Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 899: Reason not to lose!

When Ning Ci looked at the sun mirror on the rostrum, dozens of Naruto on the playground also looked at the rostrum and Gao Sun mirror sitting there!

Like Ningji, Naruto has a reason to lose.

Huo Ying ’s disciples should get the title of ‘No. 1 in the same period’!

This very simple idea filled Ning Ci and Naruto's hearts, leaving them both indifferent and entering into an unprecedented concentration, as if everything around them had disappeared, leaving only the opponent in front of their eyes.


The next day he gave the mirror a flick.

At this instant, he noticed that the momentum of Ning Ci and Naruto changed. The two boys seemed to lose their impetuousness and jerkyness as students and began to learn to fight like real ninjas!

I noticed this change, apparently more than one day to the mirror.

The three generations holding their pipes smiled with relief.

The self-righteousness on the edge also said with emotion: "For such a short while, I actually saw the shadow of Watergate on Naruto!"

He Gangshou said: "It seems that Naruto has more potential than we think!"

In the market.

Knowing that Ning Ci, who will continue to be passive defense, will undoubtedly fail, he decisively gave up his self-defense tactics, flew in shape, and launched an active attack on Naruto full of people!

Uh ...

Under Ningci's skillful soft fist, Naruto's shadow was continuously broken, and for a while, the muffled sound continued, and white smoke burst!

In the midst of tossing and moving, Ning Ci did not forget his goal. He used the gap between attacks to launch his eyes with all his strength, and searched for Naruto's true body among dozens of Naruto shadows.

Facing Ning Ci's sharp body technique, Naruto didn't sit still.

He mixed his own body with many shadow avatars, then paired them in pairs, and reunited the `` spiral pills ''!

I once again faced Ning Ci with Spiral Pills, much more calmly than just now.

He didn't choose hard resistance this time, but instead used his insights on his white eyes, the sharpness of soft fist, and the speed of his body to start a fight with Naruto in the field!

Boom ...

Boom ...

Boom ...

Naruto's attacks again and again were avoided by Ningji dangerously, and the 'spiral pills' hit by Naruto hit the ground, and suddenly a large pit burst on the ground, sending out a while The roar was roaring.

In the blink of an eye, the playground will become potholes, gravels, and dust all around!

Temporary stands.

The next day he stared intently into the field, his hands clenched tightly, and a heart hanging over his throat.

Ningji apparently found a correct way to deal with Naruto at this moment, but he just used ‘Huitian’ to fight Naruto ’s ‘spiral pill with a bomb’. It ’s too bad.

Not only suffered minor injuries, Chakra was also worn out.

To the extent that at this moment, his movements of flexing his fists are somewhat deformed, and his speed is much slower. He was almost hit by Naruto's "spiral pills" several times.

It can be said that both sides have a winning chance at the moment, but who can win depends on who has the better tenacity and perseverance!

的 The other end of the stands.

The seated weasel looked at the battle in the field with a little regret on his face.

指导 When he directed Ning Ci, he discovered a weakness of Ning Ci, or a bad habit of Ning Ci, that is, Ning Ci's soft fist to the Nichigoku clan has a kind of almost blind self-confidence.

This makes Ning Ci's tactics used in his confrontation with the enemy to be habitually constrained by the soft boxing, bound by the routine of the soft boxing!

Just as before, because of his blind self-confidence in the defense ability of Jiuquan, when he was besieged by Naruto's shadow, he did not give priority to how to get rid of the unfavorable situation, but instead habitually followed the characteristics of Jiuquan to stop statically. , Let yourself be trapped in a siege, pin your hopes on your stubbornness, and find the enemy's flaws.

As a result, Naruto was caught off guard by a set of "spiral pill chain bombs" that didn't follow the common sense, and consumed a large part of his own Chakra. He also suffered minor injuries and greatly reduced his physical function. .

Such a mistake is undoubtedly fatal in actual combat!

Itachi is not clear who instilled this concept of "flexible boxing supremacy" into Ningji, but it will never be a sun mirror that rarely uses flexible boxing on weekdays.

Because of his identity as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and the inconvenience of commenting on the shortcomings of the soft fist of the Nichiou clan, he just reminded Ningci a few times, but the effect was not ideal.

Ningji paid the price for his bad habits today!

大多数 In the eyes of most people, the battle on the field may still be in a stalemate, but in the eyes of Itachi, this victory has been divided.

Sui Ningji not only suffered from serious wear and tear, but also did not quickly find out Naruto's true body from the many shadow avatars. On the other hand, Naruto seems to have just finished warming up, and he does not yet see fatigue.

While Ningji managed to resolve Naruto's shadow avatar almost every time, Naruto would perform the ‘Multi-Shadow avatar’ technique again, and then the body continued to mix into the shadow avatar.

Therefore, the number of Naruto shadow avatars in the field has not been continuously reduced due to Ning Ci's offensive, but has maintained a huge number of dozens.

If Ningji had no previous consumption and injuries, the war situation would not be easy to say, but with the previous mistake, Ningji's failure was only a matter of time.

Boom ...

Boom ...

Naruto's "spiral pills" 's offensive continued, one after another, and the "spiral pills" passed Ningji, and then hit the ground, making a noise.

Suddenly, a piece of crushed stone the size of the thumb flew to Ningji by accident.

According to Ningci's white-eyed insight, such a flying stone could reasonably not hurt him, but Naruto's waves of offensive are too fierce, but his condition is continuing to decline, so this broken flying Stone became the last straw that crushed the camel.


Wu Feishi hit Ningji's cheek with unbiasedness ~ ~ and let him be distracted at once, and then Naruto's new wave of offensive hit him again!

"Too late to hide!"

Frightened, Ning Ci had to perform ‘Back to Heaven’ again.

Boom ...

The Naruto's "spiral pills" and Ningji's "Back to the Sky" held today's second head-to-head confrontation. In the huge roar, the two figures flew out together.

Uh ...

The shadow of Naruto who flew out turned into a white smoke.

Ning Ci, who also flew out, could not get up, because this second ‘Back to the Sky’ consumed all his chakras, leaving him weak and weak.

At this time, Hyuga on the podium stood up and announced, "In this game, the winner is Naruto!"

With the announcement of Hyuga, the long-awaited medical class entered immediately and took Ningji to the side to begin treatment, while Sasuke, who was also on the side, looked at the pits and puddles of the playground and fell into thought ...


The second one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Thanks also to the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

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