Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 952: No, it's the China Forbearance exam!

"Abominable, abominable, abominable!"

In front of the blaze of fire, Sasuke's face was full of shame.

He thought that after years of growth, he awakened that San Gouyu's writing round eye has completely surpassed Jun Malu, and surpassed the opponent who once humiliated him.

After Xun Ke never wanted to fight, he was horrified to find that the opponent's speed, strength, and basic physical skills were all above him!

"how can that be!"

"How could he be a ninja in a small Ninja village in the countryside, better than me from the Uchiha family?"

"I am the genius of the Uchiha clan, the first in the Ninja School in the same period!"

"I will never admit it!"

Unwilling to be intertwined with anger, constantly flushing Sasuke's heart, making him try to be ashamed and raised his eyebrows, he even once wondered whether everything in front of him was real.

At this time, the blood from the wound on the cheek wounded by Jun Ma Lu's bone blade slid down the cheek all the way to the corner of Sasuke's mouth.

He savored his blood, Sasuke glanced at the wound on his cheek with the light of the corner of his eye: "Abominable, really, this guy is really better than me!"

His eleven wounds on his cheeks, left arm, under the ribs, back, right leg, clearly reminded him that he had just defeated Jun Malu's physical skills, and he was defeated by a three-shot jade. .

And defeated completely, very embarrassing!

If you did n’t use ‘psychicism’ in time, you ’d be too psychic, and his neck would probably have been cut off by Jun Malu ’s bone blade!

The toad Wen Tai who leaped into the air fell to the ground at this moment, and in a thunderous rumbling sound, he snorted and asked, "Hey, Sasuke, what trouble have you encountered? Why should I use 'Toad when I come up?' Youyan bomb 'this kind of jutsu? "

Sasuke Sasuke said, "Sorry, the enemy is strong this time!"

Toad is too close to the enemy, and he touched the short knife on his waist with one hand: "Is it really Xiao organization again?"

Minosuke shook his head: "No, it's a test for Zhongni!"


Uh ...

Looking at the flaming sky reflecting in the distance, Hyuga mirror poked his lips: "Did it start over there ..."

Toad's huge figure jumping so high in the air couldn't hide the sunlit mirror with white eyes, so just a glance at it, he knew that Sasuke must have fallen into a hard battle.

It is clear that Dashemaru is likely to sacrifice Sasuke's writing wheel, and after he has completed the development of 遁 遁, he decides to rush over to see.

If Dasuwan can stimulate Sasuke's awakening kaleidoscope to write the chakras, then it would be best to save him the trouble, but if Sasuke is not convinced, he is taken away by Dasuwan or he is taken away by Dasuwan He can only be forced to shoot.

At this point in his thoughts, Hyuga mirrored the three of Yun Yin: "Farewell, everyone!"

He said, he flew towards Sasuke as soon as he was in shape.

Huoxiang Phosphorus didn't say much, and quickly followed up with Hyuga.

"Hoo ..."

Seeing that Hyuga and Xiang phosphorus had gone, Hiroshi and Samui breathed a long sigh of relief. They did not expect that the Hidden Ninja that had never been in their eyes before could give them such pressure.

On the side of Xiangjing the next day, as soon as he left the battlefield, he met Shuiyue who was rushing in. This guy just hid far away. At this moment, when the battle subsided, he hurried over.

After the three of them converged, it didn't take long for them to meet a team of wooden leaves.

全 The whole team collapsed on the ground, apparently because they were too close, and they were affected by the aftermath of the confrontation between Daxiang and Darui.

I inspected it and saw that the three were not in danger of life. Heixiang Jing just took away the scrolls from them and did not pause.

Because his confrontation with Darui was too eye-catching just now, it attracted a lot of snoops from nearby teams, but not all teams knew it.

Some squadrons did not evacuate in time because they wanted to take advantage of the fishermen. When the situation was found to be wrong, it was too late to retreat to the safe range. Therefore, the squadron that was inexplicably killed by the aftermath of the fighting just now is definitely more than this Branch, as long as the sun mirror Ken Kendo more, there must be gains ...

Uh ...

"Toad too ..."

I looked at the huge toad in the distance, and Osumaru seemed to recall something. I was so disappointed that I grinned and said, "The rumor is really true!"

He has always scoffed at the news that Sasuke was also an apprentice, because in his opinion, it is impossible to accept a Uchiha as a personal disciple, as the backbone of the Naruto first line, especially when the three generations of old men returned. Alive.

Now that he has seen Sasuke psychic out of the "Miaomushan" Empress Dowager, he is convinced that he has really done the job of collecting Uchiha and has passed on the "Miaomushan" heritage.

"Since this guy has always had a good vision of apprenticeship, one of Nagato and Shuimon is the leader of the Xiao organization, and the other is the village's four generations of Naruto. This time he accepted Sasuke as an apprentice, I am afraid that he is also in Sasuke's talent!"

Thinking of this, Dashemaru regained his heart of contempt, and said, "My disciples are not bad. Although they have not reached the level of the leader of Xiao organization, they have become at least five generations of Naruto! As for this Sasuke, hey, why not Lai Ye also grabbed his hand, and under my training, his achievements will far exceed those of Uchiha in the village! "

I want to come in Osumaru, and I will take away Sasuke first, and then say that it is not entirely his mind how to deal with it later.

Uh ...

Click ...

Click ...

After 后 smashing an ice mirror with ‘spiral pills’ again, Naruto found that the outer layer was also covered with a layer of ice mirror, and the ice mirror which had just been broken by him returned to its original state after a while.

At this time, Bai in an ice mirror said, "Useless, give up!"

Although I do n’t know why it ’s a fine sunny day, lightning and thunder suddenly occurred, and wind and rain mixed, but fighting in the rain obviously allowed Bai to take advantage of it, and the Chakra consumption to maintain the 'Magic Mirror Ice Crystal' was reduced by almost 50% ~ ~ Through the severe tremor on the ground and the flare of the whole sky just now, Sakura guessed that Sasuke was probably psychic out of Tomo Bunta, so she said, "Naruto, Sasuke must be in a hard battle ! "

Naruto nodded and said, "Well, I see!"

He said, he broke his finger, quickly printed, and then slammed on the ground: "psychic!"

Uh ...

Instantly, a huge burst of white smoke exploded. At the same time, in the continuous 'click' sound, countless ice mirrors were shattered and crushed by the giants suddenly appearing in the white smoke.

Zhi Bai immediately jumped out of the broken ice mirror, and unexpectedly looked at the red snake in the cold ice ...

Uh .........

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