Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 966: sacrifice

Looking at the ten candidates who were promoted in front of him, the senior members of Rencun were quite satisfied.

十 These ten people almost represent the new generation of the entire Ninja community and the future of each Ninja village. Many of them will inevitably become high-level and even shadows in their respective villages!

Twenty-three generations of Naruto said at this time: "Let the candidates go to rest. They will be very tired after a day of fighting."

的 Itachi nodded as a Hyuga mirror and then, as the fifth generation of Naruto, announced to all candidates present that the second end of the China-Ninja Examination was officially completed, and all candidates were dismissed for rest.

Uh ...

At this moment, Ebisu, who had a report in his hand, fell to the high platform.

After handing the report to the three generations of Naruto, Ebisu said: "Three generations of adults, the loss of the dead forest has been counted. Here is the list, please look over!"

Listening to Ebisu's words, all the high-rises in the surrounding Ninja villages turned their attention.

的 The three generations who took the statistics report glanced slightly, and then froze, questioning: "Oh, one billion ?! How could there be such a big loss?"

Ebisu gave a glance to the senior members of the various ninja villages, deliberately coughed twice, and then explained aloud: "According to statistics from the shadow and the teachers of the ninja school, 68% of the area in the forest of death was hit. Destructive damage. More than 80% of the monitoring facilities were damaged, and the internal buildings and the borders of the borders were also damaged to varying degrees! "

Staring at the statistical report, the three generations fell silent.

The next day's war, the death forest has almost changed. Not only have various facilities been seriously damaged, the flora and fauna in the forest have been hit unprecedentedly, and the entire ecosystem has been completely destroyed.

Leaving aside the loss of equipment, the restoration of animals and plants, and the restoration of the ecosystem are the real problems. This is not even a problem that can only be solved by money.

After all, the current wooden leaves no longer have a 'wooden' ninja.

This kind of problem that the early generations could solve with a ninjutsu, now it must be solved with hundreds of millions of funds, as well as a lot of labor and time costs.

At this time, the three generations silently gave Ebisu a look.

The understanding Ebisu shouted immediately: "According to our statistics, the battle between Wuyin Kirin and Yunyin Dalui, and Yanyin's Didala's uncontrolled use of detonating clay in the exam was a death forest. The main cause of damage. "

At this time, the three generations looked at the four people, including Tuying, Shuiying, Leiying, and Fengying, and said, "Dear everyone, this test of China-Ninja was jointly organized by our five villages. Our five big forbearance villages share the burden, not to mention everyone's experience today, so this maintenance fee ... "

I waited for the third generation of Naruto to finish speaking, and the third generation of Tuying Onoki smiled faintly: "I'm so sorry, our Yanyin Village is still under reconstruction, there is nothing we can do, next time, next time!"

I said, the three generations of earth shadow Onoki directly launched the "Light and Heavy Rock Art" and flew away under the eyes of everyone.

Xiu Rao was the calmness of the third generation of Naruto, but he did not expect that the third generation of Tuying could do so well. It took a while for him to turn his eyes to the fourth generation of Leiying.

"The battle was clearly provoked by Wuyin's Kirin, and it was Dalui who the other party actively sought, so the main responsibility lies in Wuyin, and Yunyin compensates us as much as we can!"

After leaving a word, the four generations of Leiying Huhu went away.

The third generation of Naruto had to look to the fourth generation of Mizuho Yakura.

At this time, Zhao Meiming, who was standing behind the citrus Yakura, stood up and smiled bitterly: "His three generations of Naruto, our misty situation, you must be clear. The previous turmoil has subsided. However, the village has already suffered a lot of vitality, and its finances have fallen into deficit. In addition, the village of Guiren's insurgent group hid a fight in our country of water, killing dozens of ninjas in Wuyin and destroying them. We have a military stronghold, so ... "

When I heard that Wuyin raised Tuanzang, the three generations full of words immediately choked back.

Zhuan Zhuan Xiaochun also twisted her head awkwardly.

"very sorry!"

After Xingxiang Muye gave a gift, the four generations of water shadow citrus Yakura no longer stayed, and hurriedly led Zhao Meiming and Qing to leave. What he was most afraid of hearing now was money-related things.

In the blink of an eye, Earth Shadow, Thunder Shadow, and Water Shadow slipped away, and the third generation of Naruto had to look forward to the fourth generation of Fengying.

Twenty-four generations of Fengying came over and took a careful look at the loss report. With emotion, "Hey, there is no mention of our sandy candidates in this report. It's really self-confident!"

He sighed, while the four generations of Fengying led the guard and left.

As a result, there were only three generations of Naruto left on the whole platform, and they turned to Xiaochun, Ebisu, and the four people who had been posing as Hyuga mirrors face to face.

After a while, Xiaochun turned to bed and said, "This shameless group of guys, we shouldn't expect anything from them!"

The three generations of Naruto helped by hand: "It seems that the cost of rebuilding the dead forest can only be borne by us."

Zhuan Xiaochun said suddenly: "Don't say it is one billion, even 500 million, and the village can't get it now!"

Tochigi leaves are indeed the best-positioned and the wealthiest financial villages among the top five forbearance villages. Otherwise, a consultant elder of Tuanzang would not be able to support so many experiments and support so many lineage subordinates.

Only after experiencing a series of vicious events such as the destruction of the village ~ ~ Tanzan defection, Muye's finances have long been in trouble.

For this reason, even the first, second, third, and fourth generations of Naruto, which were unanimously approved during the discussion of the advisory elders group, were temporarily put on hold, so the village could not afford the high reconstruction costs. Already.

At this time, the three generations said to Itachi, who was disguised as a sun mirror, "Mirror, the forest of death is on the edge of the village. It is an important node of our defense, and reconstruction is urgent!"


The weasel nodded immediately. He knew that the three generations were right. For the safety of the village, the defense and monitoring of the death forest must be rebuilt immediately.

Twenty-three generations continued: "At present, the village's accounts cannot afford this money, so it seems that we seniors need to sacrifice it, at least we must first restore the perception enchantment around the death forest and the internal monitoring system."

The weasel wondered, "Sacrifice?"

Twenty-three generations started: "I propose that starting from your Naruto, all senior executives, including our advisory elders, cancel all salaries and subsidies this year."

With little hesitation, Itachi nodded and said, "This is what it should be!"

When he wanted to come, Naruto should sacrifice for the village, and he was determined that if Hyuga was here, he would not hesitate to agree to take out his own Naruto salary and subsidies to support the village ...


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:. :

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