Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 956: Potential for terror

Uh ...

The huge ice spear, like raindrops, kept falling from the air. At the same time, the ground was blooming with crystal clear ice flowers made of ice crystals.

Under the double grip of the ice spear in the sky and the ice flower on the ground, Rao is a toad, and his body is agile. For a time, he could not help but be caught in a busy wolf howl. His body was infected by frost in many places, and even an ice spear on his back hit.

"Damn, you guys dare to challenge me!"

Susuke suddenly became furious.

Suppressed by Jun Malu, he has made him a little bit annoyed and angry. The sudden appearance of Yin Nimura Ninja even dared to face the psychic out of him, which made him unbearable anyway.

"Glory of our Uchiha clan, how can you tolerate trampling over and over again!"

的 Sasuke, with a distorted face, yelled, and then quickly stamped: "Fire, the fire is gone!"

不 Under the loss of Chakra, he released his strongest ever fire-jutsu ninjutsu in history. A huge flame gushed out of his mouth, like a sea of ​​fire, which instantly swept the ice mirror in the distance.

Looking at the ice mirror engulfed in flames, Sasuke sneered: "This is the end to me!"

However, after the flame receded, the engulfed ice mirror was still suspended in mid-air. It seemed that although it had melted a little, it only melted a little.

Sasuke looked surprised: "This ... how is this possible ?!"

The ‘Hot Fire Extinction’ just consumed half of his Chakra, not to mention an ice mirror. Even an ice lake should melt away in the flames.

A body of frost, the embarrassed toad Wentai said at this time: "Sasuke, this is not an ordinary ice owl, this is a ice owl urged by the immortal chakra! The other party is a strong master of immortality!"

"Immortal ?!"

Suzusuke's eyes became more suspicious, because ‘Immortal’ was a stunt he could not master as a genius of Uchiha!

I felt the numbness of the limbs caused by the freezing. Toad Wentai complained again: "Are you sure these two tolerants, really just tolerate them?"

the other side.

A bone spear in the zygomatic forest grew up again, piercing its large, hard teeth.

Xin Ya thought that because of the hardness of his scales, it was not a problem to resist these bone spears, but soon he was shocked to find that the sharpness of these bone spears was far beyond imagination. The scales on his abdomen only resisted a little, and obvious cracks appeared. If it is stabbed again, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the bad luck of being pierced.

"Hell, why is this little ghost's" bones and veins "so strong?"

As a psychic beast who used to be a sandy ninja, Xinya and the misty ninja have fought many times. Of course, it is no stranger to Wuyin's corpse veins.

The corpse veins of Jun Malu in front of Jun Ke are clearly different from those corpse veins in his impression.

At first, it was Jun Ma Luben who was the genius of the Hui Ye clan, and had not taken any secret medicine or changed blood. The corpse vein in the body was not a weakened version of the Hui Ye clan.

Twenty-two years later, Jun Ma Lu was in the state of curse and seal, which was almost 'fairy mode', so his 'bones and veins' had a natural energy increase, and the power naturally increased greatly.

Realizing that something was wrong, Xin Ya didn't dare to resist the bone spear's attack recklessly, and had to carefully move through the bone forest to provide assistance and cover for Naruto.

Uh ...

far away.

Looking at the deadlocked situation, Chongwu, who returned to the medical station after returning from the wounded near and close to the ghost boy Maru, decided to join the fight.

He Ke just as Chongwu was preparing to curse, suddenly someone pressed his shoulder from behind.


Shocking my heart, I immediately turned around and found that it was a strange Ninja village ninja who approached him silently.

The other laughed and said, "Don't step in!"

He Zhongwu heard a moment of stunned words, and tentatively asked, "Big ... Master Snake Ball?"

The other nodded.

Undoubtedly, it wasn't the others who took the shot to prevent Chongwu from joining the battle, but it was the Oshimaru who had been watching the battle.

He Zhongwu quickly and respectfully saluted Oohamaru, and then asked inexplicably, "Master Oohamaru, don't you want us to kill Uchiha Sasuke? Why don't you let me intervene?"

Dashemaru smiled evilly: "This is a test!"

He Zhongwu immediately understood that Dashemaru didn't really want to kill Uchiha Sasuke, but tested the ability of Uchiha Sasuke by the hands of Jun Maru and Shiro.

Or, there is also the intention to test Jun Malu and Bai.

Uh ...

another side.

Uh ...

In the sound of several breaking winds, Sun Xiangjing led the phosphorous, and Shuiyue came to the edge of the battlefield.

Standing on the crown of a large tree, he turned on the white-eyed heliostat to observe the battlefield carefully. After a while, the corner of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Naruto successfully entered a tail-beastized state, although it was only wearing a common tail-beast coat, not the golden 'Nine-tailed Chakra Mode' unique to Nine-tailed, and it only leaked three tails, but from the behavior, As far as Naruto's eyes and the pupils of the "Fairy Mode" are concerned, Naruto obviously retains its own consciousness, it is a normal tail beast, not a runaway.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Naruto in the runaway state to maintain the ‘fairy mode’.

Only this one point ~ ~ shows that Hyuga ’s infiltrating Naruto ’s spiritual world last time and Jiuwei ’s “talking heart” were effective.

"Even Jun Ma Lu who has broken the curse can resist, Naruto's potential is unimaginable!"

The next day, he looked at the mirror and felt emotion in his heart.

At this time, Naruto has not mastered the "Nine-tailed Chakra Mode", nor can he fuse the immortal chakra with the tail beast Chakra. Whether it is the use of immortality or the beastization, it seems extremely clumsy.

But despite this, he could barely withstand Jun Malu who had broken the curse.

Imagine that, above Naruto's current state, there are also the Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode and the Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode that is stronger than the Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode.

On top of the "Nine Lama Mode", there is a cross pupil "Golden Fairy Fox Mode" that perfectly blends fairy art and tail beastization, and the cross pupil of the fairy and the vertical pupil of the demon fox.

I can say that as long as Naruto cultivates step by step, he can reach the strongest state under the six roads even without the gifts of the six road gods.

Compared to Naruto, Sasuke's performance was a bit worse, leaving no scars on his body, and his face was tired, showing no signs of waking up the kaleidoscope.

Trying to rub his chin, Hyuga whispered, "Hey, it doesn't seem to be exciting enough!"

Uh .........

The second one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Thanks also to the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you!

:. :

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