Uh ...

There was a bitter coldness, and he stabbed at Kakashi's back quickly. Sasuke even deliberately shifted the angle to avoid the key on Kakashi's back.

"This is the price you pay to underestimate our Uchiha family!"

Seeing that Kuwu was about to be stabbed, Sasuke's smile widened.

But at this moment, Kakashi suddenly turned around and grabbed Sasuke's hand with no pain!


Kakashi's response surprised Sasuke!

的 The moment Kukaxi turned around, the three-handed jade writing round eyes in his eyes actually caught Kakashi's movements, but his body couldn't keep up with the insight of the eyes and had no time to respond.

Almost instantly, Kakashi grabbed Sasuke's arm and slammed on the ground!

Uh ...

Suddenly, Sasuke slumped to the ground, making a deep muffled sound.

Sasuke, who was smashed to the ground and shattered, shook his head and wanted to get up immediately, but he was a cricket again when he was alone, and fell again.

I looked at Sasuke on the ground, but Kakashi secretly whispered in my heart, "Cut, this little devil is not easy!"

From the confrontation just now, he found that Sasuke is no worse than he was when he was eleven years old. What he lacks is only combat experience and a set of tactical systems that fit his own.

When Kakashi became Shangren at the age of twelve, under the guidance of four generations, he learned the importance of a tactical system that fits his own. The main tactical system has greatly enhanced his lethality on the battlefield.

Sasuke's current problem is that he will be a little bit no matter whether it is ninjutsu, physical, or illusion, but he cannot form an effective cooperation with each other and has no own routine.

"Yeah ... hate!"

After a long pause, Sasuke climbed from the ground and stood firm.

Kakashi waved his hand, took out a copy of 'Intimate Paradise' from the ninja bag around his waist, turned around and walked out, saying, "I didn't expect you to be so weak, today's assessment failed ! "

Sasuke suddenly hurried: "You stand still for me, I have not lost yet!"

Saying that, Sasuke rushed to Kakashi regardless.

This time Kakashi didn't even turn his head back, and kicked back, he flew Sasuke towards him and flew out, until he hit a big tree and stabilized his body.

Sasuke's body that fell on the big tree gradually slipped, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with scarlet blood.

Kakashi said indifferently: "You should also know that the last disciple of the adult is also the fourth generation of Naruto in the village. As you are now, it is best not to declare that you are an adult Disciples, lest you be ashamed of adults! "

Looking back at Kakashi's departure, Sasuke's face was full of unwillingness and shame ...

Uh ...

After a while, Kakashi bumped his head with Hyuga.

The next day asked the mirror: "How are you over there?"

Kakashi praised: "Sasuke is stronger than I expected. It is indeed the genius of Uchiha who has awakened the three-shot jade writing round eyes at the age of eleven!"

The next day nodded to the mirror.

Sangou jade is indeed a hurdle, but any Uchiha people who have successfully awakened Sangou ’s writing wheel eye will not be too weak.

Kakashi also asked with concern: "Yes, how's your side?"

"What about Naruto ..." He shook his head and smiled for a while, Hyuga mirror: "Sometimes the kid can communicate at all, sometimes he can't teach anything, it's really a headache!"

授 In terms of apprenticeship, Hyuga is actually inexperienced.

He just knows that Naruto is the "son of prophecy". As long as he grows up smoothly, he will be able to enter the six-level "quality stock" in the future, so he will be more patient than others.

Kakashi said sincerely: "Noro, please take more care!"

Because of the relationship between the four generations of Naruto, he is willing to guide Naruto, but he also knows that Naruto's style does not match him at all, and his guidance may not work for Naruto.

而言 In comparison, Sasuke today is inexplicably in line with his tastes, and looks very much like him who appeared in the beginning of the year.

The next day, Xiang Jing said, "Relax!"

Moan groaned, and Kakashi asked, "Do we really need to do that?"

当然 "Of course!" Suddenly, Hyuga's tone became more serious: "The sooner they grow up, the lighter the burden on our shoulders, no one can protect them for life, they can only rely on themselves!"

Kakashi is a little worried: "But I'm so strict with Sasuke. Will he resent me? Would the Uchiha family have any opinions?"

The next day, Xiang Jing said, "The stronger you are, the stricter you will be, and the more Sasuke will respect you! As for the Uchiha family, you don't need to worry about it!"

Glancing at Hyuga, Kakashi was a little confused: "Why are you so sure?"

The next day smiled at the mirror: "In short, you don't have to worry about these."

Kakashi apparently didn't know that he had given Sasuke his heart and his lungs and taught him a skill in the original spacetime. However, after finding that he could learn nothing from him, he resolutely relied on Dashe Wan in the rebellious village and later even Almost killed him.

So for Sasuke, as long as you are stronger than him, he will respect you, even if it is the big snake pill that has revealed his body in the sky, it is no exception!

Uh ...

Uchibo tribe.

In the night, Sasuke limped into the door, and happened to meet Itachi.

Mongoose looked Sasuke up and down: "Did Kakashi's predecessor pass today?"

Takisuke did not dare to look directly at Itachi's eyes and shook his head with his head down.

The weasel sighed in disappointment: "Is it really too reluctant ..."

Listening to Itachi's emotions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sasuke's heart tightened and she blushed suddenly: "Brother, I ..."

Itachi raised his hand and interrupted Sasuke: "Adult father and mother are still waiting for you in the backyard. Come on!"


Suzusuke responded with a low expression, then slowly walked towards the backyard.

A moment later, Hyuga went out of the shadows, and his gaze remained in the direction of Sasuke's departure.

The weasel put away his disappointment on his face and asked curiously, "Senior, is this really useful?"

The sun-faced mirror with his face in thought shook his head: "It's not good yet, let's go and see!"

He came to the backyard, and neither Hyuga and Itachi entered the house, but hid in a shadow in the courtyard.

After a while, Sasuke came out of the room, his eyes filled with guilt, and there were shallow tears on his cheeks. Apparently, Fuyue had already done as ordered by Hyuga.

At this time, both Hyuga and Itachi carefully observed a man who was standing alone in the yard ...


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