Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 937: Out rate

After waiting for all the candidates to sign the death certificate, Asma began to introduce the rules for the second exam.

As in the original time and space, the location of this second test is in the death forest near the village.

的 Twenty-four teams that passed the first exam, each team will randomly get one of twelve 'Scrolls of Heaven' and twelve 'Scrolls of Earth' before entering the Death Forest.

只有 Only when they defeated the other teams in the Death Forest, got together a pair of heaven and earth scrolls, and successfully reached the sentry tower in the center of the Death Forest, did they pass this second exam.

"Is it a scramble for a scroll? Sounds simple!"

"There are only twelve 'Scrolls of Heaven' and twelve 'Scrolls of Earth'. Even in the most ideal state, only twelve pairs of Heaven and Earth scrolls can be made up. The minimum elimination rate in this game is 50%. what!"

"Fifty percent? Huh, no one will think that there are too many scrolls in his hands. If I have already gotten a pair of world scrolls, they will hunt other teams and eliminate as many competitors as possible. , So the elimination rate for this game is at least 70%! "

"Oh, I'm starting to look forward!"

Listening to Asma's introduction, the candidates in the classroom immediately talked.

Some savvy candidates have estimated the approximate elimination rate for this game.

Asma smiled: "You have a good analysis. At this time, only 12 teams will advance, so at least half of you will be eliminated!"

Candidates who are watching each other are nervous and excited.

绝大多数 For the vast majority of candidates present, the first written test is really boring, and only by fighting can we truly show the strength of a ninja!

At this time, a Yan Yin candidate raised his hand and asked, "Examiner, are there any restrictions on fighting in the exam?"

Asma immediately explained: "Meaning of meaningless killing is strictly prohibited in the examination, and it is strictly forbidden to hunt down candidates who abstain from taking the initiative. In addition, there are no restrictions on fighting. Everyone can use all means!"

A Cao Ni frowned suddenly: "There are so many candidates for your leaves. If there are no rules or restrictions, if they act collectively, wouldn't it be unfair to us other ninja village ninjas?"

Asma chuckled: "You can also find allies? Picking the right target and allies is also one of the test sites for this exam!"

Can Cao Ren test taker Nana was speechless and sat back.

He knows that although Asma speaks magnificently, in fact, it is an indisputable fact that the rules of this test are more biased towards the candidates of Konoha.

Because of the alliance with the village ninjas, there are no obstacles at all.

And teams from different villages want to form alliances, it is much more difficult, after all, ‘trust’ is a very precious luxury for ninjas!

Asma went on to introduce: "In the death forest, there are countless secret cameras, so every move you take during the exam, the five shadows in the monitoring room will be seen! In addition, there is a medical station in each of the southeast, northwest, and inside the forest. Fighting is strictly forbidden in the health care station, and if anyone of you enters the health care station actively, you will be abstained by default when you are protected, and you will be disqualified from the exam! "

After introducing the exam rules, Asma stopped talking nonsense and led the candidates directly to the death forest.

And on the way to the Death Forest, candidates have begun to secretly choose the targets they think are the most suitable, because according to the rules of the exam, if luck is good enough, as long as they attack a squad, they happen to win their missing scrolls. You can avoid fighting all the way and go directly to the central outpost to advance.

Death outside the forest.

Three generations of earth shadows, four generations of thunder shadows, four generations of wind shadows, four generations of water shadows, and several elders of Cao Ren Village and Tong Ren Village, accompanied by a ferret posing as a sun mirror, together with several consultants from Koba The elders came together to the surveillance room with monitors on the walls.

According to the scenes of the monitor on the monitor, it can be clearly seen that the entire dead forest is already under close monitoring.

Coupled with a large number of elite shadows stationed in the central sentry tower and four medical stations in the southeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, northeast, northwest, northwest, northwest, etc., there will be a large number of elite dark soldiers. Once there is a change in the death forest, a large number of reinforcements can be reached in an instant.

Uh ...

While the Ninja Village executives were stationed in the monitoring room, a lot of wind broke, and Kakashi, Sundial, Younzhiwei, Kai, Red, Mute, Red Bean, Blast, and Xiyan fell into the death forest. At the entrance.

批 This batch of temporary squads, all composed of Shang Ren, has a total of four teams and sixteen people.

They will also enter the death forest, while acting as proctors and ensuring that the test runs smoothly. After all, in addition to the elites in each village, there are two sensitive people in the village besides the elites in each village. Exaggerated.

When Kakashi assigned the task to the upper ninjas, another windbreak sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the water stop as the captain of the police force led three Uchihas to appear in front of everyone.

The two parties nodded tacitly, and then a full five squads, twenty of whom were tolerated, entered the death forest one step before the candidates entered.

Not long after, candidates were led by Asma and other examiners to the Death Forest.

After extracting their scrolls one by one, the twenty-four teams were taken to different entrances by the examiners, and the twenty-four entrances, such as the numbers on the clock, were evenly distributed on the outer circle of the death forest. All teams can use tactics to decide how to act without worrying about encountering enemies as soon as they step into the death forest.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Uh ...

Soon, with a series of signal bombs blasting through the air, twenty-four squads poured into the death forest at the same time!

Galloping ~ ~ Sunward Mirror asked Xiangxiang: "Which direction is Yunyin Darui in?"

Aguberin perceives it slightly, then points to the right.


The next day there was no nonsense to Xiangjing, and his body flew towards Darui's direction.

The reason why he chose Darui first was because he had to fight Darui to perfect the development of this thunderclone clone 遁 遁 遁 血 继.

Naruto's side.

After entering the familiar death forest, Naruto asked, "What now?"

Sakura quickly said to Sasuke, "Sasuke, I've calculated that Iyin's Didal is likely to be on our left. If we consider our entrance as the direction of the seven o'clock on the clock, Ian's Didal The entrance is most likely at eleven o'clock. "

When being taken away by the examiner separately, Sakura took note of the whereabouts of Didalala's team and calculated the most likely position of Didalala's team.

Suzusuke's face sank, and he flung to the left aggressively ...

Uh .........

The second one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, thank you students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

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