, but I didn't expect that this person would be you, Hyuga mirror!"

Speaking of the last three words, "Hikari Mirror", Hikari Aoki's tone immediately became cold.

While looking at Hyuga Aoki, he said flatly, "You urged the Uchihas to rebel, and I am arresting you as Naruto.

Through observation, he found that the fatigue on Hyuga Aoki's face was not disguised.

This shows that Itachi's 'Month Reading' did indeed cause great damage to the spiritual body of Hyuga Aoki, but from the performance of Hyuga Aoki at this moment, it is clear that the spiritual body of Hyuga Aoki is not yet weak enough to immediately return to the deity. To the point.

Hearing the reference to Naruto by the Sunward Mirror, the eyes of the Sunward Aoki fell on the Naruto robe worn by the Sun Mirror.

"Huh, I always look very accurate, but I didn't expect to see your eyes away from the dog of the householder!" After humming gently, Hyuga Aoki continued: "You have hidden so deep, not only using The contradiction between the village and the Uchiha family succeeded, becoming the fifth generation, and secretly colluding with the young chief of the Uchiha family hiding the kaleidoscope.

Talking, the expression of Hyuga Aoki was distorted.

Breaking the shackles of the fate of separation and becoming the village's Naruto has always been the greatest desire hidden in his heart, and after receiving a giant rebirth, he firmly believes that he will finally achieve all of this.

However, he did not expect that Sunxiang Mirror, who was also separated, actually stepped into the position of Naruto in the midst of misery, which made him feel indignant, as if Sunxiang Mirror took something from his hand. .

What made him even more annoyed was that Sun Xiangjing was successful in plotting him.

Yes, it wasn't that Hiroshi Aoki was annoyed that he wanted to secretly account for him, but that he didn't even think about it in his eyes, and it succeeded.

This feeling of being offended by the ants made him lose face.

After confirming the status of Hyuga Aoki at the moment, Hyuga didn't stop talking, but instead turned his attention to the giant rebirth eye.

Similar to his impression, this giant rebirth eye exudes a strong rebirth eye, Chakra, and the whole body is shining with the shining light of stars. In its core area, there are also dazzling star-like flares, Not only does it seem to be full of power, but it also gives a sense of utter holiness.

I just don't know why, Hyuga mirror faintly has a feeling of unclear way, that is, the state of this giant reincarnation eye seems not right.

Seeing Hyuga mirror staring closely at the giant rebirth eye next to him, Hyuga Aoki smirked and said, "Have you noticed? The reason you colluded with Uchiha Itachi was to figure me out, I just want to know how I got rid of the 'bird's seal in the cage' Right? "

Ryugui mirror ignored Ryoka Aoki who was in the middle of his brain, but frowned, perceiving the state of the giant rebirth eye.

I noticed that Hyuga mirror frowned, Hyuga Aoki thought that he had guessed the mind of Hyuga mirror, and his expression joked: "Since you have come here, then I can tell you anyway, it helps me to get rid of the bird in the cage" The giant rebirth eye in front of you, or in other words, it is the body of the bird curse in the cage! "

"Sure enough!"

Hyuga mirror heard a relief on his face.

Regarding the relationship between the bird's curse in the cage and the giant rebirth eye, he has already made various speculations, because apart from the giant rebirth eye, he really can't think of any other power that can support the family to ignore distance and separate them. Thousands of miles launched the 'bird in the cage' curse 'curse to kill family members.

Because not to mention that the Hyuga family is not good at sealing, even the swirling family who specializes in sealing, there is no such unreasonable sealing.

The reaction of Hyuga mirror made Hyuga Aoki feel a little bit of face, he was even more proud: "Do you think I don't know someone is following me? Stupid, I was intentionally attracting you, I just want to see Who the **** is me? "

Immediately afterwards, Hyuga Aoki caressed the giant reincarnation eye around him, and laughed: "It is our supreme treasure of the Hyuga family, the giant rebirth eye! Hahaha, you are shocked and confused!"

The expression of Hyuga Aoki became even more enthusiastic.

Obviously, Hiromi Aoki ran all the way back to his hiding place, not only because his spiritual body was badly damaged, he needed to return to his deity to support him, but also he deliberately used this to lead the snake out of the hole.

In his opinion, as long as he is close to the giant rebirth eye, he can fully exert the power of the giant rebirth eye. By then, no matter who is behind the scenes to conceal his black hand, he will have the confidence to kill it!

Because of this, he was very proud to tell everything to Hyuga, because he, who had calculated him secretly, and knew his secret, had already been regarded as a dead person.

Hyuga mirror looked calm and there were no waves in his eyes.

"You're pretty calm, but in front of this giant rebirth eye, your so-called Naruto is just a vulnerable ant." He said to Aoki, and he picked up the giant rebirth eye. Chakra ~ ~ chuckled: "Hopefully, you can still keep this look, but don't let me down!"

After getting the Chakra instillation on the giant rebirth eye, Hikaru Aoki's body instantly filled with huge Chakra fluctuations.

Under his influence, the air in the hall seemed to be dense, and seemed to have an average weight. Some gravel on the ground floated under the influence of huge twisting forces.

Standing in the eyes of the giant reincarnation, Hyuga Aoki laughed wildly: "Hahaha, have you seen this? This is my strength. I am the savior of the Hyuga tribe, the **** who controls the ninja world! Kneeling in front of me and crying Hey, remorse, I might spare you your life and say no ... "

Suddenly, Hyuga Aoki's wild laughter came to an abrupt end.

Immediately afterwards, Hyuga Aoki opened his mouth wide, and looked at Hyuga mirror with a look of astonishment, looking at the twin stars like the stars in his eyes, wondering, "You ... your eyes !?"

The Hyuga who opened the rebirth eye did not pay attention to the insane Hyuga Aoki, but instantly seized control of the giant rebirth eye in front of him, and cut off the connection between the giant rebirth eye and Hyuga Aoki.

In terms of authority, the same family and the same eye of the Sunrex mirror is currently the highest authority of the giant reincarnation eye of the Japanese and the Japanese people in the Ninja community. As long as he is brought close to the giant reincarnation eye of the Hyuga family, he can cross the Hyuga Aoki, Master the giant reincarnation eye directly.

At this moment, Hyuga mirror turned his eyes to Hyuga Aoki, and said lightly, "Yes, what were you talking about?"


Third, I would like to extend my thanks to the leader [7:13 today] and all the students who gave a prize yesterday. Thank you! It's late October, please support students with monthly tickets!

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