North Hades Academy.

The whole school was panicked.

All because of Fan Wenbin’s death.

Many teachers secretly left the academy at the first time.

On the contrary, it was Mo Bai and Bei Hao Fu.

Sit in the office and make small talk.

It seems that he does not care about this impending calamity!

And the two are talking.

It was the intelligence about the Imperial Title Douluo.

“The three titled Douluo of the Dahua Empire are.”

“Sniper Douluo, go with the flow.”

“Martial Soul is a high-level Martial Soul, modern thermal weapon AWM!”

“Biased towards long-range attack type soul masters!”

“He has worked with Blood Axe Douluo sincerely for many years.”

“The two cooperate tacitly.”

“One near and one far, assist each other in combat!”

“The combat power is comparable to Super Douluo!!”

“And the thermal weapon martial soul?”

This was something Mo Bai did not expect.

Although only high-order.

But it also sounds pretty powerful.

“This kind of is only a minority!”

Bei Hao Fu nodded and continued to speak.

“And Blood Axe Douluo, Noko.”

“His martial soul is a dual-wielding axe.”

“The reason why it was named Blood Axe.”

“That’s because he’s a militant.”

“Bloodthirsty by nature! The more courageous the war! ”

“Get excited when you see blood!”

Heard this intelligence from Bei Hao Fu.

Mo Bai is actually more curious about Fan Wenbin’s grandfather.

That Title Douluo, who ranked first in the territory of the Dahua Empire.

“As for Fire Douluo, Fan Xinghai’s words.”

“His martial soul is Samadhi True Fire!”

“It belongs to a legendary-level martial soul!”

“In the early years of his own strength, he was a ninety-four-level Title Douluo.”

“But I haven’t heard from him for a long time.”

“I think it may be breaking through the ninety-fifth level Super Douluo!”


It was almost Bei Hao Fu who had just finished speaking.

The teacup on the table began to shake.

It’s like an earthquake.


All the glass shattered instantly.

“They’re coming!”

That is, the moment he just stood up.

A voice came from the playground, which had become a ruin.

“Northern Hades, I have brought the royal oracle.”

“You still don’t come out quickly?”


Mo Bai and Bei Hao Fu walked out of the office.

Just stand on the balcony and look down.

I saw two old men in their sixties and seventies standing below.

Although it looks old.

But the action was not affected at all.

One of them is even stronger!

Except for white spots on hair.

The rest are no different from the young man!

“Hahaha, what kind of wind is it today.”

“Actually blew you two here?”

Bei Ha Fu laughed.

However, the two below did not give him any good faces.

“Why are we here, don’t you still have points in your heart?”

“Go on!”

The voice fell.

Swing your arms downstream.

A box flew over.

The speed is fast, hundreds of meters away, in the blink of an eye.

But when flying half a meter in front of Mo Bai’s body.

Suddenly suspended in the air.

Taken by soul power!

“This is the oracle that the Lord of the Kingdom has brought us.”

“Take a good look.”

“Give us an answer!”

Bei Hao Fu opened the box.

Take out a letterhead inside with the royal seal, and open it.

Mo Bai looked at it together.


This country lord Lin Aotian actually wanted to make himself work for him?

Does he deserve it?

Be a reincarnated person yourself.

Still want to put yourself to work for you?


Bei Hao Fu turned his head and glanced at Mo Bai, and it was not easy to answer.

“Well, it should be clearly written on the oracle, right?”

“If you agree, don’t hesitate to ask for anything!”

“The lord of the country will not treat this little brother badly!”


Mo Bai spoke, “I’m not demanding. ”

“As long as you satisfy me, everything is okay!”

“Say, what’s the requirement?”

The two couldn’t help but think.

Since ancient times, people have died for wealth, and birds have died for food!

In the face of absolute temptation.

Even if you are a titled Douluo, aren’t you still shaken?

“I ask for only one, and that is the position of the lord of the country!”

What kind of stuff?

The position of the head of the country?

This Nima is still not demanding?

Opening the mouth is the position of the lord of the country, is it a joke?

It’s all above the sky, okay?

“Are you kidding?”

“The position of the lord of the country is also something you can covet?”

“Be honest, we didn’t hear what we said just now!”

Mo Bai didn’t speak.

I saw that he reached out and took the royal letterhead.


Tear it off in front of the two titled Douluo below.

“Be bold!”

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

Dare to tear up the royal letterhead.

This is tantamount to flouting royalty!

What a mortal sin!

“Of course I know what I’m doing!”

Mo Bai looked at the two below.

Gu Jing Bubo spoke, “Go back and tell Lin Aotian.” ”

“I’m Mobai, it’s the will of the gods!”

“Special Radiance Dahua!”

“If he doesn’t give way.”

“Then I’ll personally kick him out of his position!”

As soon as the words came out.

Even Bei Hao Fu was taken aback.

Mo Bai actually wanted to be the head of the country!

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