Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 959: Grass grass

"Xin Ya's guy is deliberately letting water out!"

"That boar has a problem!"

In her eyes, Hyuga and Osumaru each have their own thoughts.

After pondering for a moment, the sun mirror will understand the reason why Xinya releases the water in Dashe Wan. The miracle of the pharmacist is the same as in the original time and space. It was learned from 'Longdidong', so it is the same as Xinya. source.

Xin Ya must have sensed something, so he ignored the use of the big snake pill in the body of the pharmacist, and specifically aimed at the sun mirror, because the biased choice of the enemy does not violate Naruto ’s will, not to mention it does not like it Mushan's toad, even with Sasuke who doesn't like stinky farts.

The signing of the "psychic contract" between Hyuga Mirror and the boar was based on the soul.

In other words, no matter what kind of clones he controls, Hyuga can psychicize wild boars, just like Dashe Wan can psychic his psychic beasts, no matter how he performs ‘no corpse rebirth’ to change his body.

Therefore, although the big boar was psychic by Ning Ci this time, in fact, it knows that the sun mirror that controls Lei's avatar is his master.

"You look for death!"

Seeing Hyugamir and Osumaru repeatedly, she scorned herself again and again, under the circumstances that she was obviously surrounded by her own side, she dared to launch the attack twice, Sasuke suddenly became angry and angry.

Saying it, Sasuke quickly printed it and yelled, "Fire, fireball!"

Boom ...

A huge fireball smashed into the Hyuga mirror and Osumaru instantly, making a booming sound.

Immediately afterwards, Xinya swept her tail sharply. Its huge tail carried boundless air waves, and the flying trees, gravel, like a sand storm, swept fiercely towards the jump from the flame. Sundial and big snake pill.

Xun Ke was right at this moment, the big boar slammed into it without any warning, and suddenly stopped Xinya's tail hit.

Uh ...

In a huge muffled sound, Xinya's tail hit the wild boar severely, sweeping the wild boar to the ground!

Naruto, who was standing above Xinya's head, immediately shouted, "Wrong, wrong, Ningji they are their own!"

Wu Xinya snorted coldly: "It came out of itself, no wonder Uncle Ben!"

The big wild boar shook his head and stood up at this moment, and in Ning Ci's consternation, he rushed directly to Xinya.

Rumble ...

Soon, the behemoths fought into a ball, and they started a messy death forest.

The two teammates who were very good at each other turned out to be inwardly, and this accident made Sasuke and Toad Man too caught off guard.

He took advantage of the gap between Xinya and the big wild boar, and Dashemaru and Hyuga rushed to the top of Tomo Bunta's head and rushed to Sasuke.

For a while, Naruto couldn't stop Xinya and the big boar fighting. Ningji, helplessly, had to temporarily leave their psychic beasts, and leapt to the top of Toad's Manta together, and emergency support came to Sasuke.

Suddenly, the five men on the battlefield all gathered at the top of Toad Wentai for a while.

"Hum, grass grass bear!"

He looked at the big snake pill rushing towards himself, Sasuke sneered, and greeted him bitterly.

The corner of his mouth was raised, full of confidence, because he felt that he had completely captured each other's actions under the insight of his three hooks and round eyes.

Not to mention that the other party is just a forbearance of a grass-bearing village, it is not worth taking too seriously.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides bumped together.

With a weird smile, Okinamaru punched an ordinary punch and pointed directly at Sasuke's cheek.

"Stupid guy!"

Zuosuke smiled confidently, with the help of the three hook jade writing round eyes flying in the eye sockets, with a slight side of his body, while flashing the fist waved from Dashemaru, he pierced the suffering in his hand!

Uh ...

A moment ago, Sasuke determined that he had avoided the fist of Osumaru, and in a low muffled sound, his cheek was sturdyly struck by the punch of Osumaru.

Sudden pain in his face suddenly struck, leaving Sasuke's brain blank, and then he flew out and fell to the ground.

"This ... how is this possible? I have clearly seen his movements!"

Sasuke, who fell on the ground, looked dull, his entire face was bruised, and nosebleeds flowed.

相比 Compared to the hot pain on his face, he was more concerned that his own writing wheel eye had clearly captured the entire trajectory of the opponent's fist punching, and escaped to an absolutely safe area in advance, but why was he still hit!


I saw Sasuke being blown out with a punch, and Naruto and Ningji not far away shouted loudly as they flew over.

The next day, Xiang Jing mirrored his thoughts, and instead of continuing to pounce on Sasuke, he fluttered, blocking Naruto and Ningji for Otomaru.

他 For him, whoever stimulates Sasuke is actually the same. Now that Dashe Wan has begun to use it, instead of going up to add chaos, it is better to help Dashe Wan to block Naruto, Ningji.

Of course, if Dasumaru was going to get rid of Sasuke, or to dig out Sasuke's writing wheel eye, he would not stand idly by.

Seeing that Hyuga mirror blocked the way, Sasuke's heart-warming Naruto was too late to start the ninjutsu, and punched him directly.

Uh ...

I knew that the ‘fairy mode’ was turned on, and the singing manpower wearing the tail beast ’s coat was immense. The sun mirror was not hard-wired at all, and the ‘transient technique’ was flashed behind Naruto.

Looking at Hyuga disappearing in front of herself, Naruto turned his head a little, then turned back subconsciously. The reaction was quick, and he was slightly surprised.

At this time, however, Xiang Xiangjing had already pressed Naruto's back with one hand and shouted, "Forbidden!"

In a hurry, a series of ink-colored seals extended from the palm of the sun on the back of Naruto ~ ~ like a chain, quickly covering Naruto's whole body.

Along with the spread of the seal, the coat of Naruto's tail beast immediately retracted into his body.


Naruto who had just turned around was taken aback.

Uh ...

He didn't wait for Naruto to calm down, and he was kicked out by Sun Mujin.

Seeing that Hyuga mirror immediately repelled Naruto, Ningji looked for a moment, and launched his soft fist to attack.

Under the mask, a smile appeared on Hikaru's face, while watching Sasuke's side, he confronted Ningji.

the other side.

Dao She Wan slowly walked towards Sasuke who fell to the ground, and then grabbed Sasuke's neck, lifted him up, and laughed: "What a wolf!"

Sasuke, who was pinched around his neck, was ashamed and angry: "Damn, you dare ..."

Just after half of Sasuke's remarks, Oshimaru's hand was violently forced, so that he stung back in the second half of his sentence, the whole face turned red, and seemed to be out of breath ...


只有 There are only so many today. This chapter should be yesterday, so one chapter was owed yesterday, plus two chapters today, it seems that we owe three chapters unknowingly.

I can't rest assured that the owe will be made up, and it will not be lame. Also, please ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday, and thank the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you all!

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