Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 868: Caught the key

Looking at Kakashi's inexplicable expression, Hyuga mirror knew that he was babbling at the gate, and Kakashi, who was hiding in the distance, heard it.

After pondering a while, Hyuga Jing asked seriously: "Why, who is 'Yan Luo'?"

"Mirror, you have to be psychologically prepared, Yan Luo's identity ... how to say it, something special!" First explained, then Kakashi lowered the volume subconsciously, and God said mysteriously: "God's organization ' "Yan Luo 'is a legendary Datongmu tribe. His name is Datongmu Sheren!"

"Is the big tube family?"

After cooperating with the thoughtful expression, Hyuga mirrored a little thoughtfully: "With my current development of bloodline power, it should be barely a member of Datongmu?"

The three generations took down the pipe held in their mouth and introduced it to Hyuga: "The legendary creation of the Ninja Sect and the establishment of the six Immortals of the Ninja Realm is what the Kakashi family calls the big tube family and the thousand hands in the village. According to the Uchiha family, it is said that they also have the blood of the Datongmu family, which belongs to the branch of the Datongmu family. "

Tsunade on the side nodded: "Our thousand hands and the vortex of the once vortex country seem to have the blood of six immortals."

Like the thousand-handed family and the Uchiha family, the thousand-year-old giants in the ninja world have genealogies spread within the family, but within the time span of thousands of years, the genealogical tree will inevitably be lost and damaged, so even if it is Tsunade, If you dare not make sure that the Qianshou tribe and relatives, the whirlpool tribe, must be the blood of the six immortals.

After all, it is doubtful whether the Six Immortals in the mythic era really existed. Many ninjas in the current Ninja world even regard the Six Immortals as ordinary mythical stories.

But when Gangshou was a kid, she did hear some elders mention it. The blood of six immortals was flowing from their thousand hands, and she also believed in it.

Because the Chishou tribe, the whirlpool tribe, and even the Uchiha tribe are indeed born with qualifications that are far beyond ordinary ninjas. The creation of the first generation of Konoha and Uchiha speckles even raised the upper limit of the power of the two races to the ordinary people. To the extent that even ordinary movie-level powerhouses are trembling in front of them, the tail beasts have become toys in their hands, which can be distributed at will and used at will.

The three generations went on to say: "The Datongmu family is very mysterious and seems to have all kinds of incredible abilities. Some ancient books mentioned that the Six Immortals had fought with a true **** for the sake of peace in the tolerance world, and finally defeated God and protected the tolerance. World. But where the Datongmu family came from and where they are today, these are difficult to test. "

He Xiangjing didn't interrupt, but just listened quietly, although he already had the information.

At this time Kakashi took the stubble and said, "In fact, at the Five Shadows Conference just now, I didn't tell the whole process of rescuing Naruto. There was an important piece of information that I concealed, that is God organized the dialogue between Yan Luo and Nagato, which also involved your Hyuga tribe. "

Hyuga mirror pretending to look intently, "What information?"

"Yuxiang Aoki, a member of your family who defected to the Hyuga family, should you still have an impression? He seems to have some grudges with the 'Yan Luo' Datong Mushe people, and for this he has not hesitated to cooperate with the Xiao organization, this time opened in the village ' The bliss box ', the culprit who released' Go 'is likely to be him. "

After a pause, Kakashi continued: "And he is probably already killed by 'Yan Luo'. 'Yan Luo' just replaced his identity and entered the Xiao organization base to help me rescue Naruto."

"So it is!"

The sundial mirror was surprised in a timely manner.

"Mirror, you should know what this means!" Three generations stared at Hyuga mirror seriously. "Why can Hyuga Aoki get rid of the restraint of 'birds in cages'? Why can he open the 'bliss box'? Why is he talking to "Yan Luo 'Datong Mushe people have contradictions? I'm afraid all these answers are hidden in your Rixiang family!"

Hyuga mirror stared, and secretly said, "Three generations are really sophisticated, and they immediately grasped the key to the matter."

It can be said that the series of incidents triggered by the rebellion of the Uchiha family is the real key point in the rebellion of the Nikkei Aoki family.

It was because of the reincarnation of Hyuga Aoki's giant reincarnated eye that Hyuga mirror had recovered.

Realizing that the village had already touched the context of the event, found the right direction, and began to secretly pay attention to the Nikkei family. Nikkei also put away the former ease and thought carefully, and immediately said to everyone in the Naruto office: " Well, I will seriously investigate the matter of Hyuga Aoki! "

Seeing the so solemn answer from Rixiang Jing, the three generations nodded, and then seemed to inadvertently ask: "Yes, how did you unravel the seal of the water gate and take the dragon veins?"

As soon as the three generations of words were asked, none of the people in the room stared at the sun mirror.

You must know that 'Dragon Veins' are not bricks and tiles. If you want to take them, let alone the 'Dragon Vessel Seals' imposed by the four generations. Even if there are no seals, 'Dragon Veins' will be difficult to contain and remove.

The technical difficulties involved in this are extremely high ~ ~ let alone individuals, even the top five Ninja villages are not completely sure.

Therefore, 'Longmai' will always be occupied by Loulan. Otherwise, 'Longmai' has been taken away long ago, and it is impossible to wait for Sun Xiangjing to make an idea.

Therefore, the elders of the consultants were very curious. How could this be achieved when there was only a sun-resistant mirror that was particularly forbearing.

The third generation thinks more. As the longest serving Naruto, and the second-generation Naruto disciple, the third generation is arguably the person who knows the leaves best, so he knows that the village has developed a project called 'Artificial The Tail Beast's plan, although this bold plan was finally sealed because of technical problems, but the scroll was missed when the Oshimaru defected.

The relationship between Osumaru and Hyuga is not a secret. In the third Ninja war, Hyugamar was the subordinate of Omomaru.

The three generations even specifically investigated the situation of the Hyuga mirror in the Third Ninja War, and found that because of the big snake pill, the Hyuga mirror received a lot of preferential treatment and avoided many dangerous battlefields.

Based on this alone, the three generations can conclude that the relationship between Hyuga and Osumaru is by no means an ordinary superior and subordinate. The reason why they did not pay much attention to it at first was because Osumaru was so powerful that many Koba ninjas admired Osumaru, like Hyuga The mirror has also become a private subordinate of Osumaru, so mixed with these people, at the time, it was only Zhong Ren's Hyuga mirror and it was not eye-catching.

Now that the "Dragon Vein" is linked to the "Artificial Tail Beast Project", this has to attract the attention of three generations ...


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