Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 908: Synchronous first!

The episode that Naruto broke free from Sasuke's illusions, although it caused many people's surprise, did not change the situation. In the end, the competition ended with Sasuke's victory.

Temporary stands.

Wu Fuyue said, "It seems that the five generations have miscalculated!"

The ferret on the sidelines said quickly: "Father, Lord Naruto can't go wrong, this ... should also be expected by Lord Naruto, eh, it must be so!"

Mi Meiqin looked at her husband and her son, and shook her head with a smile.

In any case, such a result is satisfactory. Sasuke can awaken the kaleidoscope to write chakras, which is the best, but like now, I can understand how to let go of arrogance, think like a real ninja, analyze, It seems that this is also a huge growth that is no less favorable than the Awakening Kaleidoscope.

On the podium.

The next day, he waved to the mirror expressionlessly, and instructed the school's teachers to clean up the playground and prepare for the next competition.

Although he had some regrets that Naruto did not defeat Sasuke, at this time his mind was no longer on this, because Nineo's move just now made it possible for Hyuga to see that Nineo and Naruto had a complete heart It is possible to make Naruto a perfect person in advance!

As long as Naruto does this, Sasuke will be suppressed by Naruto until he wakes up to the kaleidoscope to write chakras. By then, it will be easy to find opportunities to stimulate Sasuke.

After waiting for the school teachers to clean up the playground, Hyuga mirror immediately announced the second match.

The battle between Ji Yayun and Tian Tian, ​​the female ninja, has also attracted the attention of many people. After all, although there are many female ninjas in the ninja world, the male ninjas are still the main ones.

As a female forbearance, Yakumo and Tiantian can overcome so many contemporaries. It is rare to break into the semi-finals in this crouching tiger, hidden dragon session.

鞍 Prior to this, the Kurama family even thought of letting Bayun leave the school, because while awakening the family's strong blood succession limit, Bayun's weak body also deteriorated.

In the end, it was Ri Xiangjing, the principal of the forbearance school, who asked Tsunade to let Tsunade personally raise a body for Yakumo, so that Yakumo insisted on graduation.

But after a long day of fighting, Yakumo also reached the limit, so she looked weak in the field.

Unlike Yakumo, because she has been fighting with ninjas, she is in a very good state every day. Chakra ’s consumption is far below Yakumo, and because she broke into the top four, at this time, she is energetic. Confident.

The contest between the two started soon.

I knew that every day of the Eight Cloud Illusions was powerful, I closed my eyes as soon as the battle started, and closed the vision most affected by the Illusions. Then I retreated quickly while unrolling the ninja scroll.

In an instant, an indiscriminate cover attack was launched on the entire site!

Wu Bayun seems to have expected that Tian Tian would do this. After trying to interfere with Tian Tian by illusion, he resigned decisively and ended the test.

I watched Bayun take the initiative to quit and admit defeat.

But everyone also understands that the students who take the graduation exam are generally only twelve or three years old. Chakra's reserves are simply not comparable to real adults.

In the top four, in addition to being Naruto's human strength and the days that did not consume Chakra, Qiangru Sasuke was exhausted, so Yakumo, who was already weak in physical fitness, could not withstand the war of attrition. After conceding directly, it is the most sensible choice.

Anyway, Yakumo's breakthrough into the semi-finals has greatly exceeded the expectations of the saddle horses. This can be seen from the smiles on the faces of the saddle horses on the temporary stand.

After waiting every day, Kakashi on the podium proposed at this time: "It's not too late, so why not arrange dinner first, and do the last one after dinner?"

Kakashi is obviously giving Sasuke time to recover. After all, he just fought with Naruto, Sasuke completely squandered all the Chakras on his body, and finally trembled.

In such a state to face every day, even if Sasuke has written a round of eyes to help, not afraid to endure confrontation, the odds are not high.

Zi Lai also nodded immediately: "Well, let's arrange dinner first!"

The three generations groaned and nodded.

The next day he smiled at the mirror: "Okay!"

The next day, Xiangyang Jing really hoped to stimulate Sasuke's Awakening Kaleidoscope to write a round of eye through an unforgettable defeat, but both Xiao Li and Naruto were defeated by Sazu ’s assistant. At this time, it was too deliberate to do something.

And Sasuke lost the test in a state of exhaustion, no doubt will lose a lot of humiliation, the stimulating effect will be greatly reduced, so even if Sasuke is defeated in the hands of every day, most of the kaleidoscope can not wake up to write round eyes.

After everyone had eaten dinner, the sunset had completely disappeared into the sky, and the night had shrouded the earth.

Because I didn't expect today's graduation examination meeting to continue into the night, the Ninja School delayed preparing the lamps to light up the entire playground.

When everything is ready, it has been two or three hours since Sasuke played Naruto.

After two or three hours of rest, although it was not enough to recover all of Chakra, it was barely enough for Sasuke to fight again, so Sasuke and Tiantian appeared soon after the announcement of Hyuga.

Qi Zuosu's face was Shen Ning, and today's hard battles have wiped out a lot of his arrogance.

Wu Tiantian is full of warfare, and she doesn't seem to have much mental burden. Obviously, she is very satisfied with her current results ~ ~ Even if she loses to Sasuke, she is also the second in the same period.

Soon, the test started.

Uh ...

In a hurry, the two sides started their final ninja duel in the graduation examination. They could only see the sound of ninja collision in the air and the sparks generated during the collision.

I saw the numerous shurikens and bitterness in front of me. Sasuke's three hook jade on the eye of the writing wheel turned faster and faster.

Suddenly, Sasuke's body disappeared.

Seeing Sasuke suddenly disappeared in front of her, she was startled every day, but her surroundings were completely blocked by ninjas. She didn't understand what Sasuke was doing.

At this moment, I saw Sasuke cut into the daily ninja blockade in a strange way. His body almost adhering to each shuriken and bitter edge broke into Tiantian's front.


In shock, he closed his eyes every day.

But Kesuke did not perform magic as expected every day, but instead kicked out directly, kicking the eyes closed every day ...

Uh .........

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