Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 912: Poor bug!

The sun mirror does not know why Ningji did not practice the 'eight-door armors' in the original spacetime. This may be because of the family view of Ningji's superstition of soft boxing, or it may be that Kai feels that Ningji is not suitable for practicing the 'eight-door armors'. It is also possible Ningci was just embarrassed to ask Kai.

After all, the fatal death of his father in the air was really a huge blow to Ning Ci, making him a little paranoid, and some 'glass-hearted', used to protect himself with cold and arrogant.

Relatively speaking, although Ning Ci is now because of the 'bird in the cage', his mind is still sensitive.

But because his father had no accidents, and because Naruto was a teacher, Naruto was very active in character. Therefore, facing the arrangement of the sun, he almost did not hesitate to answer, "Yes, I must ask Teacher Akai seriously! "

After thinking for a while, Hyuga went on to command: "Not only are soft fists, but in the future, you must practice all kinds of ninjas and swords. Only in this way can you expand your attack range and enable you to calmly deal with all kinds of enemy."


Xu Ningci nodded seriously.

The next day Xiang Xiangjing was about to point out a few more words, his gaze suddenly fell, and his face sank. He told Ningji: "Okay, it's not too late, you go back to rest first!"

"good night, teacher!"

Su Ningji quickly got up and made a salute towards Hyuga mirror, and then respectfully exited the room.

After Ningji left, Hyuga mirror faintly said to the unmanned house: "Come out!"

At this moment, a blurry vision emerged from the shadows in the corner of the room, and smiled, "You are very kind to your disciple!"

No doubt, this phantom is not someone else. It is a band of soil dressed in a tissue and wearing a swirl mask.

Suddenly, the sudden appearance of the band soil made Sunrex mirror very surprised, so he pondered the purpose of the band soil and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

I took the soil and smiled: "After becoming Naruto, the momentum is different!"

Seeing that there was no plan to take the soil, Sun Xiangjing immediately understood the purpose of the soil, and guessed why the soil appeared at this time.

Obviously, because of the fear of sacrifice to God's organization, I was worried that the God's organization would set up an ambush beside Naruto and Fu, and waited for the rabbits, so I took a special Naruto and was sent to the seal class. With the Sunward Mirror, his intention to do so is naturally self-evident.

The following day, Xiangyang Jing's attitude remained indifferent: "You also know that I am now Naruto, do you think I will still cooperate with you?"

"Naruto !?" After a pause, he stunned with soil play: "I only saw a poor man who was bound by the 'bird's seal in the cage'. How could the real Naruto be bound by the mantra?"

I had already guessed the sun-dial mirror with the soil in it, and there was a hint of resentment in my eyes: "It has nothing to do with you!"

Shrugging with soil, he smiled casually: "The conditions I proposed before are still valid now. As long as you cooperate with us, we will help you lift the 'bird in the cage' that controls your life and death. You should know that we have this. Ability, Hyuga Aoki, through our power, has gotten rid of the shackles of 'birds in cages' and has been living well until now. "

"Want to cheat me?"

The next day, she looked at her heart.

The news of Aoki's death the next day is still a secret, but not unknown.

Because of the last time Hyuga mirror posing as Hyuga Aoki sneaked into the Xiao organization, after the failure, he changed hands and planted it to the Datong Mushe, and also gave the identity of the **** organization leader to the Datong Mushe.

So in addition to the Hyuga mirror and Akatsuki organization, on the surface, the God organization should also be aware of the matter, and Kakashi, who was present at the time, was also considered to be half informed.

Therefore, with the soil at this moment, he deliberately said to Sunward Mirror that Sunward Aoki is still alive. He is deliberately testing Sunward Mirror to test whether he is aware of this Naruto. News of Hyuga Aoki's death passed.

After thinking about all of this for a moment, Niu Xiangjing said, "How on earth did you do that? 'Birds in cages' should be unsolvable, and have not been cracked by people for hundreds of years!"

He did not speak immediately, but stared at the sun mirror with a look on his face, judging whether the sun mirror was lying, and flashed a doubt in his heart: "He doesn't know the news of the death of Akigi?"

However, the face of Rixiang Jing is sincere, and the longing and anxiety in his eyes are not like lying at all.

Seeing this scene, Toto suddenly felt stunned, and said with a grin: "Hey, not only did the God organization not pass the news on to him, even Kakashi also concealed this information from him. It seems that his Naruto is a three-generation perfunctory. Uchiha's puppet! "

I thought of this, and the band also straightened out why both the Ming organization and Kakashi knew about the death of Hiroshi Aoki, but the Hiroshi family still paid a lot of money for the whereabouts of Hiroshi Aoki on the black market.

This is obviously because the naruto, the sun-vision mirror, is a puppet, and has no right to know at all, so even the people who took the sun-xiang family were blinded.

Suddenly, the band did not think that it was the deliberate concealment of the news by the Sun Xiangjing, and he was in the dark because the Sun Xiangjing did not need to do this kind of thing.

After I feel that I have a hole card, it ’s easier to take the soil tone: "As for how we did it, I can't tell you yet, but as long as you help us do a little thing, we will help you lift your forehead. A curse on the eyes. "

The following day, Xiang Jing shook his head decisively: "If it is a matter of human power, I can do nothing. They are being stared at by the divine organization. Even if I ~ ~, there is no way to take them out of the village.

He laughed with a smile: "You don't need to take them out of the leaves!"

The next day he frowned at the mirror, deliberately pretending to be restless: "Do you have any action again? What action?"

"Rest assured, we have no interest in destroying the wood leaves, and will not prevent you from being a Naruto. Our purpose is only human pillar power!" He soothed the sundial mirror a little, and then said, "I can't tell the action plan yet. You, what I need now is your attitude. Will you cooperate with us? "

After stunning his expression, Sun Xiangjing said: "As long as you don't target Konoha and help me solve this damn‘ bird in the cage ’, I can work with you!”

He smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, I will inform you after the specific arrangements, during this time you gave me a strong look at people!"

The next day he nodded to the mirror.

"Hyugaru mirror, you are such a poor worm that knows nothing!"

Finally glanced sympathetically as 傀儡, everything was hidden in the sundial mirror in the drum, with a sigh of emotion in the bottom of my heart, disappeared into the twisted vortex ...


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