Gently glanced at the gray face of Hyuga Aoki in the corner, Hyuga didn't say much.

He has found that the disabled deity of Nissho Aoki is hidden in a closet next door, at most a dozen meters away from this hall.

But for Hyuga Aoki, who has lost the support of the giant rebirth eye, the distance of more than ten meters is like an inexorable nature.

Because the spiritual body of Hyuga Aoki is already fragile and cannot leave the puppet he is now in. Once freed from the puppet's shelter, his spirit body will collapse instantly. And he was already so weak that he couldn't move. Unless someone moved his deity to him, otherwise, even if the sun mirror in the hall did nothing, he would not be able to support it for long.

This is the reason why Hyuga didn't conceal the show in front of him, because the spiritual body collapsed and died, which is different from normal death.

The spiritual body collapsed and died, just like the spiritual body was completely disintegrated by ‘Qiu Dao’, it is a complete extinction, and even the forbidden technique that distort the boundary of life and death like ‘Bad Earth Rebirth’ is unable to psychic.

Slowly came to the front of the giant rebirth, while Sun Xiangjing reached out and gently touched it, whispered, "I didn't expect it to be so small ..."


This is indeed the first feeling in the head of Hyuga who saw the giant reincarnated eyes of the Hyuga family.

Because of the huge reincarnation eyes in his impression, he was referring to the one of the big tube family on the moon, and he remembered very well that Naruto and Hinoda leaped together in the sky, and Hinada filled his eyes with Chakra. It was in Naruto's Spiral Pill that with nearly six levels of destructive power, it was worthy of breaking up the giant rebirth eye of the Datongmu family.

From that scene, it can be clearly determined that the giant reincarnation eye on the moon is six or seven stories high and is a giant eyeball with a diameter of several tens of meters.

However, the sun-generating giant reincarnation eye in front of the sun-mirror is only two people tall, about three or four meters in diameter. In the most intuitive volume, it is completely different from the giant reincarnation eye on the moon.

However, he thought about it carefully, which seemed to be right again.

After all, the giant rebirth eye on the moon almost incorporates the white eyes of all bloodline descendants left by Datong Muyu Village on the moon. The number of white eyes is probably thousands.

The giant rebirth eye in front of the Hyuga mirror is just a fusion of the hundreds of white eyes of the Hyuga family. In terms of the number of white eyes, the two sides are not on the same level.

Moreover, Hyuga still vaguely remembers that the ghosts of the big tube woody family on the moon in the sky had revealed the process of rebellion of the big tube wood family to Hinata.

One of the scenes is the scene where the big tube wood family destroyed the big tube woody family with giant rebirth eyes.

From the fragment, it can be seen that the giant rebirth eye of Datongmu was originally only three or four meters in diameter, about the same size as the giant rebirth eye of the Hyuga family.

The reason why the giant reincarnation eyes of the Datongmu family became so large later is that most of the people on the moon later gave their white eyes to the giant reincarnation eyes before death. Over the centuries, the large reincarnation eye of the Datongmu family has more and more white eyes, and the volume naturally increases.

However, the white eyes donated by the Datongmu people not only contain the white-eyed chakras, but also a part of their own soul power. From generation to generation over hundreds of years, their population will naturally become smaller and smaller, because Within a certain range, the total amount of chakras is constant, and the chakras and souls of the deceased have gathered on the eyes of the giant rebirth, and the newborn is naturally inadequate.

This should be the reason why the Datongmu family on the moon died naturally without the enemy.

Wow ...

The moment when the hand of Xiangxiang Mirror touched the giant rebirth eye, the giant rebirth eye suddenly became glorious.

At the same time, the huge amount of information contained in the giant rebirth eyes poured into the brain of the sun mirror.

This information includes both the myths of the giant reincarnation eye, such as the absorption of chakras, the absorption of jutsu, and the ingestion of memory balls, which are not available in the heliostat, and the state of the giant reincarnation eye at the moment.

With this information in mind, Hyuga was mixed.

What he likes is that after mastering this giant rebirth eye, his tactics have become more flexible and changeable, and he can do almost everything that Datong Mushe can do.

What he was worried about was that the giant rebirth eye was in a bad state at the moment.

The centuries-old seal left this giant reincarnation eye in a state of extreme weakness, and after Hyuga Aoki got it, he not only failed to find a way to alleviate his weakness, but asked for it endlessly.

Especially the day before yesterday, Aoki actually consumed the reincarnation eye Chakra ~ ~ to open the 'bliss box'. This extravagance made the huge reincarnation eye of vitality even worse.

"No wonder..."

The sun mirror shook his head slightly.

He had some doubts before. Although his power over the giant rebirth eye was higher than that of Hyuga Aoki, he was also a Hyuga tribe, and he still had the curse left by the ancestors of Hyuga who made the giant rebirth eye.

It stands to reason that even if he can win this dispute over permissions, at least there should be a confrontation in terms of permissions, rather than being instantly taken over by him as before.

Now that he understands the state of the giant rebirth eye, he understands everything.

Obviously, the giant rebirth eye has long been fed up. It only knows the Hyuga Aoki that it asked for, so after the appearance of the higher authority of Hyuga, he did not hesitate to abandon Hyuga Aoki.

After receiving the giant rebirth eyes, Hyuga mirror came slowly to Hyuga Aoki again.

At this time, Hyuga Aoki was already in a stagnant state, and the spirit body was extremely weak. He did not need to do anything at all, and it would naturally disappear in a maximum of five minutes.

And looking at Hiromi Aoki, who has lost his gaze, Hiromi mirror secretly warns himself that he should never be arrogant in the Ninja world, otherwise, it will be the end of Hiromi Aoki.

Afterwards, Hyuga reached into Hyuga Aoki's spirit body, intercepted a ball of memory light, and looked at the specific information about Hyuga Aoki's cooperation with Akatsuki.

After a while, Hyuga mirror wondered: "Hikari Aoki told Xiao organization, the base of God's organization is on the moon? And with this inexplicable information, he deceived so many puppets from the scorpion. Is the scorpion idiot?


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