Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 921: Deterrence and cooperation

Staring at the sun mirror that entered the "rebirth eye chakra mode", the nine-tailed pupil in the cell suddenly shrank, with an unstoppable shock on his face: "You ... Are you Yan Luo of that **** organization? "

Because Chakra can be dissipated through the seal, Jiuwei can use Naruto's senses to receive external information.

Because of this, it is no stranger to Xiao organizations, God organizations, these mysterious organizations that stir the wind and rain in the ninja world, and a little comparison with the rumors heard, it looks through the recognizable rebirth eye Carat and Qiu Daoyu recognized the identity of Hyuga.

After all, everything else can be disguised, but the few Taoist jades that gave it a great deterrent cannot be disguised, but only the 'Six Immortals' and the big tube wood Ashura who inherited the Ninja Sect can consolidate the Taoist jade!

He played with a piece of Qiu Daoyu, and Hyuga mirror said, "Now we can talk about it!"

He Jiuwei was wary: "who the **** are you?"

The next day, Xiangxiang Jing said faintly, "Don't you all know that? I am the fifth generation of Naruto of Koba, the leader of the **** organization 'Yan Luo', and even Naruto's teacher!"

He Jiuwei still could n’t believe it: "This ... how is this possible? How can you have such a powerful force in a neighbouring tribe?"

In the long life of nearly a thousand years, Jiuwei has fought against many powerful ninjas, but the only people who can really threaten it are the descendants of the 'Six Immortals', namely the Uchiha family, the Chishou family, and the Whirlpool family.

As for the other Ninjas, even the Hyuga tribe, a descendant of Datong Muyu Village, it has not been taken into account.

After all, the martial arts world is a world of respect for power and proficient in physical skills, but it is not good at dealing with large monsters of the Hyuga family, naturally it cannot get the respect of Jiuwei.

The only exception may be the four generations of Naruto, which sealed the nine tails.

However, even the fourth generation of Naruto, the technique used to seal the nine tails, was also developed by the whirlpool family, a descendant of the 'six immortals'.

At this moment, Hyuga's gaze became cold, and his tone became a lot more pleasurable: "Do I need to explain to you?"

Nine-tailed put away its beast-tailed pupa and bowed its head.

He did not have to seek Daoyu ’s Qianshouzhuma and Uchiha Baba, he could already play it as a toy, not to mention facing a strong man who could gather Daoyu like ‘Six Dao Xianren’.

Of course, it doesn't know that the sun-dial mirror has not yet reached the real six-way level, nor does it have the means of overcoming it like ‘write-wheel eyes’ and ‘wood 遁’.

Seeing Nine tails rebelling, Hikaru began to talk about cooperation: "From the moment Naruto became a pillar of human power, you and Naruto's fate have been tied together, so helping Naruto is helping yourself . "

Jiuwei was a little confused: "Do you want me to recognize that little ghost?"

The next day, Xiang Xiang Jing said, "Yes, I need you to work together. This is good for both of you!"

Nine-tailed murmured: "What good can it do to me?"

The next day, Xiang Jing mirrored coldly and asked, "Is it alive, isn't this good enough? Is it necessary to be chased out by Chakra, kill the soul, and change back to the ten tails that only knew the destruction?"

Jiuwei heard the words and fell into silence.

The following day Xiang Xiangjing continued: "As long as you cooperate with me well, I can lift this seal for you in the future, and even find a way to help you find the other half of the four-generation seal!"

When his eyes narrowed, Jiuwei asked, "Really?"

In order to change the confession to others, it must sniff, because it knows that the chakra of the other half, together with the soul of the four generations of Naruto, has been sealed by the corpse ghost in the stomach of death. in.

For a strong person who can gather Taoist jade like ‘Six Dao Xianren’, nothing is absolutely impossible.

"As long as you are willing to let go of the connectives and get along with Naruto, I will do it for you." After a pause, Hyuga emphasized to Jiuwei, who did not trust Ninja, "I will do what Hyuga has to say!" "

Jiuwei nodded not long before he nodded.

In fact, it was also clear that the night of Naruto ’s birth, the fourth generation and the nine-tailed person were conceived by others, and it was also manipulated by the kaleidoscope of the opponent ’s katana, which caused a big disturbance in the wooden leaves, so the fourth generation was only Sealed it as a last resort.

Therefore, it is hateful and respectful of the four generations that divided the seal.

Seeing Nine-tailed nod, Hyuga mirror secretly relieved and said, "Five hands!"

He actually took the Nine Tail of Naruto, and there was no good way, so he directly entered the "Rebirth Eye Chakra Mode" and used the reputation of Daoyu and the **** organization 'Yan Luo' to shock the unruly Nine Tail, otherwise If only by words, even if he has worn his mouth open, I am afraid it will be difficult to persuade Jiuwei.

He walked outside the iron fence with the seal Nine Tail, and Sun extended his palm.

The nine tail in the iron fence was hesitant, and then immediately extended the huge front claw!


With a tall iron fence across the tower, the disproportionately touching palms and claws touched each other.

After talking about the cooperation with Jiuwei, Sun Xiangjing glanced around and found that there was no abnormal Chakra around.

"It looks like I'm not ready to see me ..."

The next day to the mirror is clear, Naruto's spiritual world is not the only nine tail.

Before the death of the wave, water gate and whirlpool, Sinai had left a ray of chakras in Naruto's body, but the chakras left at the time of death were very weak, only enough for them to appear once. ~ ~ So to the uninvited guest, Hyuga, they did not choose to show up, but wanted to leave their last chance to meet their son Naruto.

He also understood this, and Sun Xiangjing revealed the identity of 'Yan Luo' without hesitation.

Because it is Nine Tail, or the wave of Chakra left by Sinai here, there is basically no possibility of leaking the sundial mirror secret.

Jiuwei and Naruto are already grasshoppers on a rope, and it is impossible to fall to Xiao organization, but the wave wind gate and whirlpool Xin Xin can only tell Naruto this secret, and can not pass it on at all.

Not to mention that they can use Naruto's senses to perceive them outside, and they should be very clear that Sunswing Mirror is not malicious to Naruto, and they have been trying to improve Naruto's strength, so they have no reason to leak the secret of Suning Mirror.

"Looking at my son's childhood in a tragic environment of being rejected and alienated, I don't know what the four generations will think, will he regret his decision to die in the first place ..."

I don't know why, while Hyuga mirror left Naruto's spiritual world, such a thought flashed in his mind ...


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