Chapter 60 Zero: "This is the best era!"

"My God, this is nothing short of a miracle!"

"Zero...that kid, Ling, really woke up!"

"The last time I saw Zero was decades ago. At that time, it was very pitiful that this child could only live to ~eighteen years old."

"I thought that Zero's hibernation this time would be the last..."

"Unexpectedly, a miracle - it really happened!"

"Thanks to Professor Jiang Ye..."

The former old professors of the School of Life Sciences couldn't help but shed tears.

Many of them have witnessed Zero's growth with their own eyes. Anyone who sees this girl's ice-like face but reveals Qiangwei's stubbornness can't help feeling sorry for it.

Such a beautiful life is fragile and perishable...

But with the scientific technology at that time, it was very difficult to reverse such a special innate case. Even with the hibernation technology, it would still increase the difficulty and risk of future treatment for Zero's physique.

Many professors at that time shook their heads in their hearts. In fact, although they knew that there was still hope for Zero, the objective possibility was very low.

But now, the miracle created by Jiang Ye has moved all the old professors here!

this day......

It's really here!

For them, the fate of human beings is actually not special here.

I care more about the people around me.

Seeing that Zero was able to wake up successfully, the old professors seemed to let go of the stone hanging in their hearts.

This white-haired girl can open her eyes again, which is the most beautiful scenery in the whole universe.

"I... am I dead..."

Zero opened her eyes, and what caught her pupils was a strange ceiling.

Waking up for the first time, the light from the incandescent lamp made the whole world a vast expanse of whiteness.

It's like the afterlife.

But then, a familiar face gradually took shape and appeared in Zero's field of vision.

It is Jiang Ye!

Accompanied by a gentle voice, it sounded in Zero's ears:

"The surgery was a success."

"Zero, congratulations, you have the same lifespan as humans in the old days."

"Welcome back!"

The outline of that face gradually became clear, just like when he accompanied him into the ice cave back then, it was exactly the same.

It's just that the young man's eyes became deeper than before, as if he had seen through the changes of the times, experienced countless trials and tribulations, and revealed a firmness in his composure, like a sharp sword that hides its sharpness. At that moment, you can penetrate all obstacles in the world.

"Jiang Ye?"

Her tone revealed a bit of surprise, compared with her previous calm tone, she was obviously more excited.

She quickly realized what happened, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't I enter the ice cave... No... What time is it now?"

"The year is 2303 AD."

"To be precise, it is the twenty-fifth year of the blue star calendar."

"It's been almost a hundred years since you entered the ice cave."

"Fortunately, this operation was a success, and your thaw is fine.

While talking, Jiang Ye used the function of the cell-level operating table to check every part of Zero's body.

Obviously, this operation was an unexpected success. From the perspective of neuromicroscopic technology, Xue's cell activity was already exactly the same as that of a normal person.

The life span is exactly the same as that of humans in the old era, that is, they can survive for one hundred and fifty to two hundred years under suitable environmental conditions.

However, anti-aging technology cannot be used due to the need for cell activation factors to resist aging.

Essentially, anti-aging technology is to inhibit the activity in human cells to prolong life, reduce cell death and regeneration.

However, zero innate cell exhaustion requires corresponding activity to counteract exhaustion.

If anti-aging drugs are used, they will conflict with the efficacy of active factors.

There is no way to extend the lifespan to 700 years.

Jiang Ye thought for a while, and roughly explained this series of situations to Zero.

However, Zero showed a very happy smile and said:

"Thank you, Jiang Ye."

"I don't think I need such a long life."

"The greatest value of life lies in its limitation. Because it is short, life has the value of racing against time to realize its own meaning."

"Compared with people in the old age, I can survive nearly twice as long, which is already very satisfying."

the next month.

Zero stayed in the research room and continued to observe the physical condition.


I usually do some rehabilitation exercises.

It turns out that zero data is completely normal.

Rehabilitation training has entered the regular stage, and he recovered quickly, and it didn't take long to be able to exercise like a normal person.

The state of health is much better than before entering the ice cave!

In the past, Zero's cells continued to be in a state of rapid exhaustion, and he felt tired easily. Although his vital signs could maintain normal activities, his vitality was much lower than that of his peers.

This led to Zero's character not looking very good, speaking very briefly, and his expression revealed a maturity beyond his peers, as if he felt indifferent to everything in the world.

