Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 894: The cranes of the year

一 In the early morning of the next morning, Chen Xi had just pierced the night, and the sky was not yet bright. Sasuke was dressed neatly and came to the practice range agreed with Kakashi early.

I waited for a long time before Kakashi appeared yawning.

Suzusuke said coldly, "Mr. Kakashi, you are late again!"

Kakashi casually replied: "I am lost on the road of life ..."

Yu Sasuke looked at Kakashi up and down with suspicion.

Based on the insight he has written in the round of the eye, Kakashi's hidden fatigue can be clearly seen, so he questioned: "Mr. Kakashi, after you have instructed me every day, have you received additional training what?"

Kakashi was shocked, but sneered on his face, "How come, just dealing with your kid has already caused me a headache."

Obviously, Kakashi did not relax his demands.

In the past four months, as a "naruto agent", he not only had to undertake various tedious official tasks thrown by him, but also carefully guided Sasuke, so he could only use his rest time to fill the training time. This only caused Sasuke's fatigue to be seen.

Sasuke didn't worry too much about this, and straightforwardly said, "Mr. Kakashi, what are you going to teach me today?"


Looking at Sasuke looking forward, Kakashi secretly exclaimed.

He now teaches Sasuke, in addition to the "Flying Thunder Surgery" and "Eight Gates of Armor", which he has taught at the bottom of the box.

Thinking about it at this time, even he felt incredible. Sasuke took only four months to make his first expert in wood leaves have a ridiculous sense of nothing to teach.

I seriously looked at Sasuke in front of him, Kakashi had to admit that the changes in Sasuke in the past few months have been too great.

The most intuitive feeling is that Sasuke grew up, and lost his childishness and innocence, like a young bird who had left his parents' shelter, and began to learn to use his own strength to fly high.

For a ninja, such a change is undoubtedly a good thing.

It's just that this change is too fast and too abrupt. In just a few months, it seems like a few years, so that Kakashi does not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

And Kakashi, who has been guiding Sasuke, can clearly feel that the hatred in Sasuke's heart is increasing.

股 This hatred of ‘God ’s Organization’ has been eroding Sasuke ’s heart, making him more gloomy and indifferent, as if losing his ability to laugh.

At the same time, Sasuke's pupil strength is also increasing day by day.

Although Kakashi has lost the kaleidoscope of writing left eye in his left eye, his perception of the pupil power of writing eye has not deteriorated because of this, so Sasuke's improvement of pupil power is the clearest.

I even know better than Sasuke himself.

"This kid may be the real genius!"

Kakashi laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart. He felt that compared to Sasuke, his so-called `` genius '' was a bit of a misnomer.

Seeing Kakashi kept mourning, Sasuke was impatient: "Mr. Kakashi, what are you teaching me today?"

Kakashi, who has been thinking about God, smiled: "The next two days will be the graduation exam of the Ninja School. In the past few days, you should adjust your status, review the content I taught you before, and prepare for the graduation exam!"

Neither 'Flying Thunder's Art' nor 'Eight Gates' is a ninjutsu that can be easily taught.

Especially 'Flying Thundercraft' is currently one of the village's top secret ninjutsu, and the only time-space ninjutsu that ordinary ninjas in the village can try to practice, even if you want to view it as the sun mirror of Naruto, you also need to go through the consultant elder Group, so although Kakashi is a 'Naruto agent', she is not qualified to teach the 'Flying Thundercraft' to Sasuke in private.

As for the ‘Eight Doors’, it ’s not something you can teach casually.

Once, this involved Kai, after all, Kakashi's 'Eight Door Armor' was taught by Kai, and the identity of Sasuke Erii was a bit sensitive after all, and the advisory elder group was still hesitant to teach all the peerlessness so early .

Listening to Kakashi's mention of the ninja school graduation exam, Sasuke's face suddenly sank: "Mr. Kakashi, do you think I should care about that kind of thing?"

Kakashi smiled helplessly.

With Sasuke's current strength, the ninja school's graduation exam does have some pediatrics.

Sasuke said: "Since you have nothing to teach, I will practice it myself!"

"Sasuke, don't underestimate your contemporaries. Their progress during this period is not small, especially Naruto. Like you, there have been earth-shaking changes. If you take it lightly, you may lose to him."

Kakashi could not help reminding Sasuke.

Imagine that at that time, for the first time, he didn't pay attention to his contemporaries at all. His father's prestige only saw the stronger ones in his eyes, and he couldn't bear the miscellaneous crane tails.

But the crane tails of that year, one was in the wind and rain in the ninja world, the other was the fifth generation of Naruto who has become Koba, and there was also a misfortune in the running circle around Koba yesterday. Come.

He asked himself, the last few cranes of that year, he seemed to be unable to beat one now, and his life was almost bleak.

Sasuke looked back at Kakashi, and said coldly, "Naruto? Huh, he's not my opponent!"

By the way, Sasuke no longer cares about Kakashi and walks all the way towards the clan ~ ~ In the heart of Sasuke, Naruto is only a friend who needs his protection, not an opponent who can compete with him. Ning It's the same, he doesn't look at it all now.

At this moment, a figure flashed into his mind.

This figure is not someone else, it is the Yin Ninja Village Maru who humiliated him that year!

Now I think back to the war that year, Sasuke realized how big the gap was between him and Jun Malu, and it was clear that Jun Malu did not intentionally humiliate himself at that time.

I also want to understand this, he is even more difficult to let go.

Compared with humiliation, he is more difficult to accept contempt. He still can remember the doubt when Jun Ma Lu Wang looked at himself, and that doubt seemed to be saying, "Why, why is Uchiha's name so weak? ? "

Every time I think of Jun Malu's expression, Sasuke is angry.

"Hum, I tarnished my family back then. I must find this account myself! Jun Malu, I want you to understand the true strength of the Uchiha family!"

He Zuosuke firmly believes that he now has the power to defeat Jun Malu ...


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