Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 929: Infiltrating smile

Twenty-three days later, as the ninjas of Cao Ni Village and Ni Ni Village arrived in Konoha, the Sino-Ninja exam jointly organized by the five major Ninja villages will soon begin.

正式 Before the official start, in order to successfully carry out the test, the wooden leaves temporarily held a rally.

Tochigi summoned all the village ninjas who participated in the China-Ninja Examination to the playground of the Ninja School, and publicly read the rules and regulations of the China-Ninja Examination.

On the podium.

Represents the five shadows of the five big ninja villages, seated in turn, looking at the ninjas in the village to take the mid-ninja test, and Itachi, the deputy principal of the ninja school, is reading the rules of the mid-ninja test.

Because the main purpose of holding the China Forbearance Examination is to strengthen the cooperative ability between the major forbearance villages, while emphasizing the competitive nature, the meaningless killing in the examination is strictly prohibited in the rules.

In a nutshell, this Zhong Ren test allows accidents, but never allows malicious killings!


的 The ninjas from various villages who participated in the China-Ninja examination also took the opportunity to observe each other.

Sweeping around the sun-mirror on the playground a little, and found that the number of ninjas who took the China-Ninja exam was roughly the same as he had mastered beforehand.

Tochigi leaves sent a total of thirty teams, a total of ninety ninjas.

Xi Yanyin, Yunyin, and Sandy are all six teams with eighteen ninjas each.

Miwu Yin has only one squad, three ninjas.

There are two squadrons in the Yinyin Ninja Village, six ninjas, ten squads in the Cao Ninja Village, thirty ninjas, and three squads in the Ninja Village, plus the Fu who is already in Muye.

Twenty-eight ninja villages, a total of 64 squadrons, 192 ninjas.

After using his eyes to indicate to Xiang Phosphorus, Darui from Yunyin and Sasuke who was standing with Naruto and Sakura, Hyuga lowered the volume and instructed: "Keep it down!"


Huoxiang nodded quickly.

Because of Kagura Heart Eyes, as long as the phosphorus of the target's Chakra is remembered, Xiang phosphorus can track the position of the opponent within a huge range of dozens of miles.

So as long as Xiang Lin took note of Darui and Sasuke's Chakra, he could easily lock their whereabouts after Hyundai Mirror.

In this China-Ninja exam, the general opponent, Hyuga, has no interest at all. Only Dedala and Darui were able to attract him.

In particular, Darui, who has the limit of 'Large' blood, is the primary goal of Sunward Mirror, because his thunderclone clone encountered a little trouble in developing 'Large' and needed to be true to the ' Lan Yan 'ninja learn from it.

As for Sasuke.

If no one came out to "educate" Sasuke during the entire exam, he wouldn't mind shooting it in person.

Wu Shuiyue also looked around and whispered: "Captain, it seems that only us, Wu Yin, are one team, and there are at least two teams in other villages, which is not good for us!"

The ninjas in the villages on the playground are gathered with the ninjas in the same village, and each village is a large number of people. Even the recently established Yinni Village has six people. The only one who is foggy is the sun-headed mirror and three others. Standing in the middle of the playground, very eye-catching!

Feeling the scrutiny of others' ninjas, Xiang phosphorus also became nervous.

Hyuga was obliviously watching Sasuke in the distance, Naruto, Ningji, and those little guys in Shiyuan. They found that they were obviously nervous, but they tried to pretend to be calm and calm, and secretly Smiled.

At the same time, he keenly noticed that there were still several gazes, and he was watching Sasuke in the crowd.

One of them is Jun Malu of Yinni Village. Although there is nothing, it contains a bit of Ling Ling and resolute killing intention, which makes Rixiangjing feel a little scratched.

The other one seemed to be hiding among the ninjas in Cao Ni Village.

"Grass tolerance ..."

When he died, Hyuga mirror changed his face, because in the group of grass ninjas around him, he found a very familiar grass ninja who was sticking his tongue out and licking his lips.

The other party also noticed the gaze of Hyuga, turned his head and came over, grinning to reveal an infiltrating smile.

The next day, there was a black line on the mirror ...

Uh ...

上 On the top of the teaching building on the other side.

Kakashi, Asma, Matkay, Xi Xinghong, and Mute, the guides, and took advantage of the opportunity to gather ninjas from various villages on the playground to observe.

After a short while, Hong said with some concern: "Yan Yin and Yun Yin sent both masters, I'm afraid this time!"

Wu Kai laughed: "Failure is also a kind of growth!"

After observing for a while, Asma's eyes fell on the three people in Wuyin in the playground, and his eyebrows were twisted: "Muyin is abnormal, only three were sent to bear it!"

Silently nodded and nodded: "And there are two more wearing masks, shouldn't this be allowed?"

忍 Ninjas in various villages on the playground dressed up in various ways, some wearing sunglasses, some wearing face masks, some wearing bucket hats, and even bandages all over their bodies, revealing only the features.

You can wear a mask to cover the whole face, but there are only two people, the sun mirror and the phosphorous, which represent the fog.

Hong also turned his attention to the three members of Wuyin: "There are rumors in the village that as soon as Wuyin Ninja enters the village, he bets the diaphragm of one of Wuyin's seven ninja swords to the casino and buys himself to win. "

Silently laughed: "This is too stupid, fools know that you should buy Yanyin ..."

Halfway through the utterance, Mute realized that she had leaked, and quickly covered her mouth.

Kakashi took out a copy of the village registration at this time and looked at it, saying: "There are three people registered in Wuyin, the captain is called Qilin, and the team members are Xiang phosphorus and Shuiyue.

登记 In the registration of Kakashi's village entry, she clearly recorded the appearance of Kirin and Phosphor after removing the mask ~ ~ Just the eyes of the two were very ordinary ink pupils.

Seeing Kakashi groaning, Kay asked, "What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

Staring at the photo of Kirin registered in the village, Kakashi said restlessly: "I always think this Kirin is ..."

Wu Kai gathered together, glanced at Kakashi's entry registration in the village, and then she was surprised: "Well, Kakashi, this unicorn looks a little like you!"

I heard Kay say this, Asma, Hong, silently surrounded him, and looked at the picture of Kirin registered in the village.

In terms of facial features, there is still a clear difference between Kirin and Kakashi, but there are similarities in their looks.

Asma pouted, "It's not very similar!"

At this time, staring at the picture of Kirin frowned gradually: "How do I think this Kirin is more like a mirror!"

Kakashi put away the registration of the village, and turned her eyes to the playground, saying, "I always feel that the three people in Wuyin are a bit wrong, and I will arrange a shadow to try them later!"


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