Reincarnation Of All: I Can Infinitely Superimpose The Halo Of The Protagonist

Chapter 64 Breaking The Law Of The Dark Forest, Sss Level Evaluation!

Ever since Jiang Ye got involved in the wars of other universe civilizations......

Different universe civilizations are no longer completely isolated individuals.

Instead, they are divided into different camps and have connections.


These factions are not fully connected, but are scattered in every corner of the universe like stars.

Through the conflict and understanding between different civilizations, most Universe civilizations now have less fear of other civilizations than before.

There have been precedents for cooperation among different civilizations, and if we deepen our understanding, we will have the possibility of co-existence.


This trend, placed in the huge universe, can only be regarded as a tiny spark.

Most civilizations are still wary of different civilizations.

But on this day...

Suddenly, almost at the same instant, signal fluctuations erupted everywhere in the universe!

All civilizations can detect the gravitational fluctuations of alien civilizations through the gravitational signal station.

They immediately became extremely nervous...

Start probing the origin of these signals' coordinates!


Signals come from all directions!

It seems that overnight, the entire universe has a variety of different gravitational signals!

These signals are transformed into invisible gravitational waves, spreading to the entire universe, coming from all corners, and it is impossible to determine the coordinates at all!


The astonishing change has shocked the entire Trisolaran world!

"what happened?"

"How on earth do these signal sources originate!?"

"The entire universe is actually full of similar gravitational waves, and only an unimaginably powerful civilization can do all of this.

"This has never happened before!"


The cold and silent deep space of Universe seems to suddenly become lively!

Various universe civilizations immediately dispatched fleets to check in the direction of the gravitational waves.

They found that almost all planets have such an extra particle.

With unimaginably amazing technology, the Universe radio station is compressed to the size of an atom, which is difficult to catch even with the naked eye!

If you want to destroy this atom, you must use the technology that people used to resist the three-body sophon blockade.


Since Jiang Ye's technology is more perfect, the difficulty is hundreds of times greater!

Even Level IV civilizations such as Singer Civilization, Butcher Civilization, and Zero Returner Civilization require a lot of effort to destroy this universe broadcasting station.

Moreover, almost every corner of the universe is covered with such particles.

Not to mention destroying everything, even clearing the nearby area will cost a huge price!

For ordinary Universe civilizations...  

It is even more impossible to achieve 467.

"It's incredible!"

"What kind of great civilization is this that can cover the universe broadcasting station to the entire universe?"

"Even a level IV civilization is hard to achieve this level..."

"Could it be that it's the legendary V-level civilization?"

All civilizations were amazed when they detected the existence of Universe broadcast particles.

Through testing, they can be sure that the universe broadcast particles are definitely not naturally formed.

From a mysterious civilization!


What level of civilization can cover the entire universe with such particles?

You know, the universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies, and for ordinary civilizations, exploring a galaxy is great enough!

Even a level IV civilization as strong as the singer civilization, covering hundreds of galaxies, can become an existence that is impossible to defeat in the eyes of other civilizations!


With a civilization covering hundreds of billions of galaxies, how far has the technology level grown?

This almost subverts the imagination of other civilizations!

But V-level civilization only exists as a concept, which has not been proven...

All civilizations are guessing, what is the establishment of this Universe radio station for?

Shortly after.

Gravitational waves send out signals all over the Universe.

After reaching a certain level of technology, civilization can capture the signal fluctuations and translate the meaning that these signals want to convey.


The secret of the Universe radio station seems to have been revealed at the tip of the iceberg!

Once upon a time, there was a civilization called Earth in the solar system. After 6.5 billion years of development, life was born.

From the Age of Dinosaurs to the Ice Age to the flourishing Quaternary

After a long period of natural selection, human beings finally stood at the apex of all life and evolved civilization.

The 5,000-year farming civilization has gradually spawned the steam age, industrial technology has flourished, and technology has entered society.

In the ensuing 21st century, after experiencing the era of economic globalization, mankind is finally facing the impact of the first universe civilization!

The advent of the three-body world ended the naive fantasy of human beings.

The golden age is over, and the crisis era is coming!

Just when everyone is about to face a blow...

Luo Ji understood the law of the dark forest, blocked the thousands of three-body fleets with his own power, and stood alone at the position of the sword bearer.

With the advent of the era of deterrence, the Three-Body Problem secretly controlled human civilization and pushed Cheng Xin to the position of sword bearer in one fell swoop. They found a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to suddenly launch a fatal attack on the earth!

