"I found that in the genes of any life, there is a hidden ability to make cells stimulate all vitality."

"At this moment, life has the chance to create miracles!"

"But it's a pity that in the long history of Universe development, all the miracles are just for a moment."

"Any object has energy, but all energy follows the law of conservation. When all energy is lost for an explosion, the exchange is at best a short-lived miracle."

Jiang Ye's tone was a little regretful.

this time of year.

He goes all out to conquer the Realm of cell reversal.

With the 4D vision enabled by infinite deduction, looking at the 3D Universe is like turning on the God mode!

The laws and codes of the operation of life are as huge as the universe in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Jiang Ye, they seem to be like a skilled mechanic who completely dissects the structure of a machine.

After a year of hard work, he achieved an unimaginable breakthrough in the Realm of Life!

Successfully brought a withered flower back to life for a short time, as if time and space were reversed.

When this scene appeared in reality, it was like a miracle, and it was quite shocking!

But this time the experiment was both a success and a failure.

When life has exhausted all its energy, it can only create a miracle of a few tenths of a second.

For the long and cold Universe, it is just a flash in the pan and has no meaning.

Regarding the Innate sex cell exhaustion disease in Zero, the researchers of the Institute of Life are doing their best to study it.

In the end, the conclusion drawn by Jiang Ye was unanimously approved.

Zero's energy is inherently lower than that of other people, even if the energy consumption is lowered, the general trend of exhaustion will not decrease.

Just like the lifespan of other people's cells is one hundred years, with the support of a good environment, it can be extended to two hundred years, or even longer...

However, the life span of zero Innate is less than one-tenth of that of others. Even if the latest anti-aging technology is used, it still has no obvious effect on delaying the aging trend.

However, this technology cannot be used on humans, because this is not resurrection, it is more similar to the return of light.

Even the scientific technology used to approach the origin and essence of life seems unable to break the objective laws of life.

Zero was silent for a moment, then said: "Come with me to the space station."

Jiang Ye was a little surprised. His original intention was to give the other party a scientific achievement to own, but he didn't expect that Ling, who had been silent all the time, would rarely take the initiative to talk to others.

In the past few years, nuclear fusion controllable technology has taken the lead in promoting Universe aviation and realized a wave of revolution.

Humans believe that as long as they can build hundreds of spaceships with curvature engines and lead the entire earth to flee to the deep space of the universe, it is impossible to hunt down all of them with the number of water droplets in three bodies.

The energy revolution has enabled human beings to have sufficient resources to build a huge number of ships.

Gradually, the space tourism industry has even been developed. Even ordinary people who buy ship tickets have the opportunity to go to space and overlook this blue planet.

Jiang Ye has not been to the space station yet, this is the first time for him and Zero, but also the second time for Zero to arrive here.

The space station, to be precise, should be called the headquarters of Universe Aviation Technology. Most of the projects developed here are related to interstellar navigation.

But unexpectedly...

In the space capsule named "Eden", when the cabin door is opened, what comes into view is an idyllic place.

Vegetables, fruits, flowers...

The lush plants, under the constant temperature system, are like a garden bathed in sunlight.

It looks out of place with the cold and dark space.

"When I first came here, it was still a desert."

"Most of the seeds of human beings withered in the limited space environment and soil."

"I have developed active seeds that require only a tiny amount of energy to thrive."

"Life on Earth is beautiful, but it is unique, it only belongs to a corner of the vast Universe, fragile and precious."

"But if these lives can be brought to the boundless space and germinate in more places, even if they are discovered by other civilizations, they may be able to discover something."

"Even if it's just a flash in the pan."

Zero turned around and said seriously.

this moment.

Jiang Ye's heart was touched, and he seemed to understand what Zero meant.

She didn't feel that her imperfect technology was worthless.

On the contrary, under Zero's icy appearance, there is a heart of ultimate pursuit of beautiful things, even if only for a moment!


She used her few lives to study the most profound life sciences, not just for her own continuation.

Or to witness a miracle!

Jiang Ye is undoubtedly a miracle worker.


In Zero's mind, he is different from others.


Since then, Zero seems to have become more proactive and will find someone to communicate with.

Of course, Jiang Ye was the one who found the most.

The topics they talked about together were more about the discussion of life sciences and the latest achievements.

Zero doesn't seem to care about technology that can prolong own life, but simply enjoys the process of dialogue, as if someone has entered that lonely and dark world for the first time in his life, even if there is only such a glimmer of light.

Jiang Ye originally immersed himself in the study of life sciences in order to find the secret of eternal life!

He felt that he had opened an infinite deduction, deduced three-dimensional technology with a four-dimensional vision, and might be able to find the ultimate life code leading to eternal life!

But it lasted for a year, from the birth to aging of human cells, and various subtle changes, deduced almost in hundreds of millions of ways, and the final achievement was to temporarily rejuvenate the dying and withered plants. What follows is still like the universe is recognized as the most eternal law - eternal life of the god of death!

At this point in the research, Jiang Ye felt that his exploration of the Realm of life science had almost come to an end, and he originally wanted to give up and switch to physics.

But he stared at Zero, suddenly changed his mind, and continued to study life science.

It's just that he changed from the level of basic theory to a more advanced technology.

Extend life, anti-aging, cell regeneration...

ninth year.

A new medical item developed by Jiang Ye!

Just take it once, it can reduce the aging speed of human cells by more than three times, and the lifespan of human beings will be increased to four or five hundred years old, or even longer!

When this professional technology was first announced, it immediately shocked the entire human society!

You know, even from the golden age to the era of deterrence, it didn't last as long as five hundred years.

It is really possible to live for such a long time, no one knows what level of development it will see in the future!


All the rich, famous, and top figures in the political arena are flocking to this drug!

Looking like crazy for all the ways to buy!

When this patented technology was announced...

The world was even more shocked to discover...

This technology was actually invented by a nine-year-old child?

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