Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 914: Are relatives of your family!

Over time, the "truth" of the rebellion of the Uchiha family a few months ago has gradually been cleared by Xiao's organization.

According to information gathered from various sources, the Uchiha family rebelled that night, and the God organization directly intervened.

According to the descriptions of many Uchiha survivors, it can be confirmed that only the two 'fire monsters' in the God organization were shot. They have defeated three kaleidoscopes in the Uchiha family, including the patriarch Fuyue, and then lightly The relaxed blood washed the Uchibo clan and suppressed the carefully planned rebellion of the Uchibo clan.

The kaleidoscope of the three Uchihas, Fuyue, Zhishui, and Zhenyi, in the hands of the two **** organizations, Yanmao, was even too late to start, and they were defeated one after another. Fuyue, the patriarch, was even more Even her kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was lost.

After probing these things, when the accident happened, the band also deeply despised Fuyue, Shushui and Zhenyi.

Originally, he also had some jealousies about these kaleidoscopes in Uchiha, especially the water stopper with ‘Do n’t be a god’, which he was not willing to fight easily.

Now I want to come, Fuyue, Zhishui, I'm afraid they all have a good example, the strength may not be as good as their own losers, and they can lose 3 to 2!

"If you change me ..."

As soon as this idea started, he brought back memories of being beheaded and killed by the goddess 'Yanma' in the ground palace of the Water Shadow Mansion, distorting his destiny with 'Izanagi', and barely saved his life, as well as in the leaves In the village battle, the **** "Male Demon" was sealed with a "ten boxing sword" by the **** organization, and he was almost trapped in the dreamland of drunk life.

"Uh, those were accidents ..." After a pause, he took the soil and secretly whispered, "But God's organization of the two 'Flames' is really very tricky. Fuyue, stop the water, really lost in their hands. , It's not completely unreasonable! "

He converged his thoughts, dazzled with the earth figure, crossed the wall with a blur, and walked towards the patriarch's mansion.

Xi Yuzhibo clan's house.

Itachi and Izumi are sitting side by side in the courtyard, chatting about the interesting things in today's graduation exam.

In the brightly-lit room not far away, Sasuke could be elated to tell his parents what he had achieved in today's test. During the day, the cold-faced Sasuke, in front of his parents, changed back to the hidden one. Live the mood, look forward to praise the child.

She Quanmei covered her mouth and smiled, "Sasuke is still the same."

The weasel sighed softly: "His heart is actually softer and kinder than us. He just used to imitate his father and me, and deliberately pretended to be aloof!"

Xu Quanmei nodded earnestly: "Perhaps because of this, so the talents of the natural world have fancy him."

Heihe said, "Well, in the future, he will be the bridge between our Uchiha family and the village!"

I seem to be thinking of something, Izumi asked, "Yes, is Sasuke's assignment settled?"

Itachi shook his head and said, "Master Naruto is still hesitant. This year's graduates are a bit special. I am afraid that several people will be required to serve as instructors."

鼬 Itachi is not worried about Sasuke's placement.

At first, Naruto is the naruto, Sasuke will not lose in the class. Second, the Naruto 1 team obviously intends to recruit and cultivate Sasuke, so the advisory elders should not target Sasuke on the issue of class.

At this moment, Itachi suddenly changed his face, and then returned to normal, and said to Quan Mei around him, "It's getting late. Would you like me to take you back?"

Wu Quanmei smiled sweetly: "No need, there are only a few steps, you still have to accompany your family!"

The weasel no longer insisted, and after sending Quanmei out of the mansion, he turned to a remote corner of the mansion and calmly said, "Come on!"

He took the soil out of the shadows at this moment, and smiled, "Itachi, congratulations on becoming the patriarch of Uchiha!"

The ferret suddenly sank: "If you are here just to anger me, then your purpose has been achieved!"

As soon as the other party met, he intentionally mentioned that his father lost the position of patriarch because he had been deprived of the kaleidoscope by the divine organization 'Flame Demon'. Itachi's intention was very obvious.

He shrugged and smiled, "Just a joke. Why, months have passed. Are you still thinking about the rebellion? Or, are you unwilling?"

Seeing that the band of soil has been in a state of blur, Itachi has no choice but to persevere, "This is our own Uchiha family's business, and you don't need to worry about your organization!"

With a smile on his face, he smirked: "I feel uncomfortable passing by with the clan, right?"

The weasel felt a little more gloomy when he heard it.

Zandai soil then bewildered: "You are a smart person, so you should be aware that the wood leaves managed by the Naruto line cannot accept the Uchiha family."

The weasel said coldly, "what exactly do you want to do?"

He brought the soil no longer around the corner, and said openly, "Cooperate with our Xiao organization, and we will help you to recapture your father's kaleidoscope from God's organization!"

The weasel did not show much interest and replied indifferently: "Why do I believe you?"

因为 "Because God's organization is our common enemy!" After a pause, he took the soil and said, "Don't you want to know why God's organization just took your father's kaleidoscope?"

When the weasel looked, it intentionally showed a hint of imperceptibility: "Why?"

I had the kaleidoscope to write the eye of the chakra, and instantly captured the flash of urgency flashed in Itachi's eyes, and then said slowly: "This involves a secret of the kaleidoscope to write the chakra!"

The weasel frowned: "Hidden ?!"

Nodded with soil ~ ~ put away a smile, and became serious: "Tell you a secret, kaleidoscope writing chakras is not the end of chakras' evolution. Above them, there are still A higher form of writing wheel eye is the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye! "

Itachi was terribly startled, and his face could not help but show a little bit, but what surprised him was not the eternal kaleidoscope writing the round eye, but the other party also knew the secret of the eternal kaleidoscope writing the round eye.

"Is he really Uchiha ?!"

All of a sudden, a thought came to Itachi's mind.

Looking at the surprise on Itachi's face, she was satisfied with the soil, and then said, "But the eternal kaleidoscope needs some special conditions to write the evolution of chakras!"

The weasel pondered for a moment, and said deliberately, "You mean you need another pair of kaleidoscopes to write the chakras?"

"You are really a smart person, you can do it in one click!" He paused and said with soil: "The evolution of the eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras requires the fusion of two pairs of blood kaleidoscope writing chakras, so I suspect that it will take your father away. The kaleidoscope of the "inflammation" of the round eye is likely to be a relative of your family, but also a close blood relative! "


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