Ye Su thought of Chen Yuan again. Among the three children he adopted, he actually liked Chen Yuan the most. Chen Yuan was obedient. He was less talkative and strong. What he asked Chen Yuan to do was three. The best in the child, even the best in disguise, suddenly launched a "coup" without a word, killing him by surprise.

Love and hate.

He said Cao Cao Cao Cao was here. Su Ye took a walk around the villa and wrote down the route. When A Feng sent Su Ye to go out, he happened to have a black car parked at the door. Lacquered man, a pair of white gloves on the man's hand are particularly conspicuous.

"Brother Chen, Mr. Tang is upstairs, please come inside." A Feng walked over, shouting to the younger brother by the way, "you guys sent Teacher Su back." Thanks to A Feng, Chen Yuan left After the past, otherwise, his ability will definitely notice the stiffness of Su Bai ’s body at the moment he saw Chen Yuan. Su Ye knows that he and Chen Yuan will meet again sooner or later, but it is unprepared. Suddenly meeting Chen Yuan next to him still caught him by surprise. The heart was a little tingling. This was a psychological reaction left by the house arrest for nearly a year. He thought he could forget the most shameful time smartly. He also thought that death was over, and he could generously let it pass. The things Chen Yuan did to him crashed into the sea with the plane.

But at this moment, even if he changed his body, Su Ye could see it so clearly. All the reasons were just an excuse that he did not want to face the real humiliating time.

"What is your surname Su? Who are you from the Su family?" The most wanted person stood in front of Su Bai, but the familiar voice was an unfamiliar tone, without the humble humility familiar to Su Ye. Under the icy nature of Chen Yuan's loyalty, if he talks about essence, what is the difference between the child taught by Su Bai and himself?

Is this considered a modern newspaper? Su Ye avoided the cold look of Chen Yuan's inquiry, and answered in the tone of Su Mo: "I ... my surname is Su."

"Brother Chen, this is Mr. Su, President Tang's friend." A Feng stepped forward to make a clearance.

"Name?" Chen Yuan didn't even look at A Feng.

"Su Mo." Grandpa Su was a little embarrassed. In case Chen Yuan noticed something, or was too different from ordinary people in the psychological aspect like Tang Yan, he could easily accept the "borrowing of souls" thing, Tang Yan would say as the transaction said. To protect him, he should simply be a good friend and leave him to Chen Yuan.

No matter what you think, the latter is more likely.

"Oh ..." Chen Yuan remembered that Su family had a person named Su Mo. Ten years ago, Su Ye also said that Su Mo looks a bit like him when he was young. Chen Yuan saw Su Mo at the time and felt that Su Mo It looks nothing like Ye Su, how could a sloppy person like Su Ye's half-demand.

Chen Yuan glanced at Su Mo more, and now it looks a bit like Su Ye. This person is not like Wei Nuo Nuo who was about to bury his head in the floor ten years ago. He hit him in Ming Xuan last time. His man is the man in front of him? A lot thinner, more like Su Ye.

Looking at it, Chen Yuan thought of Su Ye again.

Su Ye saw Chen Yuan was going to flash people, when Chen Yuan suddenly caught him by surprise.

Across the thin cloth material, Chen Yuan felt the temperature of the man in front of his fingers, as warm as Su Ye, and the arm grabbed by him slightly trembled. Chen Yuan only thought that this man was afraid of him. I feel that this person is really similar to Su Ye. Chen Yuan became unconsciously gentle, and his voice was much softer.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Ye Su listened to this sentence a lot. Chen Yuan used to say this to him when he was on an isolated island. While speaking this kind of words gently, he forcedly fed him a muscle relaxant, and Chen Yuan gave him The amount of medicine used is very precise in controlling the amount of medicine, which can remove most of his strength without completely losing his mobility. It is just a series of side effects such as drowsiness caused by medicine, which are as corrosive as chronic poisons. Watching his alertness.

"Mr. Chen." Tang Yan stepped out of the villa, glanced at Su Ye grabbed by Chen Yuan, and naturally extended his hand towards Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan could only let Su Bai shake hands with him .

"Mr. Su, don't hurry back, or you will be late for class later." Tang Yuan looked towards Su Bai.

"Mr. Tang, Mr. Chen, then I'll go first." Su Ye lowered his head and turned to sit in the car. Until the moment the door closed, he was relieved and Chen Yuan didn't recognize him.

Slowly closed his eyes, Su Ye took a deep breath and leaned on the back of the chair, holding the pulse of his left hand in his right hand to calm himself gradually.

Back in the apartment, the first thing Su Ye rushed into the bathroom was to turn on the faucet, and flushed the place just touched by Chen Yuan with water.

Looking at the red piece on his arm, he was silent for a moment, Su Ye coldly grabbed a cup and smashed it on the ground, the glass **** fell all over the floor.

Was he angry that Chen Yuan touched him, or was he annoyed that he could no longer occupy the absolute strength in front of Chen Yuan?

