Reincarnation Of All: I Can Infinitely Superimpose The Halo Of The Protagonist

Chapter 57 Black Domain Manufacturing Technology, Successfully Captured The Singer!


All human beings have completed the interstellar migration spanning three hundred light years.

At the same time, human beings have officially crossed from a second-level civilization to a dish-level civilization!

With the ability to explore the entire galaxy.

With DX3906 Star as the center, humans began to search the nearby universe space on a large scale.

Including developing new aerospace materials, finding other galaxies suitable for human habitation, and conducting various attempts.

Due to the opening of the Wandering Project, the generation of Universe spaceships has once again experienced a round of explosive growth!

Up to now, the sub-light-speed universe ship is a universe exploration tool that almost everyone owns.

It has completely become a big commodity.

Only light speed ships are relatively rare.

But the current total production capacity has reached tens of millions!

The entire galaxy near DX3906 seems to be lit up by human beings, and the brilliance of the torch of human civilization is shining everywhere.

at the same time.

Human beings have never stopped advancing in the research and development of new weapons.

In order to deal with other universe civilizations that may appear, the aerospace headquarters has prepared high-end weapon technologies such as star destroyers, quantum lasers, and electromagnetic pulses.

Of course, after completing the wandering plan, the research on these technologies has temporarily slowed down.

Start focusing on universe detection.

Whether it is the solar system or the DX3906 Star, sophon observation systems are everywhere.

That's right, human beings now have also learned to create sophons like the Trisolaran civilization.

However, the sophons produced by humans are not used to block technology, but to observe the galaxy.

The stability of Sophon makes it possible to fully capture any movement of the Universe.

Although human beings have almost completely evacuated the solar system, many sophons are left behind to detect every corner.

prevent any accidents from happening.

On this day...  

Sophon suddenly sounded the alarm!

In the sky above the solar system, unidentified flying objects suddenly appeared!

This flying object moves very fast. Although it is only flying at sub-light speed, the instantaneous speed it exploded before can reach twice the speed of light!

Undoubtedly, this is a universe spaceship that surpasses the current technological civilization of mankind!

This astonishing discovery was immediately reported to the high-level department by the space station at the fastest speed.

All experts and professors were alarmed.

Immediately call an emergency meeting......


Sitting at the head of the meeting, Jiang Ye raised his eyes slightly.

UFO? 24

If I guessed correctly, this should be the passing singer civilization!

Nine times out of ten, they noticed the broadcast signal sent by the solar system and prepared to clean it up.

The singer civilization is an ancient civilization in the universe, spanning ten galaxies!

no doubt

This is a guy who has reached level IV civilization!

Even the original Three-Body Civilization, in the eyes of the singer civilization, only needs to dispatch a branch, and it can be wiped out at will!

"Don't disturb this thing, I will personally find a way to deal with him."

Jiang Ye said in a deep voice.

The level of singer civilization is too high, even if it is just a universe spaceship drifting outside, no one knows what kind of technology it is carrying.

Once the singer civilization captures any universe ship of human civilization, it may be able to instantly scan and analyze the technology of the drinking water, thereby judging the level of human civilization.

By the time,

Singer Civilization might be able to use these clues to lead me to the area where Blue Star is located.

For this enemy, Jiang Ye intends to deal with it himself!

The voice just fell.

All the professors present felt their hearts flutter and felt nervous.

"Professor Jiang Ye, this is an alien Universe civilization. If you go there yourself, you may be at risk!"

"Yeah, such a dangerous task, let's leave it to the army!"

"In case you make any mistakes, all human beings can't bear it!"

All the professors present persuaded Jiang Ye.

They have witnessed Jiang Ye's almost miraculous scientific research ability, and know how helpful such a legend will be to the future of mankind if he can survive!

With the current anti-aging technology, Jiang Ye still has a lifespan of 500 years!

It is equivalent to a twenty-year-old boy on the earth in the old days.

With endless potential!

There must be absolutely no mistakes!

"rest assured."

"I have a way to deal with this thing."

"If you are worried, just follow behind and watch, but you must keep your distance."

"This enemy is very dangerous, and it is not something you can deal with."

Jiang Ye still didn't have any intention of changing his mind, and his tone was serious.


The professors present looked at each other in blank dismay.

What does it mean that the enemy is very dangerous, and this group of people can't deal with it......

That being the case, Professor Jiang Ye went alone, how could he deal with it?

Everyone was a little confused about what was going on.


Jiang Ye still allowed the army to follow along.