However, Jiang Ye, the strongest leader in the history of mankind, has long anticipated this, and still emits gravitational (cgbg) waves through innovative technology, dissuading the entire Trisolaran world

Enter the radio era.

Humanity is about to face the blow of the whole universe, and what follows is the explosion of technology...

But the information behind it gradually became blurred.

In addition to parts of human history, there are also a large number of poems, prose, music...  

This huge amount of information is impacting all Universe civilizations all the time!

They seem to have seen their former selves from human civilization, but they also saw transcendence!

Like all civilizations that come along the way...

Each has a similar experience, as if the entire universe is repeating this Samsara.

As with all civilizations, not many actually fight for the sake of being good.

If there is such a civilization...


They have long since perished because of cannibalism, and they have not developed to the point where industry can rise and interstellar expeditions can be achieved.

For most civilizations, the meaning of fighting is to ensure their own survival, while the source of fear of other civilizations is unknown.

They clearly noticed that the mysterious civilization that sent the universe broadcast particles was unprecedentedly powerful.

But unexpectedly...

All civilizations have no particular fear of this!

From these emitted gravitational waves, they heard human music and read human poetry, as if experiencing the history of human development

Although there has been a brutal history and brutal struggles, at the same time, the exploration of spirit and aesthetics has never stopped, and the derived animations and novels can resonate in the whole universe

They can see the differences between civilizations, but feel the similarities at the same time.

After a deeper understanding, the inner fear will naturally be eliminated.

In the lonely universe.

These gravitational wave signals are like children eager to communicate.

The civilizations in the past ignored these communication signals, and would only raise their shotguns from the depths of the dark forest and shoot deadly bullets at the innocent elk!

But now, this mysterious and unpredictable civilization is incredibly powerful!

Not to mention the ability to shoot, most civilizations don't even have the courage to raise their guns!

Only if the strength is strong enough...

Only when you speak out will others be willing to listen.

What has happened to human beings since the radio era, and where they are now, is unknown.

More content conveyed by gravitational waves is related to the realm of spiritual culture.

Poetry, music, novels, films, comics, classical art...  

All universe civilizations realize that this is a great civilization!

They understand the laws of the dark forest better than any civilization, but after becoming stronger, they did not choose to continue to follow this way, but to find another way to break the old pattern!

Now, all universes are filled with gravitational waves, and no civilization can establish the location of other civilizations through radio stations.

There are too many signals, covering from all directions of the universe, even if you can find different fluctuations, but in the complicated and chaotic information, it is almost impossible to use this to accurately determine the coordinates of other civilizations!

Knowing this...  

Other civilizations are gradually trying to input the culture and part of history of their own civilization into the particles through the principle of signal resonance.

The result was positive feedback.

That small particle seems to be open to anyone who comes.

After receiving signals from other civilizations, the Universe broadcast particles still have the function of spreading, spreading the information everywhere, and bridging through the scattered gravitational waves, making it impossible for other civilizations to confirm from which source their signals are input.

When this trend started, it was out of control in an instant!

The great era of universe civilization intercommunication has begun!

Every civilization begins to try to transmit part of the information through particles.

The stories of different civilizations seem to make up a long history book, and the next hundreds of millions of years will be shared by all life in the universe.

All civilizations can read each other's stories and learn about each other's history from their culture.

Zero's singing voice floats everywhere in the universe, and is regarded as the Holy Maiden by the singer civilization, claiming that if she can come to own civilization one day, she will get the highest treatment!

For singer civilization, they only care about the pursuit of art and beauty!

They can see what human beings have achieved in this area, with remarkable and extraordinary achievements.

The sense of psychological identity has skyrocketed.

The Trisolaran civilization hid in a remote corner of the universe.

When they caught these gravitational waves, they instantly realized that they were sent by humans!


The entire Trisolaran civilization was shocked by this!

It is hard for them to imagine that human civilization has grown to an unimaginable level during the time when they crossed the black hole!

Based on Trisolaris' understanding of human civilization, I know that this civilization has an extremely fast growth rate, but I never thought that it could reach such a height in such a short time!

Tens of thousands of years may seem like a long time, but compared to the 6.5 billion years of evolution and reproduction of life, it is just a flick of a finger.

However, human civilization unexpectedly became the top civilization in the universe.

Let the entire Trisolaran civilization fall behind!

this moment......

They finally realized that what appeared in the spaceship that day was not a hallucination.

Humans have the ability to destroy the entire Trisolaran world at any time!

