Chapter 146: Ordinary Family? This kid is very good! [Kneel for subscription! ] Customize yourself! 】。


All ten knives were divided. Invisibly.

Those with knives stand in line, while those without knives are left alone.

“Don’t be like this, let’s unite a little!”


“Do you understand the survival of the fittest?”

Those who have knives have tacit agreement with the outside world. There is no intention to help each other. In this regard, Mo Bai does not care.

Some people seem to have obtained knives and have the power to protect themselves. But in fact, even a knife could not save him!


At this time, the amplitude of the ground shaking is getting bigger and bigger. Even the surrounding buildings were shaking.

Just when everyone panicked.

Mo Bai squatted down, and his five fingers were printed on the ground.

“Something seems to be coming!”

“And there are quite a few of them!”

“What will it be?”

“Are you stupid, what else can there be in the infection area besides gene beasts?”

The words of the crowd just came out.

I saw mutated gene beasts rushing over from all directions.

“Blood Armor Silver Bull!”

When you see the genetic beast rushing over. Everyone was shocked.

This is the best among the first-order mutant gene beasts. Dominate with force!

If it is a head-on collision.

Even ordinary second-order mutant gene beasts had to avoid it. No way, its horns have great penetrating power.

And it can burst out extremely powerful.


The 200 men with knives ran first. But they have already been targeted by the Blood Armor Silver Bull. Before that.

None of them had ever seen a real genetic beast! Even if it’s simulated.

But this simulation is 100%. It’s no different from the real thing.

So it’s reasonable to be afraid.

“Is this what is called a test?”

Mo Bai stood in place without moving a step.

Looking at the rushing blood-armored silver bull, his face could not see the slightest fear. Because this is virtual space.

So the previously injured arm has recovered as before.

However, with the previous lessons, he paid a little attention this time. When the Blood Armor Silver Ox came to him.

The body is quickly turned sideways.

Grabbing the horns of the cow with both hands, he raised it violently and smashed it heavily on the ground.

“Knock knock~”

One after another.

So much so that when the other blood-armored silver bulls came over.

Mo Bai swept over the cow in his hand. Very simple and crude!

Wang Zheng, the instructor who was observing them, burst out with a fine light in his eyes.

“Good guy, where did you find this kid?”

He couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Xu Ziqiang on the side.

“When I was dispatched urgently.”

“I saw him punch the green-eyed giant rat flying dozens of meters away!”

“Visual inspection must have at least 10,000 catties.”

After listening to Xu Ziqiang’s explanation.

Wang Zhengcai looked at Lei Tingting on the side.

“Miss Lei, what is this friend of yours doing in his house?”

“Ordinary family!”

“What? Ordinary family? ”

This surprised Wang Zheng.

How can a child from an ordinary family have such ability? Born with divine power?

That’s too fake, right? In his opinion.

I originally thought that Mu Feng’s family was also a genetic family. I was trained at home from an early age.

This is the only thing that makes sense.

But even so, it’s hard to believe. He could actually punch ten thousand catties. It is very surprising to have a thousand pounds of strength.

Tens of thousands of catties, that can only be achieved after becoming a gene warrior. And it’s still a junior general!

This Mu Feng is not simple!

Wang continued to stare at the monitor’s screen. I saw it in the picture.

Mu Feng swept away the surrounding blood armor silver bulls.

With both hands in an instant, he released the blood-armored silver ox that was used as a weapon.


Smashed heavily into a building.

The bricks and stones splashed, the building swayed, and it meant collapse. Meanwhile.

Around Mu Feng, there were no more people to be seen. It doesn’t matter if they are armed or unarmed.

It’s all gone! To this.

He didn’t care.

It doesn’t matter if they all die.


The ground was still trembling slightly. Something else seems to be coming this way.

Mo Bai clenched his fists. Look around warily.


Mo Bai frowned.

“No, on the right!”

“No, it’s below!”

Mo Bai’s voice just fell.

I saw a mound suddenly bulge from the ground. Looked at.

Mo Bai immediately ran from the ground.


As if you could see him, the mound kept following him through the streets. In the middle of narrow alleys.

Mo Bai thought carefully. The other party is underground.

If you want to attack it, you have to get it up from below. But how to get it?


He thought of a way. Just go high yourself.

“It can’t chase itself, and in the end it can only break the ground.”

“Oh high…”

Mo Bai unconsciously moved his eyes upward, and this narrow passage was just enough for him to walk up the wall with both hands.

“What does he want to do?”

Xu Ziqiang and Lei Tingting couldn’t help but say something puzzled.

“He should be trying to lure out the things below!”

Wang Zheng nodded affirmatively as he spoke: “This kid is very good!” ”

“Of course!”

Heard the instructor praise Mu Feng. Lei Tingting was so happy that she couldn’t do it.

It seems that the person who is praised is her.

“Mu Feng in order to be able to become a gene warrior.”

“From a young age, I started to force myself to learn about it.”

“It’s just a pity that the college entrance examination was smashed!”

“Miss Lei, please rest assured!”

Hearing Lei Tingting’s words, Wang Zheng patted his chest and assured: “Mu Feng’s performance so far, I don’t think it’s a big problem to become a gene warrior. ”

“But I just don’t know if she can pass the final test!”

“Final test?”

Lei Tingting did not know the specific process of the test.

So I don’t know what the final test in Wang Zheng’s mouth is.

“Miss Ray.”

“Actually, I want to be a genetic warrior.”

“The test is divided into two rounds!”

Xu Ziqiang took the words to explain.

“The first round is a simulation test to see how the tester reacts when facing the gene beast, and to obtain some basic data about him!”

“The second round is a combat test, which is risky.”

“Whether he can stay in the end depends on his record!”


All three turned their heads and continued to look at the monitor. Mu Feng had successfully lured the green-eyed giant rat out. The body size is similar to the previous one.

Deal with it this time though.

Mu Feng did not continue to fight hard.

That would only hurt the enemy by a thousand and self-inflicted damage by eight hundred.

After all, there is no combat suit, and there is no protection from the power of genes. Suddenly.

He flashed with a flash.

Found not far away, there is a broken long knife!

Because it was broken, it was only about 30 centimeters in length at this time. But even so.

After Mo Bai got his hand, he also resolutely rushed towards the green-eyed giant rat.


The rat opened its mouth and spit out green sticky pus from its mouth. But Mo Bai’s figure flashed.

Dodge directly from the attack range. When it reappears.

It has already arrived in front of the green-eyed giant rat. A stab in its stomach.

It screamed in pain. But that’s not the end of it.

Mo Bai then drew his knife out again and continued to change his orientation to attack.


Green blood continued to spurt out of its body.

In less than ten seconds, he was covered in scars. That huge body was also powerless to fall.

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