Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 902: Is there such a crane tail?

In the market.

Although Zuo Zuosu used the thunder stimulus method, the speed and power increased sharply, and the dynamic visual aids of the three hooks to write round eyes helped him, but he was obviously not accustomed to the physical confrontation at this extreme speed.

Attacked muddy water, hesitated to judge.

On the contrary, although Li did not write a round of eye help, he has been practicing with the teacher Kai, his body has long been accustomed to confrontation at this speed. Even if his eyes have not captured all the actions of Sasuke, he can also use his own intuition. , The body's instinct, to correctly respond to the waves of Sasuke's seemingly violent offensive.

Therefore, the two sides had a good fight for a while!

After a while, Sasuke had to stop the offensive and gasped for breath.

Although the lei 遁 stimulation method is easy to use, it is difficult to maintain it for a long time. After only a short amount of time, Sasuke's body is obviously a bit overwhelmed, and his legs even start to tremble.

This is why obviously many Lei Ninjas understand this kind of stimulation method, but it is only Yun Yin who can explore the advanced version of the Lei Chacha mode.

And even in Yun Yin, who truly mastered the ‘Lei Chachakra ’s’ secret technique, it ’s just the thunder shadows of previous generations who are physically different from ordinary people.

I am not stupid for other people, but I can't afford it.


He glared at Xiao Li, Sasuke sighed lightly.

I just said that I could quickly resolve the battle, but he broke his promise. This made him feel very shameless, especially when his father, mother and brother were watching.

Xiao Li, panting lightly, said with emotion: "It is indeed Sasuke, I did not expect to have such a fast speed!"

"You guy!"

Ji Xiaoli's candid emotion not only did not make Sasuke happy, but made him even more annoyed.

Because the speed just now is not his normal state, it is the speed at which he uses the thunder stimulus method to temporarily increase, but Xiao Li, who fought with him, is the real normal state.

This also means that in terms of speed, the crane tail of Xiao Li surpasses the genius of his Uchiha family.

At this point, Sasuke glanced guiltyly at the family members in the temporary stand.

I lost my father with both eyes. At this moment, he was listening attentively, with a look of hope on his face, and his mother's attention was directly raised.

The elder brother aside, a smile on his face.

"Father, mother, brother ..."

Sasuke's concern made the Sasuke no longer hesitant. He immediately took his time and said to Leng Leng coldly, "Hey, ridiculous farce, that's it!"

Say nothing, in the sound of a current of 呲 呲 呲 呲, Sasuke's right hand flashed a dazzling electric light.

At this time, Sasuke's mouth slowly spit out two words: "Thousands of birds!"

The sound of 光 did not fall, the electric light in Sasuke's right hand became more and more dazzling, and the sound was more and more sharp, as if the thousands of flying birds gathered in the forest!

Xiao Xiaoli froze a little when he saw the situation. He knew Sasuke was moving, so he turned to look at Kai on the side of the field and cast a solicitation.

Wu Kai smiled and gave thumbs up to Xiao Li and shouted, "Let's break out, youth!"

Xiao Li, who was still a little bit asthmatic, calmed her breath instantly, and whispered in the sharp sound of 'Thousand Birds' at her ear: "Eight doors, first door, open the door, open!"

Uh ...

A stream of air swelled from Xiao Li's body.

"Second door, closed, open!"

The air flow soared again, forming a cyclone visible to Xiao Li's side!

"The third door, give birth, open!"

When the third door was opened, huge cyclones formed waves of air after wave, and turned off around!

Whether on the podium or the temporary stand, the audience was shocked.

Although there have been demonstrations of ninjutsu and mystery such as 'spiral pills', 'multiple shadow avatars', 'gossip palms back to heaven', 'shadow parody', 'super beast painting' and so on.

But when everyone saw ‘Thousand Birds’ and ‘Eight Gates’, they could n’t help but feel shocked!

Kakashi, who had been sitting steadily, stood up sharply at this moment, blurted out her mouth, and said, "Kay taught Li Luoke the Eight Doors!"

Kakashi ’s surprise was not only that Kai taught Xiao ’s ‘eight-door yajia’, but even more surprising that this crane ’s tail, which became famous in the forbearance school, actually learned ‘eight-door yajia’.

This is incredible!

Hikaru, still sitting steadily, laughed, "I don't know how many doors Li can open."

Kakashi heard the words and looked at Xiao Li immediately. He was also full of curiosity. He would like to know how many children in the field like Kai could like to wear funny combat clothes.

上 On the temporary stand on the other side.

Listening to the ears of the family members of the students mentioned that Xiao Li was the tail of the crane school, Fuyue was speechless: "Is there such a tail of the crane? "

Mei Qin, who was aside, was also inexplicable. He was just a very ordinary child, and suddenly he made a big move, which was very surprising.

If Fuyue and Meiqin were worried that Naruto would not be able to defeat Sasuke and not get the stimulus effect they should have, then their worries had disappeared at the moment, because Sasuke could not pass Xiao Li's level.

鼬 Itachi is much calmer than others.

At first, he was a colleague who was also a forbearance school. He was very clear about Kay's strength, so he never underestimated Kay's disciples. Second, in his eyes, Sasuke still had a great chance of winning.

The contemporaries on the sidelines all exclaimed.

Especially some of the girls who admired Sasuke were all nervous, as if they were on the field themselves ~ ~ Naruto spared his head: "The thick eyebrows also hide the trick!"

Ning Ci, who was on the doctor's bed, had a pale face. Whether it was Sasuke's "Thousand Birds" or Xiao Li's "Eight Gates Armor", it was greatly beyond his expectations.

In the market.

Bian Xiaoli's outbreak continues: "The fourth door, hurt the door, open!"

The cyclone expanded rapidly, the air waves set off the gravel and sand on the playground, like sand and dust, swept away all around!

Sasuke, who was in the midst of the game, was no longer in the same position as before. He was protecting his cheek with one hand, covering the rush of sand and dust, and holding the 'Thousand Birds' in one hand. The three hooks in the eye of the writing wheel were also spinning fast.

"This ... isn't this the technique Kakashi used when he was running for the fifth generation of Naruto?" Suddenly, Sasuke's mind was filled with a sense of absurdity, wondering: "How could Xiao Li possibly This level of mystery? This is impossible, this is never possible! "

He really didn't understand, this Kakashi didn't even teach him, how did Xiao Li learn ...


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