Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 882: Detection method of sun mirror

Huoxiangpho looked at the ground full of seal-like rings, and seriously asked, "Sir, is this here?"

The next day nodded to the mirror: "Well, that's it!"

I got confirmation from Sunview Mirror, and Phosphor Phosphorus gathered Chakra immediately, then raised his hand, and protruded from the small palm a black stick about the thickness of a ring on the ground.

This is the black stick made by reincarnation.

查 From the perspective of Chakra, the black stick of reincarnation eye is actually a concrete manifestation of the power of yin and yang, which is a combination of yin and yang. It is the product of yin and yang.

It can not only transmit chakras, perceive them, and manipulate them, in some cases, it can even replace the caster. What the sundial mirror uses right now is its characteristic.

After inserting the black stick made of fragrant phosphor yin and yang , into the circular ring on the ground, he sew the seal with his hands, and said, "Seal!"

Hiss ...

Suddenly, in a burst of steamy mist, the seal on the ring shone brightly.

This ring base inlaid with a black stick is a seal of the sunlit mirror that combines the veins of the Witch of the Ghost Kingdom and the seals of the Whirlpool family.

In terms of enchantment seals, the seal of the maiden's vein is better than the seal of the whirlpool, and the seal of the whirlpool is better than the seal of the whirlpool.

Therefore, if you want to set a defensive enchantment on the air fortress, you must combine the seals of the two races.

The seal of Miko's veins is responsible for stimulating the black stick. With the ability of the black stick, the 'Four Red Sun Formations' are automatically turned on or off, and the seal of the Whirlpool family is responsible for transporting the chakras in the powerhouse to the black stick. Ensure the supply of Enchanted Chakra.

After activating the seal on the ring, Hyundai Mirror asked Phosphor around him, "How about, is the black stick connected to Chakra in the powerhouse?"

Huoxiangphos quickly sensed it, and immediately rejoiced, "Well, it's connected!"

"Go, go to the next place!"

The next day, Xiang Jing did not delay, and immediately went to the next seal point.

Huoxiangphos quickly followed.

After a short while, the sundial mirror and the phosphorous phosphor activated four seal points in turn.

After repeatedly confirming that the black sticks on the four seal points were successfully connected to the main power chamber, Hyundai Mirror immediately came out of the air fortress with Phosphor and I Arro, and came to the desert island outside.


After Xu Yuan receded, Sun Xiangjing actively inspired the 'Four Red Sun Formations' on the air fortress.

When the was just 霎, the four red enchantments suddenly formed from the edges of the fortress in the air, and immediately wrapped the fortress in the air, even the top and bottom.

Hu Xiangxiang exclaimed, "Wow, is this the" Four Red Sun Formations "?"

"Really ... so spectacular!"

I love Luo staring intently at the "Four Red Sun Formations" after the excitement.

香 The incense with reincarnation eyes, and I Airo as a human pillar, are not ordinary ninjas, so they are very sensitive to Chakra, and can judge the strength of Chakra by intuition.

Suddenly, the ‘Four Chiyang Formations’ in the state of excitement shocked them, because it was the first time that the two of them had met with such a strong defense.

"Of course, this is the" Four Red Sun Formations "that even the tail beast can resist!"

The sun-reflector, who had opened her rebirth eye, also raised her mouth.

This is the benefit of being Naruto. Nearly top-level strategic defensive enemies like the ‘Four Red Sun Formation’. If you do n’t have enough authority in the village, even if you have accumulated a lot of achievements, you will not be eligible.

After being a Naruto, even if Hyuga didn't want to learn, the consultant elders would force him to learn.

Because the "Four Red Sun Formations" is also one of the several seals required by Naruto. In the original space, the four foul soil Naruto did not ask each other if they had mastered this operation before, because Those who can become Naruto have to learn.

And this time the test excitement, the sundial mirror is very satisfied, the enchantment is launched very fast, and the chakra distribution on the enchanted wall is also very uniform, at least his reincarnation eyes can not see any obvious flaws.

"Hey, the ability of the black stick to control Chakra seems to be stronger than the average elite. No wonder Nagato likes to play with his" Pain Six "!"

There is no doubt that the effect of the black stick controlling Chakra was beyond the expectations of the sundial mirror, and the use of the black stick to control Chakra was originally his helpless choice. Now he has to say `` True Incense ''.

Hu Xiangxiang asked Nikko: "Sir, are we successful?"

成功 "Success ?!" He chuckled and said, "It is a little too early to say success. Enchantments can only be asserted if they have been tested!"

I'm a little puzzled: "Detection? How can this be detected?"

The next day, he picked up the corner of the mirror and did not make nonsense. He pulled out the 'Dragon Vein' directly from the gourd weapon on the waist, and then commanded the 'Dragon Vein': "Releasing the tail beast jade towards the enchantment!"

"Dragon Vein" nodded obediently and immediately gathered Chakra.

Looking at the huge dragon-shaped phantom, and the chakra-tailed beast jade gathering in the dragon's mouth, Xiang Phosphorus and I Ai Luo were both horrified and abnormal, and then they looked at each other and looked forward wrapped in the distance. The 'Four Chiyang Formations' of the air fortress.

This detection method is really amazing for both of them.

Uh ...

After a few breaths, a dazzling tail beast jade accompanied by the whistling sound and shot at the 'Four Red Sun Formation' in the distance!

Rumble ...

For a moment ~ ~ A huge explosion exploded on the desert island!

The smoke caused by the explosion suddenly diffused and completely blocked the vision of several people. At the same time, the ground of the deserted island also trembled violently. In some areas, there were even cracks on the ground that continued to extend. Go out dozens of meters away.

随着 As the sea breeze blew, the smoke from the explosion was quickly dissipated, and the fiery red 'Four Red Sun Formation' was once again visible in the eyes of several people.

Hu Xiangxiang exclaimed: "Yeah, great!"

I love Luo also echoed: "Success!"

It's too early for Hyuga to be happy. He first took a closer look at the "Four Chiyang Formations" with his reincarnation eyes, and after confirming that the "Four Chiyang Formations" were operating normally, he carefully observed the "Four Chiyang Formations". Inside the fortress.

I glanced over the external structure of the fortress in the sky. It was no accident that the sundial mirror found several places that were damaged due to the impact of the attack just now.

After recording all these weak points, Hyuga mirrored the 'Dragon Veins' around him and said, "Don't stop, keep booming!"


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