Chapter 89: Monster Tang Hao! You are also a reincarnation! [Kneel for subscription! ] Customize yourself! 】。


Mo Bai smiled coldly.

A huge magic array appeared from under his feet. If you look closely, you will definitely find it. This magic array was an enlarged version in Tang Hao’s hands! Seeing this, the surrounding students all scattered and fled. They all hid in the nearby bunkers.


“This is a forbidden spell, just by virtue of it”

“You, how could it be!”

Tang Hao kept shaking his head.

The forbidden spell in the palm barely formed.

“Forbidden Spell: Purple Thunderstorm Skyfall!”

With a low snort, a heavenly thunder fell. Hit Mo Bai directly on the head!

The arc flickered in the air, and the purple light afterimage dragged out.

Even other people were shocked when they saw this scene! But when the purple thunder falls to a certain height.


The thunder at the top of the cloud sounded, and a thicker purple thunder flashed out. It’s so fast, it’s almost smooth!

Abruptly disintegrated Tang Hao’s purple thunder.

Then, as if he had his own consciousness, he made an irregular turn!


Seeing this lightning rush towards him. Tang Hao chanted the spell instantly.

Layers of lightning shields formed in front of him! Counting carefully, it is as high as nine layers!

“Demon Whisperer!”

“Senior Tang is already a Demon Whisperer!”

The reason why it can be identified.

In addition to passing mana fluctuations, there is also his Flash Shield skill! Mana increases by a large level.

All can release an extra layer!

And the ninth layer, doesn’t it symbolize the Demon Whisperer!


Purple Thunder collides with Lightning Shield.

It was just the first moment of pause for a second.

“Zizi”, Jin, bone, Cheng, bone, Jin, Cheng sounded nine shattering sounds in succession.

This lightning shield shattered like glass!


Tang Hao’s eyes widened in horror. At the last moment.

There was no time to unleash other defensive magic on him. He can only use the most primitive means of defense.

That’s all the magic in front of you.

As long as it can offset the magic attached to this attack. Then it’s okay!


It’s just a pity that his last defense. Even the purple thunder couldn’t hold it for a second.

Almost instantly, the defenses were pierced. Hit straight on his body.

“Ah~~~,” Tang Hao’s screams sounded in the thunder light.

“No, I’m a magical genius.”

“It’s impossible for someone like you to be killed!”



Purple thunder continues to descend.

One after another, it slashed at Tang Hao.

The thunder light overlapped, stabbing everyone from opening their eyes. In order not to let the rest of Haicheng be implicated. Mo Bai disconnected the magic power supply to the magic array! When the lightning disappears.

Everyone slowly lowered their hands in front of them. I saw where Tang Hao was before.

There is a large pit with a diameter of tens of meters!

The depth visual inspection is at least ten meters!

As for Tang Haoren, he has disappeared!

Or in other words, it was bombarded by the thunder of the forbidden curse so that there was not even bone dregs left!

“Good… So strong! ”

“Even the magical genius is not his opponent!”

“What is the origin of this Mo Xuan?”

Lin Wan’er and Liu Bing were also unbelievable. Especially Lin Wan’er.

I can see Mo Xuan every day.

Every time I look at him, I look like a hanger. How could he be that strong?

As for Liu Bing’s words, she kind of understood what was going on with Mo Bai’s previous perfect parity! This is especially open!

Everyone was reborn together to this magical age. This is a bit outrageously strong!

Mo Bai came to Lin Wan’er in two steps.

“Is your wife okay?”


Lin Wan’er subconsciously replied.

Listening to this, the students around them were jealous.

No wonder they came together, it turns out that the family is husband and wife!

“Want to kill me? Not so easy! ”

Suddenly. In the air, Tang Hao’s voice sounded.

But looking around, there is no figure.

“I’m a magical genius!”

“With the kind of attack just now, I won’t die yet!”

Subsequently, countless black qi flew from all directions.

Convergence at the center point of the giant crater.

Soon, a humanoid monster was formed covered in black smoke. At the head position, the monster’s eyes suddenly lit up red.

“Look, I’m alive again!”

“Hahaha, you can’t kill me!”

Everyone saw Tang Hao at this time.

People are not ghosts, ghosts are not ghosts!

Black smoke form, isn’t it exactly the same as the monster in the book?

“Run! Senior Tang has turned into a monster! ”

I don’t know who shouted. The people around them all fled frantically.

If they had stayed here with the mentality of watching a play before. Then they at this time.

All I want is not to be targeted by monsters!


According to the book, if you are possessed by a monster. Then you will lose control of your body. And thus do something dangerous. This includes ending one’s own life.

“My wife will leave it to you first!”

Push Lin Wan towards Liu Bing.

Mo Bai faced Tang Hao, who had become a monster, alone.

“Look at what you look like now.”

“It’s also a magical genius, it’s simply ugly!”

“Shut up!”

Tang Hao shouted angrily.

“I’m a demon general now!”

“Am I not doing this to you?”

Tang Hao’s words were tantamount to admitting that he was a monster himself! And the demon will be regarded as a relatively high rank among the monsters.

“Oh yes! I almost didn’t remember. ”

“Why do you say you have two names?”


“You told the surname Liu that it was Mo Bai in front of my father!”

“And here, in the Super Demon Academy, you are also called Mo Xuan!”

Tang Hao, who had turned into a monster, walked two steps in the giant pit.

“Oh, that’s interesting!”

“No wonder you’re different from everyone else here.”

Then he raised his hand and pointed at Mo Bai: “You are also a reincarnated person, right?” ”

Mo Bai did not respond.

So to speak.

This Tang Hao, like them, is also a reincarnated person. But I just don’t know where the reincarnation is.

“Well, since everyone is from the same place.”

“I don’t ink with you either!”

“Become my subordinate and I can save you from death!”


Tang Hao paused and pointed at Liu Bing and Lin Wan’er.

“Liu Xinyue behind you, and Lin Wan’er!”

“After you die, I will enjoy it well, and finally die slowly!”

“By the way, a little more friendly reminder.”

“Die this time, but you will really die!”

After listening to what Tang Hao said.

Mo Bai had already figured out one thing.

Tang Hao is related to Li Wen’s ongoing research. It seems that he can’t kill him easily. You have to be caught and tortured.

It is better to be able to ask them why they were able to kill the people on the other side of the reincarnation stage here.


Just as Mo Bai was thinking.

A spear formed by black mist flew over. On the flight trajectory of the spear, the air was torn apart. The momentum is amazing!

But Mo Bai raised his hand unhurriedly.

“In the name of a magician, I summon the power of the earth…”

“Forbidden Curse: Wild Sandstorm Corpse!”

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