But in fact, these are just low vitality states due to poor physical condition.

When Zero's body gradually adapted to health and began to play tennis, jogging and other training, the girl's pale complexion became rosy, full of sunshine.

Now, Ling often has a smile on his face, no different from a healthy person, and his mentality is much better than before.

"How is it here?"

Jiang Ye's voice came from behind Zero.

Since the successful launch of the Black Field Project, a lot of time can be spared a little, and there is no need to work on new technologies day and night.

At the current stage of human beings, what is needed is to slowly build a complete universe spaceship platform around the DX3906 Star, and gradually spread the space station throughout the entire Galaxy.

In this way, the exploration across the galaxy is completed...

After the basic construction reaches the standard, human civilization will automatically enter Level IV civilization.

Before that, Jiang Ye has given enough gifts to human civilization, and now he can save more precious time for himself and the people around him.

Open the pupil of luck.....

Jiang Ye found that Ling's black halo of luck had disappeared.

When the golden halo of luck gradually turned purple, it was accompanied by a glazed sky rope surrounding it.

"What a complicated halo of luck."

Jiang Ye's heart moved slightly, it was the first time he saw such a colorful halo of luck.

Although there is no golden son of fortune, it seems to have become richer, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"It's fine here."

Zero said from the bottom of his heart:

"I really didn't expect that after humans migrated to Blue Star, there would be such a beautiful ecological environment.

"And human beings in the star world outside the universe can also build a home that is no less than the earth."

She turned her head, looked at Jiang Ye and thanked seriously:

"Jiang Ye, you have made an indelible contribution to mankind."

Jiang Ye showed a slightly regretful look: "It's a pity that the solar system is gone, and human beings will never be able to return to the earth."

"But the torch of civilization shines on the entire Universe, doesn't it?"

Zero looked very focused, as if he saw something more precious.

"What are your plans for the future? Continue to return to the Institute of Life and conduct scientific research?"

Jiang Ye changed the subject.

But beyond his expectation.....

Zero shook his head, and said: "In this era, human technology is already advanced enough, and you are enough for the scientific research Realm."

"For me, if I had more choices, I wouldn't immerse myself in the study of life sciences."

"In the future, I should study music, play with musical instruments, or walk around in this world.

Zero told Jiang Ye about his childhood experiences.

She was in the orphanage for a while, and she often heard the sound of chorus and symphony performances from the nearby church.

In that icy and snowy winter, in the silent and hopeless life, melodious music came from the church, carrying hope for life.

The bright lights in the church are reflected in Ling's young pupils, like a road leading to heaven.

These fragments appear in Zero's dreams from time to time.


It is the School of Life Sciences that gives Ling a glimmer of hope.

Life science can change the innate disease in her body, and the professors around her have high hopes for her.

Zero first came into contact with life sciences, not only carrying the burden of continuing her own life, but also the expectations of the professors who helped her.

Therefore, Zero did not devote himself to the scientific research Realm of life science because of his love, but when he was desperate, there was only one way to choose.

But the arrival of Jiang Ye seems to have changed everything.

Zero no longer has to bear these stresses alone.

She is now alive and healthy, and after decades of hibernation, the scientific principles and technologies of the past have been turned upside down.

It will take a long time to complete this knowledge.

Zero cannot prolong own life through anti-aging drugs, and there are probably more than a hundred years left.

What's more, now the scientific research Realm is led by Jiang Ye, and human beings no longer need to face the threat of Trisolaran civilization and other universe civilizations.

During Zero's waking up, he has been witnessing the changes in this world.

Experienced countless times of despair, but finally ushered in the new life of hope, the understanding of life has a new height.

Now, she has other things to do.

World Tree Park.

The largest tree in Blue Star is planted here, with a height of 500 meters, and the entire area is planned as the most outstanding green park in the world.

Between the endless flower gardens, the roads are full of dog walkers and pedestrians.

On the park chairs, many young people sat together, discussing a complex formula or equation, or talking about the future of the universe.

at this time.....….

A burst of ethereal singing came from the square in the center of the park.

...asking for flowers......

Pedestrians passing by stopped and looked sideways in the direction of the singing.

I saw a white-haired girl holding a violin in her hand, and the melodious and slow splendor of the Middle Ages fluttered into the distance from the pulling of the strings.

