Chapter 156: Join the Third Legion, the Beast Tide Strikes! [Kneel for subscription! ] Customize yourself! 】。

“I’m not mistaken!”

“This is the Spirit Tamer?”

Everyone looked at Mu Feng with a confused expression.

“You’re a Spirit Tamer?”

Wang Feng asked everyone’s hearts.

No way, it’s unbelievable. Another super-god-level gene warrior, and another spirit tamer. Isn’t this even more powerful than today’s First God of War level? How to think how impossible this is.

But the facts are in front of them, so they can’t believe it.

“That’s right!”

Mu Feng nodded, and did not deny that he was a spirit tamer.

“Is it credible this time?”


This time Wang Feng nodded, he wanted to doubt the strength of others again. That’s a fool!

After his own confirmation, the super god level really exists! And he dared to assert that Mu Feng’s strength was far more than that!

If you use all your strength, it will not be a problem to destroy the entire base!


“It seems that the eradication of the gene beast is just around the corner!”

Because of the genetic beast.

Humans can now only survive in some of the existing fortress cities.

More than two-thirds of the city has been reduced to contaminated areas, occupied by genetic beasts. Although so many years have passed, humans have been fighting to eliminate genetic beasts.

But gene beasts are very fecund.

690 Basically every day, a large number of genetic beasts are born deep in the contaminated area.

The current situation belongs to the fact that while the gene warriors are eradicated, they multiply, and they can’t be killed at all!

“Mu Feng, are you willing to join our third legion?”

Able to get a personal invitation from the Legion Commander.

This treatment, as far as they know, has only one person ever had! That is now the first God of War level master, Zhang Xinyang!

Of course, Zhang Xinyang was not a member of their Third Legion, but a leader of the Special Operations Team subordinate to the First Legion. The right is second only to the Legion Commander.

Inside the legion, there is even great majesty. There are even rumors.

As long as he wishes, he can overthrow the first corps leader at any time and become the new corps commander.

And the special operations team he belongs to are all high-level God of War level gene warriors!! This lineup is recognized as the strongest in the human army!

After all, it is composed of only five high-level God of War-level powerhouses!

Even the squad that Wang Feng was in was just five mid-level war gods. Compared with Zhang Xinyang, it is more than a star and a half.

Of course.

If you can invite Mu Feng to join.

Then their third legion has enough ability to compete with the first legion.

“I like freedom!”


Mu Feng refused, and did not agree to this matter.

Although Wang Feng did not elaborate, Mu Feng knew that as long as he agreed to join, he would definitely be subject to many controls. This feeling is very unpleasant.

Hearing this, Wang Feng hesitated, glanced at the legion leader, and the two made eye contact. People like Mu Feng, it’s not bad if they don’t make enemies with them.

They were indeed naïve to want him to join them. Any strong person has his own arrogance, and Mu Feng is naturally the same.

“In this way, you join the Third Legion, and we will not interfere with any of your freedoms!”


Mu Feng was stunned, and glanced at the two, this sincerity can still be seen. Not interfering with yourself, which is equivalent to giving yourself a lot of rights.

But then again, this is a special agency, what do they think of themselves so to others? And such a strong invitation to join must have a purpose.

“Although you belong to the Third Legion, we can assure you that if there is the slightest sign of interfering with you, you can leave at any time!”

The other party has said this, and Mu Feng is not good to say anything. As for the purpose, it is mostly to consolidate their position. In his opinion, the competition between the legions is still fierce.

Glancing at the others around him, everyone also looked at themselves.

Their eyes were full of expectation, and they all seemed to very much hope that they could join the third legion. For a while, the atmosphere became tense.

None of them knew how Mu Feng would choose. But no matter what, they can’t interfere.

You can only respect his decision, and the key is not the strength to interfere.

A super-god-level gene warrior, and also a spirit trainer, who dares to oppose him? It was almost two minutes.

Mu Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at the legion leader, “It’s not impossible for me to join, but I have a request.” ”

“What requirements?”

“Give me some intelligence!”


At this moment, Wang Feng and the two were full of doubts.

What will the information that can interest Mu Feng be?

“Please tell me about the full-level gene beast.”

“Full level… Gene beasts? ”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned in place. It’s a joke with them.

The matter of the full-level gene beast is classified information.

Except for a few high-level God of War-level gene warriors who knew, no one knew about it.

“How do you know this?”

Hearing the legion leader’s words, Mu Feng knew that this complete-level gene beast did indeed exist.

“You just need to tell me where the gene beast is!”

“Do you want to…”

Wang Feng squinted, as if he had guessed Mu Feng’s thoughts.

“If you tell me, I can consider hanging the title of the Third Legion.”

Even just hanging a title is a great threat to other legions.

However, the location of the full-level gene beast is a secret among secrets, and it is impossible to disclose it casually. Wang Feng couldn’t call the shots, he could only blame looking at the legion leader.

And the corps commander thought a little in his heart.

Not to mention Mu Feng’s strength, he has now joined the third legion, and whether he tells him or not is all about himself as the legion leader.

If this matter is known by the high-level personnel of other legions, I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble. For a while, even he was a little uncertain.

“It’s just an intelligence, is it so unspeakable?”


The legion commander paused, simply turned his heart, and opened his mouth: “Okay, then I’ll tell you, but you have to promise me not to look for it for the time being!” ”

“How long are you talking about the time being?”

“At least within a week!”

“No problem!”

Mu Feng nodded very affirmatively, even if he knew the location, he would not go without merging with Lu Chen. This kind of thing must be seen by him with his own eyes.

Hearing Mu Feng open his mouth and agree.

The legion leader made a look, and Wang Feng immediately released the power of his genes. A barrier of separation is formed around the perimeter.

Cut off from outside voices, neither can hear each other.

“Complete-level gene beasts, for now, we found a total of three detailed locations!”

Mu Feng was shocked, but he didn’t expect that there were so many.

According to the current strength of the human camp, if the three complete-level gene beasts join forces, I am afraid it will be a catastrophe. Fortunately, they didn’t do that.

“That’s right!”

The legion leader nodded and said, “The closest one is sleeping in the Yami Mountains. ”

“As for the other two, they are in Nanchuan and Beichuan.”

Good guys, this is a bit far apart, it’s a bit different.

“At present, against this one in the Yami Mountain Range, the first tactical team to which Zhang Xinyang belongs has gone to carry out the annihilation operation.”

“Calculate the time, it’s almost time to start.”

The Legion Leader said while looking at the smart terminal on his wrist.

“Alarm Alert~”

Almost at the same time as he raised his hand, the base alarm sounded.

“Detecting the attack of the beast tide, please prepare all departments for battle~”

“Detecting the attack of the beast tide, please prepare all departments for battle~”

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