All the professors here, immediately contacted the captain of the space fleet, and dispatched the most elite troops to go with Jiang Ye, without any mistakes.

After the captain received this message, his expression immediately became extremely serious.

Of course he knows what a great existence Jiang Ye means to human beings!

Immediately order the most elite troops to dispatch a fleet of thousands of light-speed spaceships, ready to go at any time!

Go back to the lab.

Jiang Ye's mind moved slightly, and he immediately opened the reincarnation mall.

【Spend 2,000 reincarnation points to buy Black Domain Technology!】


next second.

All the theoretical knowledge related to the universe black field, including the application of this technology, instantly dropped into the minds of the car industry!

That's right, another name for the black domain is a low-speed black hole.

After the end of the era of deterrence, human beings discovered that spaceships driven by thousands of curvatures, wrapped to form a black field, covering the entire earth, can realize the safety declaration of the universe.

Even the speed of light cannot surpass the black field, and even quantum signals will be swallowed by the black field...

Therefore, within the Realm of the black domain, no object can escape.

If human beings carry out the Black Field Project, then, at the cost of technological stagnation, they can exchange for the universe's security statement!

Any universe civilization that finds that the area is a black area will think that there is no civilization here, and even if there is, it will not pose a threat to them.

Thus abandoning the clean-up operation.

But the Black Domain project was quickly eliminated.

Since humans entered Level I civilization and had the ability to migrate to DX3906, this plan was naturally abolished.


Even now, human beings' understanding of the black domain is still in a very shallow state.

This special substance is difficult to study...

Once out of control, it will bring a devastating blow!

But Jiang Ye directly exchanged related technology through the reincarnation mall.

plus his infinite deduction

It only takes a short thinking time to find the direction of this technology application!

Afterwards, Jiang Ye began to work on the mechanical table!

All the most cutting-edge materials of mankind are in his laboratory, as much as he wants.

Since entering the second-level civilization, human beings have opened the era of great interstellar voyages!

With DX3906 Star as the center, the nearby Galaxy is like an endless ocean. Under the seabed, there are treasures that make people get rich overnight!

But these treasures will eventually be collected by the official system and transferred to Jiang Ye's laboratory.

Every day, tens of thousands of aviation materials are sent to Jiang Ye's laboratory.

Arriving in a new galaxy, new materials are being born almost every day.

With Jiang Ye's infinite deduction, he was able to quickly find out how to apply this material, and after repeated deduction, he finally got the ideal effect.

After days of trying.


A bucket-shaped firearm that looks like an electromagnetic gun is installed on Jiang Ye's mechanical prosthesis.

He raised his hand slightly, connected the mechanical prosthesis with nerves, and pressed the firing knob.

next second.

A small black field appeared before the eyes like a spider web.

With Jiang Ye off button

The black field disappeared instantly.

"It worked!"

Jiang Ye stared at the firearm in his hand, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

The black domain manufacturing machine he transformed can control the world of the black domain through the knob.

And with the more advanced neural connection system, you only need one thought to release the desired size.

No matter in terms of precision or control portability, it has almost reached the most perfect weapon!


Jiang Ye installed this firearm on his private universe spaceship.

That's right!

Jiang Ye is going to use the black field machine to capture the singer himself!

With this technology...

Even the singer's spaceship may carry a light-speed curvature engine, or a more advanced communication technology.

However, if it falls within the black area, it will be like a bug trapped in a spider web, unable to move!

this day.

Jiang Ye activates the universe spaceship to capture opportunities!

After the captain received the order, he immediately dispatched a huge universe fleet, according to the specified requirements, at a location 30,000 kilometers away from Jiang Ye, ready to stand by at any time!

The solar system, one light-year away from Earth.

Singer took in the nearby scene through the screen in the Universe spacecraft, and couldn't help sighing.

"Unfortunately, wars between civilizations always repeat the same mistakes."

"Although it's just a bug."

With just a glance, the singer has already judged that a conflict between two civilizations probably occurred here.

However, one of the weaker civilizations sent a Universe broadcast in exchange for the free living space of the race.

The singer is actually deeply touched by this.

Just in another sea of ​​stars.

His race is also at war with the equally powerful Universe civilization, spanning ten galaxies.

The cruelty is unimaginable in a small solar system.

To be honest, singers don't like war, they convey the message of civilization with their soul songs, they like elegant and exquisite art, and hate the smoke of war.

But if there are traces of other civilizations on the other side of the universe, Singer will still attack without hesitation!

Because they once shed blood for innocent ideas.

