Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 857: Is there a fire?

Leaving the hall, Itachi came to the courtyard, took a flare from the ninja bag around his waist, and shot into the sky.

call out...


Instantly, a dazzling spark bloomed in the deep night.

On the long street of the Uchiha clan, Zhishui looked up at the gorgeous sparks in the night sky, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then his body flickered, and quickly disappeared into place.

At the other end, Zhen looked up at the night sky, identified the flare pattern in the air, and confirmed that it was the flare released by the ferret. Then he slowly took off the flame-patterned mask on his face and took off his black-golden cloak.

The signal bullet released by Itachi has a special meaning, that is, the end of the war, and the ‘God Organization’ is exiting!

The Uchiha clan is outside.

Because Tajima and Asma were successively injured, Kakashi must always sense Naruto's "Flying Thundercraft" and lack of skills, and the third generation and Zhuan Xiaochun need to sit in the Naruto building and the shadow base, so at this moment It wasn't the others who led the Ujibo family to warn the shadows, it was Tsunade, one of the three forbearances, and her disciples were silent.

After noticing the flares that exploded in the night sky, Mute discerned them carefully and said, "Teacher, that seems to be the flares that the God Organization has agreed with us."

Tsunade asked, "Can you be sure?"

Quietly took out a copy of the flare styles that the God Organization gave to the mirror to the village, compared with several flare styles that have different meanings, and nodded: "Well, yes, it is the flare of the God organization, which means It is the rebellion of the Uchiha family that has been completely dismantled by them, and our people can enter the scene to start rescue! "

Tsunade was somewhat puzzled: "The three kaleidoscopes of the Uchiha family wrote the chakras, so the God organization solved it silently?"

She has no doubt that the ‘God Organization’ has the ability to solve the Uchiha family, but so silently solves the three kaleidoscope writing rounds of the Uchiha family, which is a bit scary.

You must know that tonight is the day when the Uchiha family launched a rebellion. The Uchiha people must be fully armed and highly alert.

Under these circumstances, the three kaleidoscopes of the Uchiha family could be stunned without even being able to start the "Suzano no Hu". This kind of thing was appalling just by thinking about it.

The silence on the side couldn't answer Tsunate's doubts naturally, she asked weakly, "Teacher, shall we go in?"

"Of course we have to go in. Are we still afraid of the Uchiha family?"

If you change someone else, you may be very cautious, but Tsunaji, who is a thousand hands, naturally does not care about the Uchiha clan, so she immediately led the medical class and the shadows into the Uchiba clan.

As soon as he stepped into the Uchiha clan, a pungent blood smell came from his face.

Gang's brows frowned, and he was surprised to find that the Uchiha people lying on the long streets of the Uchiha clan were full of painful moans, and the whole street was bleeding, and the eye-catching scarlet.

Seeing that Tsunade led a large number of dark parts intruding suddenly, those Uchiha people on the ground who were not yet in a coma were nervous and abnormal.

They were guilty of being thieves. They were afraid that the village would come to wipe out the Uchiha family. Some people even wanted to grit their teeth to get up and do the final deadly fight with the invading dark parts.

However, when Zhishui started, they deliberately picked out the joints of their bodies and disintegrated their ability to move one by one, so no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't stand up, let alone resist.

Feeling the hostile eyes cast by the Uchiha people around, the shadows were also on guard. They did not know how much fighting power these Uchihas had on the ground, and they dared not care.

In this depressing atmosphere, Tsunade waved his hands and shouted, "Save!"

With the order of Tsunade, the ninjas in the medical class immediately launched emergency treatment for the injured Uchiha people on the ground, and they were all hinted by the village that they ignored the heavily armed costume of the Uchiha people.

While Uchiha's wounded were relieved, they all felt inexplicably ashamed.

At this time, Tsunade came to a slightly injured Uchiha clan and asked, "Where is your patriarch? And Uchiha stops the water. What about Uchiha?"

The situation of the three kaleidoscopes of the Uchiha family is the most concerned by the village, because the three of them are more powerful than all the other Uchihas combined, so only by confirming the situation of the three of them can we judge this rebellion Has it really subsided?

The Uchihas shook their heads and looked puzzled: "I don't know. A few of them have not appeared since the attack."

Even at this moment, Uchiha's people did not suspect that the killer was Shizumi and Shinichi.

First, they knew that there were indeed two Uchibos with kaleidoscope writing wheels in the "god organization", which were gold and red 'suzano', and suizu and shinichi's 'sazono' were Emerald green and dark green, just this point, they have ruled out the suspicion of stopping water and Shinichi.

In the second place, the patriarch Fuyue also did not show up in the attack, so to say that there are suspicions, the three people including the patriarch Fuyue have suspicions ~ ~ The response of the Uchiha clan surprised Tsutetsu She froze for a moment, and immediately looked at the house of the Uchiha clan leader not far away.

Soon, an injured Uchiha was taken to Muye Hospital by a medical class.

Because 'Go' raged in the village before, the Muye Hospital was already overcrowded and messed up at this time, so the injured of the Uchiha family did not only attract the attention of ordinary villagers, but also because the ward was insufficient For many reasons, Uchiha's wounded were arranged directly in the hall.

Also in the hall were those shadows led by Asma.

Because of the accidental encounter of fleeing Hyuga Aoki outside the wall, Asma and the dozens of shadows led by him all suffered burns and lightning injuries of varying degrees. When they were sent to the hospital, they were also being treated because of insufficient wards. After the wound was healed, he was placed directly in the hall.

Asma with bandages on her body was holding a cigarette and touching her pockets, but found that the lighter did not know where it had fallen during the battle, so she twisted her body and gently pressed her arm against her. A wounded man asked, "Brother, is there a fire?"

Mummy-like Uchiha Shinji, who was also **** with a bandage, took out the lighter and handed it over.

When the lighter was handed over, the two sides did not recognize each other.

Asma was embarrassed. He didn't realize that it was a Uchiha tribe lying beside him. He had to pick up the lighter, and at the same time he was embarrassed and said nothing: "What is wrong with you?"

Uchiha Shinji yelled, "I was attacked by a lunatic, how about you?"

Asma poked her lips: "I've encountered a neurosis!"


The second is to offer, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Thanks also to the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

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