Chapter 17

"Before telling you how to find Simon.D, can I ask you a question first?" Suddenly, smoking a cigarette, Su Ye leaned his legs on the window chair, and people like them appeared Window is not a good choice, but the exception is if the floor-to-ceiling glass is all presidential bulletproof.

"Please." Tang Yan sat opposite Su Ye and poured a cup of coffee for Su Bai himself.

"Resurrection from dead to death, this is too incredible for anyone to hear. Why do you accept so calmly?" Not only that, but also the most beneficial response in the fastest time, most people Even if he can accept such weird things, he may not immediately come over to trade with him like Tang Yue.

"My feelings and reactions will not change the facts that have happened." Tang Yan pushed the coffee in front of Su Ye, his mouth raised, "add milk without sugar."

Su Ye raised an eyebrow.

Tang Xuan explained: "Last time at the shooting range, I think you should not like things that are too bitter, Ye Su."

Su Ye smiled, took the white porcelain coffee cup and took a sip. It was slightly bitter in the mellow fragrance, just right, he put down the coffee cup: "The reason why Simon can escape from the black and white pursuit for so many years, I think You shouldn't simply think that all this is based on his excellent talent, but as you and I know, everyone has his own weaknesses. Even if there are no weaknesses, there will be at least some interest. "

Forefinger knocked on the armrest of the chair, Su Ye looked at Tang Yan: "Simon is a Buddhist. He likes to collect some Buddhist items with history and story, the most favorite of which is the Buddhist beads."

"Hope you can use this to eliminate the crime you have committed?" Tang Yan chuckled. "The famous Simon D, who was once famous, will be afraid of going to hell."

"Is there enough buddha in Tang's hands to attract Simon's interest?" Su Ye asked.

"There are many beads in this world, but there is only one string that can attract Simon's attention." Tang Yan frowned a bit anxiously. "I know where it is, but that is not a problem that can be solved with money."

"There are always things that cannot be solved with money in this world." Su Bai glanced at Tang Yan.

"But there is nothing in this world that can never be solved, thank you Su Ye for your guidance." Tang Yan stood up from his seat. "Chen Yuan has noticed you, and the school is closed for school anyway. If Su Ye is If you do n’t hate it, you can stay with me first. "

"Looks like you already have a solution?"

"In the next two days, the entertainment company I cooperated with Chen Yuan will officially announce the reorganization and listing. There will be a private reception after the news conference. I hope Su Ye can show your respect." Tang Yan walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with his back facing Su Bai.


The place for the private reception was in this luxurious castle-like villa of Tang Yan himself. Most of the guests had already arrived, greeting each other in the spacious hall immediately after the entrance of the villa, talking about the strong background of this time. What kind of change will the appearance of Universe Entertainment bring to the entertainment industry today.

The handsome waiters carrying fine wine shuttled like a butterfly among the luxuriously dressed crowd. Su Yiyang took a glass of champagne and looked around anxiously, as if looking for someone, and occasionally saw several familiar entertainment stars holding it. The wine glass gathered in front of several well-known investors in City A, and then gave a cold sigh.

"Why are you unhappy? One of the two big bosses in Huanyu, one is Tang Yan who has delivered your villa, and the other is a powerful person who has heard from your Su family. It has something to do with both sides. You are so good. In the future, it will be the one brother Huanyu favors. "Lin Ming's family is next to Su Yiyang. He is also an artist in Huanyu Entertainment. Although he is not a recognized company like Su Yiyang, he can also be regarded as a prospective brother. Not as good as it looks.

Su Yiyang raised his glass and drank champagne. He is a proud man. In the glitzy entertainment circle, he will pay more and more attention to face. How can he tell others, besides having a one-night stand with Tang Yan? Besides Tang Tang usually doesn't care much about him at all. If you want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, you have to have a backing besides talent. There is no doubt that the biggest backers that Huanyu can rely on now are two big bosses.

One Tang Yan and one Chen Yuan, but neither Tang Yan nor Chen Yuan could see each other at all. The reception tonight would be an opportunity. Su Yiyang thought he was young and had capital, so he did n’t believe in the gift. There will be several men who can refuse.

"Yunsheng is here." Lin Ming's family looked at the door happily.

He heard the familiar name Su Yiyang and looked at him. It turned out that Liu Yunsheng hadn't met in a few months. Liu Yunsheng's father was a financial tycoon in city A. Su Yiyang also had a good time with Liu Yunsheng. Needed, but later Liu Yunsheng was unwilling to break up with him. Su Yiyang simply said that Liu Yunsheng was going to seduce his nasty brother. If he succeeded, he would reunite with Liu Yunsheng.

But it was just a joke. I did not expect that Liu Yunsheng took it seriously, but also cheated his stupid brother. Seeing that Liu Yunsheng was coming to his side, Su Yiyang was a bit complicated. Although he hated Su Mo, but later Su Mo jumped into the sea was not what he hoped to happen. Speaking of Su Yiyang, he had not seen Su Mo for months In addition to hearing that Su Mo gave the villa to Chunyan, he also heard that Su Mo was losing weight.

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