The lessons of history have taught the once immature singer a cruel truth——If you are not of my race, your heart must be different!

Even these two civilizations are nothing more than bugs in the eyes of the singer...

But it still needs to be cleaned up.

This is his job.

It is also the law of the dark forest in the universe.

Just when Singer was about to connect to his home on the other side of the universe through the communication system on the spaceship, and report the situation here to the high-level...


Suddenly, the entire hull of the spaceship shook violently.

"What happened?"

Singer's expression changed slightly, and he quickly manipulated the detection system.

You actually entered the unstable universe space!?

He operated in a hurry, wanted to make an emergency call, and told his compatriots that there was an abnormality in his coordinates in the solar system, and he asked for support!

But no signal can be sent!

"Black domain? How is it possible?"

There was an unbelievable look in the singer's eyes.

He obviously used the star map navigation system (different from the star map of Reincarnation Mall) to detect that there is no black area nearby.

As a black hole with a low speed of light, the black domain is generally impossible to appear so suddenly.

There are only four-dimensional fragments with such characteristics.


Singer remembered that he had clearly found through the star map navigation system that there were no special universe objects such as black fields, black holes, and wormholes nearby.

How did he enter the black realm?

at this time.

Navigation map, a large fleet appears nearby as if out of thin air!

Only then did the singer realize that he had exposed his whereabouts long ago and fell into the enemy's trap!

"Wait goo...

"With this level of civilization, how can it be possible to have black domain manufacturing technology?"

The singer was completely puzzled.

Even though Singer is a level IV civilization, he still hasn't fully mastered the black domain manufacturing technology.

If they had this kind of technology, the enemies ten galaxies away wouldn't dare to attack the singer at all!

The black field manufacturing technology is not just as simple as making the black field, it symbolizes the use of antimatter, which has reached the level of perfection!

The efficiency of destroying civilization is faster than the two-way foil!

after all.

The speed at which the two-way foil diffuses is limited. Facing civilizations of the same level, the other party can quickly escape in a light-speed spaceship, and thus be scattered throughout the universe.

The scattered enemies are often the most dangerous and troublesome.

As long as it is carried out, the whole region must be guaranteed!

At this point......

On the contrary, mature black hole technology, using the principle that black holes swallow each other will expand infinitely and speed up, makes it easier to form a lore encirclement that has no dead ends for a civilization

, thus putting this civilization into a situation of waiting for death!

Singer never imagined that such a civilization would be reduced to the point of actively exposing the Universe broadcast?

This is not scientific!

"Launch an electromagnetic pulse."

Jiang Ye ordered in a cold voice.


Tens of thousands of fleets use electromagnetic pulse weapons at the same time!

Aim for the singer spaceship within the black domain!


Bursts of ear-piercing electric sounds, madness resounded in Singer's spaceship!

Although this spaceship has built a more sophisticated and advanced defense system, it cannot resist the entire top human fleet and launch an electromagnetic pulse at the same time!

All the signal lights went out, the screen became dark, and the Singer spaceship was completely turned into a lump of scrap metal, just floating in the universe, like a kite with a broken string.


The human fleet couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers!

The devastating blow that Trisolaran civilization once brought to human beings, as well as the invincible imagination, made human beings fear other civilizations.

After learning that the singer civilization may be a more advanced civilization.........

Everyone was very disturbed by this.


Under Jiang Ye's leadership, human beings took down the opponent's spaceship without any effort!

Even if it is just a small spaceship, it is a huge encouragement to human beings!

It proves that the current level of human civilization already has the ability to be unique in the Universe!

It is no longer the bug that was slaughtered by others.

"As expected of Professor Jiang Ye, it turns out that he has developed more advanced technological props again. If not, with our strength, we may not be able to intercept this Universe spacecraft equipped with quantum teleportation technology."

When the Singer spaceship was intercepted, the researchers went crazy and disassembled its structure and functions.

They were surprised to find that this spacecraft has the ability to teleport across time and space!

If it weren't for the existence of the black domain, then the spaceship could be teleported away instantly, no matter how many human fleets are deployed, there is absolutely no ability to catch up!

At that time, human civilization will be further exposed, but it will suffer more precise and intense blows from the singer civilization!

have to say.....….

What Jiang Ye said is true!

If it weren't for him to take action, then humans might not be able to take down the singer so smoothly!

At this moment, Jiang Ye stood in front of the restrained singer, looking at him with interest.

This is the first time he has faced a more advanced civilization of the universe, face to face!.

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