But after a few years, most of the human beings remember that period of history, but there is no such deep hatred...

After all, the Three-Body Civilization did not succeed in coming, and was frightened away by the sword-wielding man.

With the current height and structure of human beings, it has reached the unimaginable level of Three-body civilization!

Sophon stood at the front of the spaceship, caught this gravitational wave information, and couldn't help sighing

One sound:

"Human beings are the most precious opponents that Trisolaran civilization has ever encountered."

Universe boundaries.

From the surface, this is a barren and lonely Star.

Even Star is quite rare.

It seems to be a barren and dead place in the universe, without any light source.

But actually.

This is where the Return to Zero civilization resides!

Just this day.

A small particle floats to the boundary of the universe.


An invisible wave seemed to turn into a giant hand, spanning billions of miles of star sea in an instant, and catching particles!

The particles were brought back to the territory of the Zero civilization.


Sitting on the throne, the shadow covered in shadow couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"Is human civilization?"

"Weak but great, strategic but courageous, calculating but true and loving..."

"A complex civilization, but containing all the elements, has grown to such an extent.

"I, would like to call you the strongest!"

Since then.

The connection between different universe civilizations is getting closer and closer.

Jiang Ye's move can be said to connect all civilizations together, but not in a direct way.

Gravitational waves are a bit similar to how humans first developed the Internet...

Able to communicate at a distance, but avoid the embarrassment of real contact.

Of course, there are also some civilizations who "face-to-face" offline after knowing each other's location.

But no matter what, the law of the dark forest has finally been broken!

At the same time, humans have covered almost half of the universe, with capabilities comparable to the Zero civilization.

At this stage, the Return to Zero civilization did not take the initiative to reveal any intentions, as if it had been guarding the border of the universe and witnessing the rise of mankind.

Everything stabilized.

At this time.

A few reminders finally popped up in front of Jiang Ye——

【You broke the law of the dark forest, changed the pattern of the whole universe, and unlocked the achievement —— Wallbreaker!】

【Achievement Points +20000W!】

[Rating: SS+→SSS!]

"The ultimate achievement of the Three-Body World is the Wall Breaker?"

Seeing the prompt that popped up, Jiang Ye couldn't help but smile.

In the Era of Crisis, Luo Ji is a wall-facer and also a wall-breaker of own.

The dark forest revealed by his Insight is the most basic rule of survival in the entire universe.

But now.

Jiang Ye broke the entire dark forest!

From then on, there will be no more heroes like Luo Ji in the universe.

He is not only Luo Ji's wall-breaker, but also the wall-breaker of the law of the dark forest!

This is the password of the last "S" in Three-Body World!

If you can't do this, then even if you stand at the peak of human beings, or even the peak of the entire universe, you still can't reach the $S$ level evaluation.

Only by understanding this ultimate code can we lead to the perfect road!


After the law of the dark forest ceases to exist, it is impossible for the civilizations of the universe to coexist harmoniously, and occasionally there will be conflicts and resource disputes.

However, the top civilizations have more resources than the weak ones, and understand the principle of coexistence. Even if there is a game, they will not casually launch an attack of mutual destruction.

Overall, when the barriers of the Dark Forest are broken, the stability of the universe as a whole is higher.

As Jiang Ye who promoted all of this, naturally he deserved the SSS rating!

As for what the structure of the Three-Body World will become in the future...

That's not something Jiang Ye needs to care about.


A reminder has popped up in front of Jiang Ye——

【Congratulations, you have obtained the SSS rating of Three-Body World!】

【Do you choose to return to the real world?】

【Remaining time: one year!】

After reaching the perfect score, the reincarnated person can only stay within a limited time, and if the time limit is exceeded, they will automatically exit the current world.

after all..………

Jiang Ye has unlocked the achievement of "Eternal Life". If he wants to, wouldn't he stay here for the rest of his life without going out?

There is no time gap between the reincarnation world and the real world. Anyone who enters the reincarnation tower, no matter how long it has been, will come out in the past seven days.

Jiang Ye didn't choose to quit immediately, but spent this year browsing the entire universe, saying goodbye to those around him at the same time.

Zero also seemed to sense that Jiang Ye was leaving.

There was a look of reluctance in her eyes, and she wanted to say something, but she never said it.

The one-year deadline has expired.

Jiang Ye's digitized figure gradually blurred.

He gently waved his hand and bid farewell to the world.


next second.

The figure of Jiang Ye returned to the Reincarnation Tower....

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