Ye Zi coldly stared at the boss of the Su family today, but the other side only glanced at him and stopped looking at him.

Chen Yuan personally took Su Ye upstairs, and Ye Ziwu followed him naturally, all the way to the hotel floor where he ate.

The entire floor was empty, apparently being taken down by Chen Yuanhua's big wallet. Chen Yuan pointed at Ye Ziwu and pointed towards a table on the floor closest to the elevator door, with a cold attitude: "Sergeant Ye, stay away. "

The eyes of the two men touched in the air, and an invisible knife and light sword flew around.

"Leaf, please wait for me here." He was hungry, not interested in watching the eyes of the juniors.

Su Ye spoke, and Ye Ziwu didn't say anything anymore. He chose a seat where he could see Su Ye and Chen Yuan eating and sat down.

"You will take Su Mo back later?" Chen Yuan asked.


Chen Yuan readily called the waiter: "Pour a glass of water for this gentleman." Then you can't drink.

Ye Ziwu has no objection.


In terms of attacking and employing people, Su Ye has always adhered to the words of Zhang Juzheng: "If you are happy when you are happy, you are happy when you are happy, but if you are in the same heart with you, you are not different from me."

To get a person's heart is better than what he likes, the worst thing Su Ye did was to think that Chen Yuan and he were in the same heart, thinking that Chen Yuan wanted his love like his father, brother, and teacher.

"Su Ye, go back with me."

As soon as he was seated, Chen Yuan opened his mouth.

Be gentle, direct confession at the prom. Later flower offensive, when Tang Yuan felt threatened, what Chen Yuan felt was no longer just threat, fear, a fear of losing Su Bai, a kind of being unable to stay The panic around Su Bai was like a giant devouring worm, devouring his heart every bite.

Su Ye took a sip of red wine and nodded, "It's my taste."

"Everything about Su Ye, Chen Yuan remembers."

Remember when Su Ye gets up every day, what time does he take a bath, what kind of weather do he like to go for a walk, what he likes to eat in summer, and never touch anything in winter ...

He all remembered, firmly in his heart, even clearer than Su Bai himself.

The white gloves on his hand had been removed when he saw Su Ye, holding a knife and fork in his hand, and Chen Yuan lowered his head and cut the steak carefully until they were all cut into neat pieces. I haven't cut it in front of Su Ye.

"You are one of my most proud students." Youyou sighed.

"Master ..." The knife and fork in his hand almost fell to the table, and Chen Yuan looked at Su Bai and kept looking.

He has become so accustomed to such hot eyes. In the three years that Lin Fan died, Chen Yuanwang became hotter and more arrogant towards his eyes. At that time, it was not that Chen Yuan had no other thoughts about himself. I just thought it was too ridiculous. A child raised by myself, at most, regarded himself as a father, how could he be a love among lovers.

Until Chen Yuan was sent to the island under house arrest in the name of convalescence, until Chen Yuan humbled and hugged him carefully for the first time, until Chen Yuan confessed to him indirectly at the rebirth party.

"Do you know I'm your grandfather?"

Su Bai's soft words fell into Chen Yuan's heart but it hurt more than a shot. He was a bit of a panic, and countless words wanted to be expressed, but in the end, he could only clumsyly say three words: "I love you."

I love you and have been deeply in love from the first day you were picked up on the street.

"Su Ye, I love you."

So, I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

"Love me?" Lengheng grinned indifferently, Su Ye looked at the man sitting opposite him lightly, "So betray me, put me under house arrest, force me? Chen Yuan, Su Bai is dead, died in an air crash There is no bones left, this is your love. "

Chen Yuan's face was pale, and the knife and fork in his hand finally fell down, hitting the plate with a crisp sound.

In the distance, Ye Ziwu glanced over vigilantly, seeing that Su Ye was still sitting well without calling for help, and then continued to hold his hands on his chest and continued to serve as a bodyguard.

"You really love me." He raised his glass with a smile. The scarlet wine was very bloody. He took a sip, and the remaining liquor stained a cruel red in the corner of his mouth.

In other words, Su Ye didn't need to say anything. He had already said too much when he was under house arrest by Chen Yuan. He had scolded, beaten, sad, and frustrated.

He put too much trust and energy on Chen Yuan, and he also had the deepest hope.

Not a sentence like "I love you" or "I'm sorry" can be easily erased. If it wasn't for his death and resurrection, he would sit here as Su Mo. To whom would Chen Yuan go today? A icy tombstone or an empty tomb where no bones can be found?

"Don't leave me, Lord Su, don't leave me." Chen Yuan stared straight at the man in front of him, his eyes full of humility and pleading.

"You betrayed me just to keep me from leaving you? Chen Yuan, you silly boy, why didn't you tell me you liked me in the first place?" Su Bai softened his tone slightly, he didn't see it in his eyes Too much blame.

"I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Fear that once I tell you, you don't want me."

A simple conversation with a question and answer, Kusama returned to a few years ago when he was Su Bai Su Ye, and he was still Chen Yuan under Su Ye.

Chen Yuan is not stupid, so he knows that when he can't help but torture and kill Lin Fan, Lord Su has a little more distraction, and knows that Lord Su will give up on him without hesitation once he knows that he has a strange love for him.

When Su Bai began to weaken his power step by step three years ago, Chen Yuan could only face two choices. One was to let Su Ye strip his power from him and then he was abandoned by Su Bai. The other was to use it for several years. The accumulated power completely pulled Su Ye off the throne.

He just wanted to be with Su Ye all the time, so simple and straightforward.

"I've never loved someone in my life. If you tell me earlier, maybe there isn't all this today, maybe we can have another life."

With hinting words, Chen Yuan was completely stuck in place, an unexplainable sourness, grievance, and regret were woven into a huge python tightly bound to him, and the more he tightened, the sooner he got his chest. Explosion, almost unable to breathe.

Two lines of tears fell silently along the corner of Chen Yuan's eyes.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Please, please love me, just a little, a little is enough." Looking straight at the other person.

"You can let me do anything, love me, OK? Grandpa Su, I can do everything you want me to do." No matter how dangerous the character is also a flesh and blood person, Chen Yuan choked a little.

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