Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 864: Don't even try to escape

He Shizang, who is proficient in foggy assassination, did not expect that someone could sneak up behind him silently. He was so shocked that he didn't have time to think about it, and turned around and waved a knife.

As before, Hyuga mirror pinched the beheading sword of Mijizo with one hand, but this time he didn't make nonsense, and the other hand pierced directly into Mijizo's chest.

Wow ...

The puppet, which was pierced through the chest, suddenly turned into a spray of water and fell to the ground.

"Are you hydrated ..."

Hyuga whispered indifferently, and Xuan was about to hold the blade of the beheaded sword in his hand.

Ji Shizang abandoned his knife very decisively this time, and made a judgment almost instantaneously. The sword that he turned and slashed was just to cover his attack.

However, this set of tactics couldn't be hidden from the sun, and he immediately found the 枇杷 Shizang at a glance, and immediately threw the beheaded sword in his hand.

Uh ...

The big, heavy beheaded sword suddenly disappeared into the smoke with the sound of breaking wind.


Almost at the same time, a depressing mourn was passed in the direction of the beheading sword's galloping away. Obviously, the beheading sword thrown by Nikko Mirror hit the Jisangang who escaped Masaura.

Zizi ...

Just then, there was a sound of electric current in the distance.

"Lecce !?"

Hyuga mirror looked stunned, and couldn't care about dealing with 枇杷 Shizang. She shook her body and disappeared.

another side.

Kakashi carrying Naruto was rather embarrassed. In order to get rid of the pursuit of Nagato, he tried everything, and after entanglement, he was covered with scars, and a black stick was stuck in his left leg. Not only did he greatly reduce his mobility, but even Chakra, who was not much in the body, was a little dismissive.

Glancing at the black stick on his leg, Kakashi tried to pull it out, but as soon as he touched his hand, Chakra in his body immediately became manic, leaving him soft and unable to exert energy.


Sitting on the ground, Kakashi sighed.

It is not easy to pull out the black stick inserted into the body, especially when the physical strength is exhausted and Chakra is exhausted, but if you do not pull out the black stick immediately, then the long door that is easy to be opened will be very difficult. I'll catch up soon.

"It's a pity. I couldn't save you!"

Glancing at Naruto who was still in a coma, Kakashi said apologetically to himself.

Being trapped in an enemy camp, isolated and helpless, coupled with Chakra is about to run out, the current situation is undoubtedly a dead end for Kakashi. Now, let alone save Naruto, even he himself Can't escape.

Suddenly, Kakashi noticed that someone was approaching quickly, so he turned his head and looked at the dim smoke in front of him. The instinct of his hand flashed a dazzling thunder again.

Uh ...

In the blink of an eye, a figure broke through the smoke and appeared in front of Kakashi, who was exactly the Hyuga who heard the sound.

"found it!"

Seeing that Kakashi and Naruto were okay, Hikari was happy on the mirror.

Immediately, Hyuga mirror's attention fell on the black stick stuck in Kakashi's leg, and immediately frowned, trying to rush out and pull out the black stick.

Because each black stick is a launcher, as long as it stays on the body, the long door can sense it at any time.

The sundial mirror that was too late to explain immediately flew into Kakashi's face, pulled out the black stick inserted in Kakashi's leg, and threw it far away.

At the same time, Kakashi's right hand, which showed ‘Rachel’, also pierced the chest of the sun-dial mirror carcass.

The destructive power of 'Rachel' was fully exhibited at this time, and the carcass of which the beheading sword could not help was penetrated by 'Rachel' instantly.



Both sides looked at each other, all with the wrong look on their faces.

Kakashi didn't expect the rebellion suspected of Hyuga Aoki in front of her. He rushed over to pull out a black stick for himself, and Hyuga didn't expect Kakashi's shot to be so decisive.

Kakashi's shot was not without reason.

While he was still in the village, Asma and others who were attacked by Aoki Aoki had already submitted various information about Aoki Aoki to the village, and guessed that Aoki Aoki was probably the 'bliss box' and released Wu's culprit.

Therefore, Kakasi would not hesitate to launch a counterattack at the moment when he saw ‘Hyugao Aoki’ coming.

The sun mirror is because of its own carcass, a little negligence, and because it has no defense against Kakashi, and it is anxious why Kakashi pulled out the black stick, so Kakashi accidentally attacked .

Fortunately, it is only a carcass. Although this kind of damage is serious, it only affects the performance of the carcass and does not cause any substantial damage to the sun mirror.

Realizing that the other party might be an ally, Kakashi hurriedly asked, "Who the **** are you?"

Hyuga didn't answer. He put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, and looked around with white eyes, alerting to the long door that he might arrive at any time.

Kakashi wanted to ask a few more words ~ ~ but suddenly found an unusually soft chakra, which was pouring into his body continuously.

"What are you doing?"

Kakashi staring at the sundial mirror was a little dazed.

According to the information he received in the village, it was obvious that the man had released 'Go', attacked the village, and wounded dozens of shadows in the woods outside the village.

It stands to reason that such a person would never be able to help him, but the scene before him made him have to believe that the other party was the ally who unlocked the seal on Naruto.

And the chakra on the other side is unusually weird. He has never felt this kind of chakra. It is very soft and people have no sense of stagnation. Moreover, based on the feeling, he can judge that the intensity of this chakra is very high. It is far better than the chakras extracted by ordinary ninjas in the body, even higher quality than the chakras passed to him by Tsunade.

Soon, another figure broke through the smoke and appeared in front of Hyuga and Kakashi. It was Nagato!

Hyuga mirrored his heart, immediately got up and stopped in front of Kakashi, and commanded Kakashi behind him: "Chakra is enough, hurry up!"

Kakashi first nodded, and then said, "What about Yunyin's eight-tailed person?"

"Now you can take care of him now!" Pause, Hyuga mirror urged: "Hurry up!"

Kirabi escaped from the shackles of Mu Mu and escaped alone, taking advantage of the ‘revolving wishfulness’ released to the mirror just now, so she disappeared long ago.

Nagato stared coldly at Hyuga and Kakashi, saying, "Don't even try to escape!"


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