The sound of the piano seems to connect the cultures of the Enlightenment Age, the Renaissance Age, the Post-Modern Age, and the AD century into the same song. The prelude is melodious, melodious and sad.

But then in the middle part, the strength of the piano sound gradually became stronger, as if advancing with crisis and rapids, and the melody became faster......

This peculiar music style immediately attracted the attention of everyone, and many people couldn't help but picked up their mobile phones to shoot videos.

Since the era of national science and technology, fewer and fewer people study classical music. Most of them are electronic music synthesized by software, with a strong rock style and mixed with electronic music.

Bombing headphones, fast-paced, electronic, more inclined to rap and Rap style.

Few people would hold a guitar and play it repeatedly against six strings every day. This kind of time-consuming and inefficient practice was regarded by the parents at that time as not doing their job properly.

But with the advent of the era of the black domain...

No matter the three-body civilization, or the threats brought by other universe civilizations are gradually disappearing, although there is still the atmosphere of the age of science and technology for all, people will spend more time leisurely

Come down, just like people in the age of deterrence, slowly start to enjoy Life, but at the same time do not lose thinking about the essence of things.

This unique music style has just become popular on the Internet, and instantly became popular all over the Internet!

A lot of music companies started looking for this girl...

They all saw the unparalleled artistic value from the girl, and this music style seems to perfectly resonate with the current era, with a rare artistic value


Send out invitations with sky-high signing fees.

But the girls all refused all cooperation.

She is like an aimless tourist, from one city to the next, playing in natural scenic areas, playing under the pavilions of ancient roads, "playing in the alleys of small towns with rich connotations in the old city... ..

Every time when her piano and singing sounds at the same time, the lofty and ethereal artistic conception is like the sky on the plateau, and everyone's hearts are immersed in Shendu, feeling the tranquility

The beauty of music and natural beauty, slowly waiting for the arrival of dusk and sunset.

Gradually, Zero's fame began to grow, and the number of videos about her played on the Internet often broke through five million, and some even reached tens of millions.

Some star-chasers were curious about Zero's identity and began to use technology to search for information about her.

But any search is in vain.

Jiang Ye used the most advanced technology to shield anyone who wanted to find zero data, and sent an army to protect him at any time.

Zero made great contributions to mankind in the last century, and at a very young age, she was burdened with a destiny that did not belong to her.

In this better era, no one has the right to disturb everything she should enjoy.

People with Talent seem to be able to become unique geniuses no matter what Realm they are in.

Although Zero did not continue to study scientific research, she turned to music Realm, which brought a huge impact to human society.

In the past hundred years, human beings have been obsessed with exploring the truth of the universe, and have developed various technologies to strengthen human civilization and resist Trisolarans.

A lot of movies are about how humans can defeat Trisolaran civilization, or other hypothetical alien civilizations.

This is an era that is too rational, emphasizes the value of personal contribution, and is full of fighting will at any time. During those times when human beings are facing the threat of the three-body problem, it has promoted the development of the entire society.

The technological process has brought indelible value.

However, too much emphasis on the idea of ​​value sometimes makes people give up the pursuit of beauty and ignores the goal of talent.

Zero's music revived a wave of classical culture in the black field era, while combining post-modern music.

This wave immediately promoted the development of the entire music industry.

Accompanied by classical art and the exploration of human value.

Technology and art, spirit and material, gradually reach a balance.

If there are parents who warn their own children that pursuing art is an unprogressive behavior, as long as the story of the singer's civilization is used, and the higher civilization of others is to use singing to convey the message

In order to refute, parents are often speechless.

At the same time, most of the resources of DX3906 Star have been exploited similarly. After this wave of blue ocean is developed, people are not so keen on creating value, and instead start to enjoy

By Life.

Such a social form is often more suitable for peaceful times.

a hundred years.

Humanity has entered the diamond age.

With rapid economic development, the happiness level index has increased.

The distribution of materials tends to be equalized gradually, and a period of rational distribution of resources, based on the premise of environmental stability and technological explosion, is coming!

One hundred and fifty years.

The number of airships reached twenty.

The space station is all over the DX3906 Star, and it begins to develop towards the entire Galaxy.

Two hundred years.

Jiang Ye began to study whether human consciousness can be separated from matter.

If this technology can be broken through, that person will have the opportunity to achieve eternal life!

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