Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 927: The odds are great!

Tochigi Village, a remote and uninhabited grove.

"What's going on with this test of Chinese forbearance? Is it a trap that God ’s organization deliberately tempted us to know?"

得 After learning that the five big Ninja villages will jointly hold the Sino-Ninja examination in Muye, the soil immediately infiltrated Muye, found the sun-dial mirror disguised by Itachi, and opened the door to ask.

After asking the question, Bringing his soil and frowning, he examined the "sunward mirror" in front of him.

I do n’t know why, he always feels that this ‘sunward mirror’ is a bit wrong, but what ’s wrong is something, and he could n’t tell for a while.

At this time, Itachi replied in accordance with the prearranged remarks by Hikaru Nikko, and replied: "The Sino-Ninja Examination jointly organized by the five Ninja Villages was initiated by Yan Yin. It has nothing to do with the God organization and there are no traps. It's your heart! "


He sneered with disdain.

Originally, he was only a little skeptical. After listening to the "Sunward Mirror", he immediately determined that the Sino-Ninja examination jointly organized by the five Ninja villages must be a conspiracy planned by God!

Otherwise, it would not be possible for the Five Big Ninja Villages to make such a test of Chinese Ninja for no reason, and the momentum is so great. I heard that even the names of the five big nations will be invited to attend.

He gave a scornful glance at the "Sunward Mirror" in front of him, with a stubborn cry: "This idiot! Obviously it is a naruto, but everything is covered in the drum. It seems that it was a mistake to find him to cooperate with before!"

Together with the heart of slowness, plus the "Dragon Vein" Chakra that escaped from the "Sunward Mirror", the soil did not tangle the wrong feeling I felt before, and leaned back directly into the twisted vortex. , Disappeared silently.

I stared at the place where the soil disappeared, thinking about a weasel posing as Hyuga.

He didn't understand why he clearly told the other side that the test of this test was not a trap and had nothing to do with the God organization, but the other side went so hurriedly as if escaping.

"Is this also what the seniors expected ..."

Uh ...

Inside the big mansion of Yuyu Zhibo clan.

"Father, mother, please rest assured that I will definitely defeat all opponents in this China-Ninja exam and successfully advance to China-Ninja!"

In front of his parents and brother, Sasuke is confident.

Bian Fuyue groaned and asked, "I heard that Didala of Yanyin is going to take this China-Ninja exam?"

I heard that my father had mentioned Didala, and Sasuke's eyes suddenly became a bit cold, and he quickly promised: "Father, you just wait, I will definitely learn that guy!"

Although it is not yet possible to confirm that Didala is the 'Tibetan' organized by God, Sasuke apparently is not prepared to reason with Didala.

In his eyes, the God Organization took away his father's kaleidoscope, which was his unenviable foe, so Didal, a suspected member of the God Organization, was also an enemy he must defeat.

Mi Meiqin said with some concern: "After all, the other party is a strong man who has mastered the" dust ", Sasuke, don't ... don't force yourself too much!"

Minosuke blushed: "Mother, I'm not a kid!"

Fu Fuyue nodded: "Well, work hard, don't embarrass us!"


He answered loudly, and Sasuke quietly exited the room.

After Sasuke left, Meiqin sighed: "Oh, I don't know if we are putting pressure on him like this, right or wrong ..."

Bian Fuyue Shen said: "Born in the Uchiha family, this is the fate he must bear!"

The shadow who stayed at home stayed in the weasel said, "This time the test of Zhong Ren, Zhishui and Zhenyi will be monitored throughout the process. Sasuke may suffer some losses and suffer some injuries, but his life should be worry-free."

Fu Fuyue was very open-minded: "It's not a bad thing to suffer a little and get hurt. He will understand our hard work in the future!"

I walked out of his mansion, Sasuke's eyes immediately became cold, and he murmured, "Didala ..."

At this moment, he has already regarded Didala as his prey, because if Didala is really a member of the divine organization, he can take advantage of the opportunity of the China-Ninja exam to confront Ddala with a fairness, and then use magic to subdue Dalla Dala probed the news of Divine Organization from Didala's body, and then probed the clues of the kaleidoscope written by her father.

As for whether he can win Didala, Sasuke is not worried, because as far as he knows, Didala is only fourteen-five years old, but he became famous earlier, and he feels that his odds are great!

Suddenly, Sasuke turned back and looked at the sparrows on a large tree branch not far away.

"Oh, no Chakra response?"

Just now, he sensed that there was a gaze behind him, only to find a few sparrows on the tree, and ordinary sparrows without any chakra fluctuations.

"Am I suspicious ..."

After whispering secretly, Sasuke kept walking.

Today, Kakashi has special training for the exams for him, Naruto, and Sakura, so he cannot be late.

Uh ...

中 In the hotel where the ninjas of the villages are received.

He Zhongwu reached out and caught a sparrow falling from the air. After listening for a while, he said to Jun Malu in the room, "The birds have remembered the smell of Uchiha Sasuke!"

He was born with the ability to communicate with birds and beasts, so he can use ordinary birds and beasts without Chakra fluctuations to detect intelligence. It is a very different and invincible detection ninja.

Jun Jun Malu nodded.

Unlike other ninjas who took the exam, Jun Malu didn't care if he could pass the Zhong Ren exam. He only cared about one thing, which was the task given to him by Oshimaru.

斩 In the Sino-Ninja exam, kill Uchiha Sasuke!

Suddenly, Jun Malu stared for a moment, looking at a corner of the room.

Uh ...

Almost at the same time, Bai shot a thousand books with his hand, and unbiasedly pinned a small black spot in the corner. When he took a closer look, Bai found that the small black spot was actually made of wood. The puppet spider said, "It's a sandy puppet!"

Wu Jun Malu looked back and snorted coldly: "Hum, don't worry about them!"

砂 In the sandy room next door ~ ~ Kan Jiurang's eyes jumped and he quickly cut off the Chakra line.

Seeing this, she rushed over and said, "How's it going?"

Kan Kanjiro shook his head embarrassedly: "Yunyin, Yanyin, and Yin Ren, all of these guys noticed the crickets I sneaked in!"

Folding his hands, he frowned, "It seems that they are all equipped with a perception ninja."

Kan Kanjiro said: "I have a bad hunch. It seems that my opponents are not simple this time!"

Jushou Juhe nodded, and then thought of something, and asked, "Yes, what about Wuyin? I just saw the people in Wuyin staying in the hotel. Didn't they find your uncle?"

Kan Kanjiro replied, "No, they are not in the room at all!"

Uh ...

on the street.

Looking at the big sign in front of the gambling hall and the odds of the players in the villages at the gate, Shuiyue asked Sun Hyuga with a doubt, "Captain, why should we come to this place?"


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